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Submitting your materials

Authors should only submit their manuscript after following the detailed instructions on how to prepare their paper found here.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts must be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief at

In submitting papers to the AJLM, authors should observe the following:

  • Manuscripts should focus on an area of health law.
  • Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word.
  • Text should be double-spaced throughout (including notes, references, and quoted material).
  • Manuscripts should aim for 20,000 words but longer or shorter pieces will be considered.

Please include a cover page that states

  • The full title of the manscript.
  • Name(s) of author(s). If there is more than one author, please indicate who the corresponding author is.
  • For the corresponding author: full postal address, telephone number (including work, home and cellphone numbers), email address, and your preference for communication.
  • An abstract (of no more than 200 words), succinctly summarizing the content of the manuscript, should accompany the manuscript on a separate page.
  • Please include 3 to 6 keywords to be published with your paper. 
  • The author’s curriculum vitae should also be supplied.

Please direct inquiries to:

765 Commonwealth Avenue,
Boston University School of Law,
Suite 1672,
Massachusetts 02215.


On receipt of a manuscript, the editors will send a letter of acknowledgment . Authors will be notified of manuscript decisions within one to three months of receipt, depending on the length of the manuscript.

Review Process

After initial review by the editorial office suitable manuscripts will undergo a process of double-blind peer review.