[P452] Thursday January 8 1684[/5]. Sir Harbottle Grimston Master of the Rolls, that great and good man, dyed about 4 a clock on Friday morning January 2nd 1684[/5].
John Maynard Rawlinson dyed about 4 a clock in the morning upon Saturday the third of January 1684[/5].
Sir John Churchill, Mr. Attorney Generall, the Earle of Danby, Mr. Speaker Seymore and some others are commonly talked of as likely to succeed the Master of the Rolls.
Thursday January 15 1684[/5]. Sir John Churchill is Master of the Rolls.
The Earle of Scarsdale is Lord Lieutennant of Derbyshire.
Mr. Bartholemew Burmuden was taken into Custody by a Messenger about a weeke since and was examined by Mr. Roger L'Strang 2 or 3 dayes since.
A woman charged him with receiving some of the scandalous and seditious pamphlets about the Earle of Essexes death from her that were sent to him by Colonel Danvars (who it is said has received or disperces, or rather made one of those scandalous pamphlets, and therefore is fled) Burmuden denyed it, he is out upon his own Bayle for 1000l and 2 sureties 500l a piece
One Mr. Ellis a Woollen Draper about Canon Street was apprehended by a Messenger lately, and one of the same scandalous pamphlits was found in his house, And a scandalous letter from Mr. Willmore from beyond seas about the said scandalous pamphlets. It appeares severall of them were sent over hither, and by such a Vessell.
Sir Ellis Layton being come in, the latter end of the last weeke to dine with Sir John Coplestone, dyed very sudanly just before he was ready to sit down to dinner.
Mr. Gwin, Clark of the Counsell goes Secretary to my Lord of Rochester, instead of Sir William Trumball.
Mrs Ayloffe (daughter to Mr. Ayloffe whose estate was begged for lunacy) a young Gentlewoman about 16 yeares old, and to have been marryed within 3 or 4 dayes, cutt her own throat with a knife in her chamber in German Street, there was no cause nor temptation evident.