For each positive integer n, let Fn
be a free group of rank n with basis (in other words, free generating set)
{x1, …, xn} . If θ is
an automorphism of Fn then
{x1θ, …, xnθ} is also a
basis of Fn and every basis of Fn
has this form.
For any variety of groups [Vfr ], let [Vfr ](Fn) denote the
verbal subgroup of Fn corresponding
to [Vfr ]. (See [10] for information on varieties and related concepts.) Let
Gn =
Fn/[Vfr ](Fn). Then
Gn is a relatively free group of rank n in the variety
[Vfr ]. By a basis of Gn we mean a subset S such that
every map of S into Gn extends, uniquely,
to an endomorphism of Gn. Write
x¯i =
xi[Vfr ](Fn) for
i = 1, …, n. Then
{x¯1, …, x¯n}
is a basis of Gn. If λ is an automorphism of
Gn then
{x¯1λ, …, x¯nλ}
is also a basis of Gn and every basis of
Gn has this form.
Any automorphism θ of Fn induces an automorphism
θ of Gn in which
x¯iθ =
(xiθ)[Vfr ](Fn) for
i = 1, …, n. Thus every basis of Fn
induces a basis of Gn. The converse however is not always true;
in general, there are automorphisms of Gn which are not
induced by automorphisms of Fn.