Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of contributors
- List of abbreviations
- Introduction and Notes on How to Use This Work
- Acknowledgments
- Chronology
- Descartes' Life and Works
- Annotated Bibliography
- Abstraction versus Exclusion
- Analogy
- Analysis versus Synthesis
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Angel
- Animal
- Animal Spirits
- Aquinas, Thomas (ca.1225–1274)
- Arnauld, Antoine (1612–1694)
- Astell, Mary (1666–1731)
- Atom
- Attribute
- Augustine, Aurelius (354–430)
- Automaton
- Bacon, Francis (1561–1626)
- Baillet, Adrien (1649–1706)
- Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de (1595–1654)
- Basso, Sebastian (SÉBASTIEN BASSON) (dates unknown)
- Bayle, François (1622–1709)
- Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706)
- Beaugrand, Jean de (1595–1640)
- Beeckman, Isaac (1588–1637)
- Being, Formal versus Objective
- Bérulle, Pierre de (1575–1629)
- Beverwijck, Johan Van (1594–1647)
- Body
- Body, Proof of the Existence of
- Bourdin, Pierre (1595–1653)
- Boyle, Robert (1627–1691)
- Brasset, Henri (1595–after 1657)
- Brégy, Nicolas Léonor Flesselles de (ca.1615–1689)
- Buitendyck (dates unknown)
- Burman, Frans (Franciscus) (1628–1679)
- Calvinism
- Carcavi, Pierre de (ca.1600–1684)
- Cartesianism
- Caterus, Johannes (Johan Kater or de Kater) (ca.1590–1655)
- Cause
- Cavendish, Margaret (Duchess of Newcastle) (1623–1673)
- Cavendish, William (Marquess of Newcastle) (1592–1676)
- Certainty
- Chanut, Hector-Pierre (1601–1662)
- Charlet, Étienne (1570–1652)
- Charleton, Walter (1619–1707)
- Charron, Pierre (1541–1603)
- Christina, Queen of Sweden (1626–1689)
- Circle, Cartesian
- Clarity and Distinctness
- Clauberg, Johannes (1622–1665)
- Clavius, Christopher (1538–1612)
- Clerselier, Claude (1614–1684)
- Cogito Ergo Sum
- Colvius, Andreas (1594–1671)
- Comments on a Certain Broadsheet
- Common Notion
- Common Sense
- Compendium of Music
- Concurrence versus Conservation, Divine
- Conimbricenses (COIMBRANS)
- Conservation of Motion, Principle of
- Containment, Eminent versus Formal
- Conversation with Burman
- Conway, Anne (1630?-1679)
- Cordemoy, Géraud de (1626–1684)
- Correspondence
- Cosmological Argument
- Cosmology
- Cudworth, Ralph (1617–1688)
- Daniel, Gabriel (1649–1728)
- Debeaune (de Beaune), Florimond (1601–1652)
- Deduction
- Definition
- Desargues, Girard (1591–1661)
- Description of the Human Body
- Desgabets, Robert (1610–1678)
- Digby, Kenelm (1603–1665)
- Dinet, Jacques (1584–1653)
- Dioptrics
- Discourse on Method
- Distinction (Real, Modal, and Rational)
- Divisibility
- Doubt
- Dreams, Descartes’ Three
- Du Hamel (or Duhamel), Jean (?–1705)
- Dualism
- Earth, Motion of the
- Element
- Elisabeth, Princess of Bohemia (1618–1680)
- Enumeration
- Error, Theodicies of
- Essence
- Eternal Truth
- Eustachius a Sancto Paulo (Eustache Asseline) (1573–1640)
- Existence
- Experiment
- Explanation
- Extension
- Extrinsic Denomination
- Faculty
- Faith, Religious
- Falsity, Material
- Fermat, Pierre de (1607–1665)
- Fonseca, Pedro da (1528–1599)
- Force and Determination
- Form, Substantial
- Foucher, Simon (1644–1696)
- Free Will
- Freinshemius (Johannes Freinsheim) (1608–1660)
- Fromondus, Libertus (Libert Froidment) (1587–1653)
- Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642)
- Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655)
- Geometrical Exposition
- Geometry
- Geometry
- Geulincx, Arnold (1624–1669)
- Gibieuf, Guillaume (1583–1650)
- God
- Golius, Jacob (1596–1667)
- Grandamy, Jacques (1588–1672)
- Gravity
- Habit
- Happiness
- Harvey, William (1578–1657)
- Heart
- Heereboord, Adriaan (1613–1661)
- Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679)
- Hogelande, Cornelis Van (ca.1590–1662)
- Holenmerism (Holenmerianism)
- Huet, Pierre-Daniel (1630–1721)
- Human Being
- Huygens, Christiaan (1629–1695)
- Huygens, Constantijn (1596–1687)
- Hydrostatics
- Hyperaspistes
- Idea
- Imagination
- Individuation
- Inertia
- Infinite versus Indefinite
- Intellect
- Jansenism
- Jesuit
- Judgment
- Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630)
- Knowledge (Scientia)
- La Forge, Louis de (1632–1666)
- La Grange, Jean-Baptiste de (ca.1641 – after 1680)
- Lamy, Bernard (1640-1715)
- Lamy, François (1636–1711)
- Language
- Law of Nature
- Le Bossu, René (1631–1680)
- Le Grand, Antoine (1629–1699)
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716)
- Light
- Locke, John (1632–1704)
- Luynes, Duc de (Louis-Charles d'Albert) (1620–1690)
- Machine
- Magnetism
- Malebranche, Nicolas (1638–1715)
- Mathematics
- Mathesis Universalis
- Mechanics
- Medicine
- Meditations on First Philosophy
- Memory
- Mersenne, Marin (1588–1648)
- Mesland, Denis (1615–1672)
- Metaphysics
- Meteors
- Method
- Meyssonnier, Lazare (1611–1673)
- Mind
- Mode
- More, Henry (1614–1687)
- Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583–1656)
- Motion
- Mydorge, Claude (1585–1647)
- Native Intelligence (Ingenium)
- Nature
- Newton, Isaac (1642–1727)
- Noël, Étienne (1581–1659)
- Objections and Replies
- Ontological Argument
- Optics
- Oratorian
- Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662)
- Passion
- Passions of the Soul
- Pelagianism
- Perception
- Person
- Petau, Denis (1583–1652)
- Philosophy
- Physico-Mathematics
- Physics
- Picot, Claude (1601–1668)
- Pineal Gland
- Place, External versus Internal
- Plempius (Plemp), Vopiscus Fortunatus (1601–1671)
- Plenum
- Poisson, Nicolas-Joseph (1637–1710)
- Pollot, Alphonse (ca.1602–1668)
- Prejudice
- Primitive Notion
- Principles of Philosophy
- Private Thoughts
- Quality, Real
- Quality, Sensible
- Quantity
- Rainbow
- Rarefaction and Condensation
- Reason
- Régis, Pierre-Sylvain (1632–1707)
- Regius, Henricus (Hendrik de Roy) (1598–1679)
- Reneri, Henricus (Henri Regnier) (1593–1639)
- Representation
- Roberval, Gilles Personne de (1602–1675)
- Rohault, Jacques (1618–1672)
- Rosicrucian
- Rubius, Antonius (Rubio, Antonio) (1548–1615)
- Rules for the Direction of the Mind
- Scholasticism
- Schoock, Martinus (1614–1669)
- Scotus, John Duns (1265?–1308)
- Search for Truth by the Natural Light
- Sensation
- Shape
- Silhon, Jean de (1596–1667)
- Simple Nature
- Soul, Immortality of the
- Species, Intentional
- Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) (1632–1677)
- The Stampioen Affair
- Suárez, Francisco (1548–1617)
- Substance
- Subtle Matter
- Syllogism
- Thought
- Time
- Toletus, Franciscus (Francisco de Toledo) (1532–1596)
- Transubstantiation
- Treatise on Man
- True and Immutable Nature
- Truth
- Universal
- Vacuum
- Vanini, Giulio Cesare (1585–1619)
- Vatier, Antoine (1591–1659)
- Villebressieu (Ville-Bressieu, or Ville-Bressieux), Étienne de (ca. 1607–1674)
- Virtue
- Voetius, Gysbertus (1589–1676)
- Vorstius, Adolph (1597–1663)
- Vortex
- Wax
- The World (or Treatise on Light)
- Index
- References
Charleton, Walter (1619–1707)
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 January 2016
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of contributors
- List of abbreviations
- Introduction and Notes on How to Use This Work
- Acknowledgments
- Chronology
- Descartes' Life and Works
- Annotated Bibliography
- Abstraction versus Exclusion
- Analogy
- Analysis versus Synthesis
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Angel
- Animal
- Animal Spirits
- Aquinas, Thomas (ca.1225–1274)
- Arnauld, Antoine (1612–1694)
- Astell, Mary (1666–1731)
- Atom
- Attribute
- Augustine, Aurelius (354–430)
- Automaton
- Bacon, Francis (1561–1626)
- Baillet, Adrien (1649–1706)
- Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de (1595–1654)
- Basso, Sebastian (SÉBASTIEN BASSON) (dates unknown)
- Bayle, François (1622–1709)
- Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706)
- Beaugrand, Jean de (1595–1640)
- Beeckman, Isaac (1588–1637)
- Being, Formal versus Objective
- Bérulle, Pierre de (1575–1629)
- Beverwijck, Johan Van (1594–1647)
- Body
- Body, Proof of the Existence of
- Bourdin, Pierre (1595–1653)
- Boyle, Robert (1627–1691)
- Brasset, Henri (1595–after 1657)
- Brégy, Nicolas Léonor Flesselles de (ca.1615–1689)
- Buitendyck (dates unknown)
- Burman, Frans (Franciscus) (1628–1679)
- Calvinism
- Carcavi, Pierre de (ca.1600–1684)
- Cartesianism
- Caterus, Johannes (Johan Kater or de Kater) (ca.1590–1655)
- Cause
- Cavendish, Margaret (Duchess of Newcastle) (1623–1673)
- Cavendish, William (Marquess of Newcastle) (1592–1676)
- Certainty
- Chanut, Hector-Pierre (1601–1662)
- Charlet, Étienne (1570–1652)
- Charleton, Walter (1619–1707)
- Charron, Pierre (1541–1603)
- Christina, Queen of Sweden (1626–1689)
- Circle, Cartesian
- Clarity and Distinctness
- Clauberg, Johannes (1622–1665)
- Clavius, Christopher (1538–1612)
- Clerselier, Claude (1614–1684)
- Cogito Ergo Sum
- Colvius, Andreas (1594–1671)
- Comments on a Certain Broadsheet
- Common Notion
- Common Sense
- Compendium of Music
- Concurrence versus Conservation, Divine
- Conimbricenses (COIMBRANS)
- Conservation of Motion, Principle of
- Containment, Eminent versus Formal
- Conversation with Burman
- Conway, Anne (1630?-1679)
- Cordemoy, Géraud de (1626–1684)
- Correspondence
- Cosmological Argument
- Cosmology
- Cudworth, Ralph (1617–1688)
- Daniel, Gabriel (1649–1728)
- Debeaune (de Beaune), Florimond (1601–1652)
- Deduction
- Definition
- Desargues, Girard (1591–1661)
- Description of the Human Body
- Desgabets, Robert (1610–1678)
- Digby, Kenelm (1603–1665)
- Dinet, Jacques (1584–1653)
- Dioptrics
- Discourse on Method
- Distinction (Real, Modal, and Rational)
- Divisibility
- Doubt
- Dreams, Descartes’ Three
- Du Hamel (or Duhamel), Jean (?–1705)
- Dualism
- Earth, Motion of the
- Element
- Elisabeth, Princess of Bohemia (1618–1680)
- Enumeration
- Error, Theodicies of
- Essence
- Eternal Truth
- Eustachius a Sancto Paulo (Eustache Asseline) (1573–1640)
- Existence
- Experiment
- Explanation
- Extension
- Extrinsic Denomination
- Faculty
- Faith, Religious
- Falsity, Material
- Fermat, Pierre de (1607–1665)
- Fonseca, Pedro da (1528–1599)
- Force and Determination
- Form, Substantial
- Foucher, Simon (1644–1696)
- Free Will
- Freinshemius (Johannes Freinsheim) (1608–1660)
- Fromondus, Libertus (Libert Froidment) (1587–1653)
- Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642)
- Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655)
- Geometrical Exposition
- Geometry
- Geometry
- Geulincx, Arnold (1624–1669)
- Gibieuf, Guillaume (1583–1650)
- God
- Golius, Jacob (1596–1667)
- Grandamy, Jacques (1588–1672)
- Gravity
- Habit
- Happiness
- Harvey, William (1578–1657)
- Heart
- Heereboord, Adriaan (1613–1661)
- Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679)
- Hogelande, Cornelis Van (ca.1590–1662)
- Holenmerism (Holenmerianism)
- Huet, Pierre-Daniel (1630–1721)
- Human Being
- Huygens, Christiaan (1629–1695)
- Huygens, Constantijn (1596–1687)
- Hydrostatics
- Hyperaspistes
- Idea
- Imagination
- Individuation
- Inertia
- Infinite versus Indefinite
- Intellect
- Jansenism
- Jesuit
- Judgment
- Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630)
- Knowledge (Scientia)
- La Forge, Louis de (1632–1666)
- La Grange, Jean-Baptiste de (ca.1641 – after 1680)
- Lamy, Bernard (1640-1715)
- Lamy, François (1636–1711)
- Language
- Law of Nature
- Le Bossu, René (1631–1680)
- Le Grand, Antoine (1629–1699)
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716)
- Light
- Locke, John (1632–1704)
- Luynes, Duc de (Louis-Charles d'Albert) (1620–1690)
- Machine
- Magnetism
- Malebranche, Nicolas (1638–1715)
- Mathematics
- Mathesis Universalis
- Mechanics
- Medicine
- Meditations on First Philosophy
- Memory
- Mersenne, Marin (1588–1648)
- Mesland, Denis (1615–1672)
- Metaphysics
- Meteors
- Method
- Meyssonnier, Lazare (1611–1673)
- Mind
- Mode
- More, Henry (1614–1687)
- Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583–1656)
- Motion
- Mydorge, Claude (1585–1647)
- Native Intelligence (Ingenium)
- Nature
- Newton, Isaac (1642–1727)
- Noël, Étienne (1581–1659)
- Objections and Replies
- Ontological Argument
- Optics
- Oratorian
- Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662)
- Passion
- Passions of the Soul
- Pelagianism
- Perception
- Person
- Petau, Denis (1583–1652)
- Philosophy
- Physico-Mathematics
- Physics
- Picot, Claude (1601–1668)
- Pineal Gland
- Place, External versus Internal
- Plempius (Plemp), Vopiscus Fortunatus (1601–1671)
- Plenum
- Poisson, Nicolas-Joseph (1637–1710)
- Pollot, Alphonse (ca.1602–1668)
- Prejudice
- Primitive Notion
- Principles of Philosophy
- Private Thoughts
- Quality, Real
- Quality, Sensible
- Quantity
- Rainbow
- Rarefaction and Condensation
- Reason
- Régis, Pierre-Sylvain (1632–1707)
- Regius, Henricus (Hendrik de Roy) (1598–1679)
- Reneri, Henricus (Henri Regnier) (1593–1639)
- Representation
- Roberval, Gilles Personne de (1602–1675)
- Rohault, Jacques (1618–1672)
- Rosicrucian
- Rubius, Antonius (Rubio, Antonio) (1548–1615)
- Rules for the Direction of the Mind
- Scholasticism
- Schoock, Martinus (1614–1669)
- Scotus, John Duns (1265?–1308)
- Search for Truth by the Natural Light
- Sensation
- Shape
- Silhon, Jean de (1596–1667)
- Simple Nature
- Soul, Immortality of the
- Species, Intentional
- Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) (1632–1677)
- The Stampioen Affair
- Suárez, Francisco (1548–1617)
- Substance
- Subtle Matter
- Syllogism
- Thought
- Time
- Toletus, Franciscus (Francisco de Toledo) (1532–1596)
- Transubstantiation
- Treatise on Man
- True and Immutable Nature
- Truth
- Universal
- Vacuum
- Vanini, Giulio Cesare (1585–1619)
- Vatier, Antoine (1591–1659)
- Villebressieu (Ville-Bressieu, or Ville-Bressieux), Étienne de (ca. 1607–1674)
- Virtue
- Voetius, Gysbertus (1589–1676)
- Vorstius, Adolph (1597–1663)
- Vortex
- Wax
- The World (or Treatise on Light)
- Index
- References
Born February 2, 1619, in Somerset, Charleton was a fellow of the Royal Society and served as physician to Charles I and Charles II. His philosophical reputation derives mainly from translation and popularization: his A Ternary of Paradoxes “Englishes” Jean-Baptiste Van Helmont, and his Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charletoniana translates parts of Gassendi's Animadversiones. Charleton is sometimes called an English Gassendist, although he disclaimed the label, counting himself among the “sect of electors” or eclectics (Physiologia And despite his close association with Hobbes and Margaret Cavendish, he was heavily influenced by Descartes as well. His Darkness of Atheism uses Descartes’ argument for the real distinction between mind and body (Darkness 1.2) and Descartes’ cosmological argument for the existence of God (Darkness 1.1) in the Third Meditation as well as Epicurean material. The later Immortality moves further from Gassendism to Cartesianism: for example, “Des Cartes hath irrefutably demonstrated, that the Knowledge we have of the existence of the Supreme Being, and of our own Souls, is not only Proleptical and Innate in the Mind of man, but also more certain, clear, and distinct, than the Knowledge of any Corporeal Nature whatever” (Immortality 119). He also wrote numerous medical works.
See also Cavendish, Margaret; Cosmological Argument; Dualism; Gassendi, Pierre; Hobbes, Thomas
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon , pp. 105 - 106Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2015