The initial value problem for the motion of an intense, quasi-geostrophic,
equivalent-barotropic, singular vortex near an infinitely long escarpment
is studied in three
parts. First, for times small compared to the topographic wave timescale
the motion
of the vortex is analysed by deriving an expression for the secondary circulation
caused by the advection of fluid columns across the escarpment. The secondary
circulation, in turn, advects the primary vortex and integral expressions
are found
for its velocity components. Analytical expressions in terms of integrals
are found
for the vortex drift velocity components. It is found that, initially,
cyclones propagate
away from the deep water region and anticyclones propagate away from the
water region. Asymptotic evaluation of the integrals shows that both cyclones
anticyclones eventually propagate parallel to the escarpment with shallow
water on
their right at a steady speed which decays exponentially with distance
from the
escarpment. Secondly, it is shown that for times comparable to, and larger
than, the
wave timescale, the vortex always resonates with the topographic wave field.
The flux
of energy in the topographic waves leads to a loss of energy in the vortex
and global
energy and momentum arguments are used to derive an equation for the distance
equivalently, the vortex velocity) of the vortex from the escarpment. It
is shown that
cyclones, provided they are initially within an O(1) distance
(here a unit of distance is
dimensionally equivalent to one Rossby radius of deformation) from the
drift further away from the deep water (i.e. toward higher ambient potential
possibly crossing the escarpment and accumulate at a distance of ≈1.2
on the shallow
side of the escarpment. For distances larger than 1.2 there is essentially
no drift of
the vortex perpendicular to the escarpment. Anticyclones display similar
except they drift in the opposite direction, i.e. away from the shallow
water or toward
lower ambient potential vorticity. Third, the method of contour dynamics
is used to
describe the evolution of the vortex and the interface representing the
initial potential
vorticity jump between the shallow and deep water regions. The contour
results are in good quantitative agreement with the analytical results.