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Publication process after acceptance


Once an article has been accepted, the process of copyediting, proofing, typesetting and publishing the article will begin. Authors will be asked to ensure all final files are submitted to ScholarOne before the article can be sent to Cambridge University Press for production.

Your point of contact with Cambridge University Press will be the content manager of the journal. For more information about how production works at Cambridge University Press, please see our information on publishing an accepted paper, which explains how an article goes from accepted manuscript to fully published. There may be small differences between journals with this process. You can also check our Journal Production FAQs.

If you have a specific question about Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM) production process please contact the Content Manager, at

Once your article has been accepted, but before it can proceed into production, we need a signed licence to publish form. Further information about this may be found in the publishing agreement page.

Funding open access

Multiple funding routes are available for Gold Open Access articles. Please see this journal's open access options for details.

Final Files

After your paper is accepted by the Associate Editor, you will be contacted by the Editorial Office through ScholarOne requesting that you submit your final files and with instructions for how to do so. The files required are outlined below, for more information on file types please see the preparing your materials page:

  • The final PDF or word version of the paper, designated as a ‘Main Document’
  • Any source files which must be designated as ‘Production Files’ and uploaded as a single .zip or .tar file
  • A Graphical Abstract
  • Any movies or other supplementary material files
  • JFM Notebooks final files instructions will be emailed separately

Once we have received the production files, we will then send you an email with details of how to complete the author agreement form online (see the the publishing agreement page).

Proofing process

After the receipt of final files your paper will be sent to Cambridge University Press for copyediting and typesetting and will be assigned a digital object identifier (DOI). When the proof is ready, authors will receive an email alert containing a link to the PDF of the proof, and instructions for its correction and return. It is imperative that authors check their proofs closely, particularly the equations and figures, which should be checked against the accepted file, as the production schedule does not allow for corrections at a later stage.

Online Publication

Once ready, papers will be published online on Cambridge Core in the current ‘open’ volume. Each volume will be kept open for approximately two weeks. Note that the PDF published online is the Version of Record and no further alterations/corrections to this document will be allowed. The corresponding author is emailed a link to the published article when it is published online; they will also receive a code which will provide perpetual access in both HTML and PDF formats.

Please note that JFM is online-only and no longer publishes printed issues (for more information see this Editorial).


Changes cannot be made to articles once published. Any changes must be made via the standard process of issuing a correction notice. Please contact the Editorial Office and Content Manager for the journal if any error has been identified. The final decision on whether a correction notice should be published will be taken by the Publisher in consultation with the Editorial Team. For more information please refer to our FAQs and our corrections, retractions and expressions of concern policies on the publishing ethics page.