Distinct differences were observed in postdiapause development and prolonged diapause of the larch sawfly, Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig), obtained from the vicinity of Tazin River, Northwest Territories; near Riverton, Manitoba; and near Renovo, Pennsylvania. All populations had been reared under controlled laboratory conditions (21°±0.5 °C, 50±10% relative humidity, and a 15-hr daily photophase) for two or more generations.
After 280 days cold treatment at 3°±1 °C, cocoons were dissected and the number of pronymphs and eonymphs was determined. Insects from each population were then reared at 5°, 10°, and 15 °C. Times to adult emergence, duration of individual stages, and numbers remaining in prolonged diapause at each temperature were determined.
The most significant differences occurred among populations reared at 5 °C. At this temperature, the times to adult emergence and the duration of individual stages of development and the proportions remaining in prolonged diapause or arrested development, increased from northern to southern latitudes. Less significant population differences were noted at 10° and 15° than at 5 °C.