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Review process

This journal uses a double-anonymous model of peer review. Neither author nor reviewers know the identity of each other. 

The Review Process

Manuscripts initially are assigned to the Editors and screened as explained on the Preparing your materials page. If these criteria are met, manuscripts are reviewed by at least two qualified reviewers with documented expertise. When reviews are returned, the Editors consider reviewers' comments, independently evaluate the manuscript, and make an editorial decision to reject, request a revision with the stipulation of further peer review, request a revision subject to review by the Editors, or accept as is. Authors receive copies of (anonymous) reviewers' comments. Reviewers may be informed of the final disposition of the article. Although feedback will usually be provided to authors, the Editors reserve the right to reject a manuscript for publication without providing a rationale for the decision. Final decisions regarding acceptance of a manuscript will be made by the Editors.


To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the Editors-in-Chief and specify the reason for your appeal.