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Volume 34 - Fall 2023

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Special Section: Archaeology and landscape in Northern Michoacán: Revisiting the Zacapu Malpaís archaeology from a LIDAR perspective

Research Article

Special Section: Archaeology and landscape in Northern Michoacán: Revisiting the Zacapu Malpaís archaeology from a LIDAR perspective

Research Article

Special Section: Archaeology and landscape in Northern Michoacán: Revisiting the Zacapu Malpaís archaeology from a LIDAR perspective

Special Section: The Practice of Maya Warfare

Research Article

Special Section: Archaeology and landscape in Northern Michoacán: Revisiting the Zacapu Malpaís archaeology from a LIDAR perspective

Special Section: Archaeology in Chichen Itza

Special Section: The Practice of Maya Warfare

Special Section: Archaeology and landscape in Northern Michoacán: Revisiting the Zacapu Malpaís archaeology from a LIDAR perspective

Special Section: Archaeology in Chichen Itza

Special Section: The Practice of Maya Warfare


Special Section: Archaeology in Chichen Itza

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