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Acta Numerica
  • ISSN: 0962-4929 (Print), 1474-0508 (Online)
  • Frequency: 1 volume per year
Acta Numerica is the top-ranked mathematics journal as measured by both Impact Factor and by MCQ. Its annual collection of review articles includes survey papers by leading researchers in numerical analysis, scientific computing and computational mathematics. The papers present overviews of recent advances and provide state-of-the-art techniques and analysis. Covering the breadth of numerical analysis, articles are written in a style accessible to researchers at all levels and can serve as advanced teaching aids. Broad subject areas for inclusion are computational methods in linear algebra, optimization, ordinary and partial differential equations, approximation theory, stochastic analysis and nonlinear dynamical systems, as well as the application of computational techniques in science and engineering and the mathematical theory underlying numerical methods.