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Open Science Badges

In line with recent trends in language science research, Studies in Second Language Acquisition will participate in the awarding of badges based on the work in Open Science. Following is a list of the types of badges that an SSLA author can earn and have included with an article at the time of publication.

Open Data Badge.  This badge is awarded to researchers who share their data publicly so that it can be accessed for replication purposes. Data must be shared publicly with open access (e.g., a university repository or a database on the Registry of Research Data Repositories, A codebook or metadata must be included to provide enough information for other researchers to reproduce the analyses and results and the data must have an open license.

Open Materials Badge.  This badge is awarded to researchers who share their materials publicly so they can be used to replicate research procedures and analyses. These materials should be shared on an open-access repository such as the IRIS Digital Repository of Data Collection Materials ( and be accompanied by an explanation of how the materials relate to a given methodology.

Preregistration Badge.

It is not necessary to apply for open science badges in order to publish in Studies in Second Language Acquisition. These badges, however, are incentive for researchers to participate in open communication by sharing evidence for their findings and thereby facilitating replication, critique, extension and application.

See below for example articles receiving one or more Open Science Badges.

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Methods Forum

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