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Journal-level metrics

Impact metrics are not currently available for this journal.

Publishing statistics

We will soon be providing annual statistics about this journal's publishing activity. Please check back later.

Article counts

The table below displays information about the number of articles published in this journal in 2022. For further details of how articles are counted, please see this page.

Published articles
Total number of articles last year 273 (provisional data)
Number of OA articles last year 15 (provisional data)
Number of articles last year supported by subscription revenue 258 (provisional data)

Please note: The article counts in this table account for all published items, including book reviews, editorials, and other “non-research” material. The numbers have been automatically calculated for all Cambridge journals in order to provide standard data about our publishing activities; they should not be taken as a proxy measure for a journal’s quality and selectivity. Authors and readers are advised to look through the contents of recent volumes in order to best understand the journal’s typical scale and use of distinct article types.