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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 0079-497X (Print), 2050-2729 (Online)
- Editor: Dr Julie Gardiner The Prehistoric Society
- Editorial board
The Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (PPS) bring the latest results of research into prehistory to a worldwide audience. Global in scope and ranging in time from the earliest traces of human activity to the advent of written history, the Proceedings offer an authoritative yet accessible account of our distant past.
The predecessor to PPS, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia (published between 1911 and 1934), is available on a separate page. Click here to access this.
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Cambridge Archaeology Blogs
The je ne sais quoi of American Antiquity
- 27 September 2024,
- After much work by the American Antiquity (AAQ) Editorial Advisory Board, a revised description and vision of American Antiquity has been drafted for the website...
Using the illustrative process to reconstruct ceramic design
- 10 September 2024,
- Following my participation in an extensive illustration project in 2001 of precontact decorated ceramics from the Hohokam site of Snaketown that were curated...
Unexpected past customs at Paquimé, Mexico, uncovered by ancient DNA
- 19 August 2024,
- Have you taken a direct-to-consumer ancestry test and had an unexpected or shocking result? Perhaps your ancestors were from a different part of the globe than...