Africanus, Sextus Julius, 96
Alexander of Alexandria, ,
Anderson, Elizabeth, 225
Antiochus, jurist, 257
Antoninus Pius, emperor, 41
Apollodorus, jurist, 258
Aquilia, translator, 210
Arcadius, emperor, 12
argument, overview of,
Arian controversy, 19,
Arles, council of, 66
Asellus, Flavius Eugenius, 193
Athanasius of Alexandria, 50, 139
Concerning the Councils, 120
Concerning the Synods, 83
Letters to Serapion, 80
Augustine of Hippo, 2, 89, 195
Against the Letter of Parmenian, 248
City of God, 19
On Adulterous Marriages, 19
Questions on the Heptateuch, 248
Axum, Kingdom of, 73
Babyolonian Talmud, 169
Bakhouche, Beatrice, 107
Basil of Seleucia, 212
Bassanelli Sommariva, Gisella, 253
Berkovitz, AJ, 56
Brandes, Yehudah, 219
Brenk, Beat, 2
Brock, Sebastian, 162
Brown, Peter, 1
Calcidius, Commentary on Timaeus, 248
Caseau, Béatrice, 250
catenae, 169
Catholic Christianity, legal definition, 146
Celestine I, pope, 258
Churchill, Winston, 145
Amiatinus, 135
Hermogenianus, 255
power of, 136
Puteanus, 191
Quedlinburg Itala,
scriptural, 133
Vatican Vergil, 176,
Veronensis (bible), 161
codification, 127
Collectio Avellana, 120
Collectio Novariensis, 120
Commodus, emperor, 238
Constantine, emperor, 130, 139, 147, 164, 170, 185, 226, 231, 235, 243
Council of Nicaea,
letters of,
Constantinople, Council of (449), 136
Constitution concerning constitutionaries, 207
Council of Aquielia (381), 201
Council of Carthage (411),
Council of Hippo (393), 134
Council of Laodicea (ca. 365), 135
Cuicul, 196
culture, definition of, 6
Cyprian of Carthage, Letters, 189
De Certeau, Michel, 200
De Giovanni, Lucio, 250
Den Hengst, Daniël, 117
Dimant, Devorah, 61
Dionysius of Alexandria, 77
Dionysus the Areopagite, 60
Dioscorus, bishop, 258
Gamble, Harry, 139
Gemara, 169
Gennadius of Massila, On Eminent Men, 172
Gesta Senatus, ,
Ginzburg, Carlo, 6
Gordon, Arthur E., 175
Gospel according to Mark, 138
Gospel of the Egyptians, 59
Gospel of Truth, , 226
Grafton, Anthony, 135
Gratian, emperor, 12,
Gregory of Nazianzus, 15
Gregory of Nyssa, 247
Gvaryahu, Amit, 223
Harries, Jill, 242
Hartmut, Abbot of St. Gall, 150
Hegesippus, chronicler, 96
Hidary, Richard, 220
Hippolytus of Rome, 248
Hoh, Josef, 43
Honoré, Tony, 242
Honorius, emperor, 250
Howley, Joseph, 105
Jacob bar Idi, rabbi, 219
Jerome of Stridon, 105, 166, 195, 216
Book of Hebrew Questions on Genesis, 209
Commentary on Galatians, 249
Commentary on Isaiah, 92
Commentary on Jeremiah, 92
on paratextual markup, 160
Preface to the Gospels, 211
Johanan, rabbi, 219
John Cassian, Conlationes, 249
Johnson, Scott, 88
Josephus, 210
Judah, rabbi, 219
Judge, Edwin A., 1
Julianus, jurist, 203
Julius Capitolinus, 115
Junius Cordus, 115
Juvenal of Jerusalem, 212
Lactantius, Divine Institutes, 235
Landes, Yitz, 217
Lapin, Hayim, 223
Larsen, Matthew D. C., 128
law of nations, 241
Lenski, Noel, 19
Leo I, pope, 120
Letter of James, 79
Levin, Inabelle, 196
lex generalis
Christian history,
in the Theodosian Code,
juristic history,
Lex Irnitana, 244
Licinia Eudoxia, 142
Licinius, emperor, 186
Lowe, Elias Avery, 156
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things, 88
Maccabees, books of, 139
Marcellus, jurist, 203
Marchioli, Giovè, 193
Marcus Aurelius, emperor, 238
Marius Victorinus, philosopher, 177
Mark the Deacon, Life of Porphyry, 12
Martial, Epigrams, 128
Martianus Capella, Marriage of Philology and Mercury,
Masuzawa, Tomoko, 11
McNamee, Kathleen, 162,
Meir, rabbi, 219
Modestinus, jurist, 203
Momigliano, Arnaldo, 117
Musonius Rufus, 30
Naassene hymn, 248
natural law, 241
Needham, Rodney, 9
Nero, emperor, 29
Nerva, emperor, 113
nomina sacra, 161,
nomina vulgaria,
Opsomer, Jan, 118
Optatian Porphyry, Carmina, 130
Oribasius, Medical Compilations, 111
Origen, 77
Osborn, Eric, 43
Pagels, Elaine, 46
paratextual markup, , 170
Pasteur, Louis,
pax deorum, , 226
Pecere, Oronzo, 205
Peter of Alexandria, 145
Pharr, Clyde, 238
Philo of Alexandria, 245, 247, 253
Life of Moses, 104
On Mating, 245
On the Special Law, 245
Who Is the Heir?, 245
Photius, theologian, 159
Pietri, Charles, 250
Pliny the Younger, 239
Praetextatus, Vettius Agorius, 102
Price, Richard, 121
Priscus of Panium, 257
Pseudo-Aristotle, On the Cosmos, 104
Pseudo-Probus, 184
Rashi, 220
Rav, rabbi, 222
Robbins, Gregory, 139
Rufinus of Aquileia, 93
rules for deciding, 201,
Rylands papyri, 198
Sabinus, jurist, 203
Sabinus of Heraclea, 95
Santa Maria Maggiore, basilica, 196
Scaevola, jurist, 203
Scalia, Antonin, 85
Schiavone, Aldo, 261
scholarship, distinction between Juristic and Christian, 17
Schwartz, Eduard, 120
Senatus consultum de bacchanalibus, 19
Letters, 29
Septuagint, 209
Simeon, rabbi, 219
Sirmium, council of (357), 156
Sixtus III, pope, 196
Smith, Geoffrey, 60
Smith, Mark S., 98
Steel, Carlos, 118
Stefaniw, Blossom, 15
Stevenson, James, 68
Suetonius, Lives of the Ceasars, 235
Symmachus, translator, 210
Synod of Constantinople (448), Proceedings, 212
Tannaim, 219
The Three Steles of Seth, 59
Theodore of Claudiopolis, 213
Theodoret of Cyrus, 83
Theodorus, jurist, 258
Theodosian Code, 105, 119, 140, 227,
authority of, 144
commission, 20
copies of, 142
Law of Citations, 178,
legislation, 145
manuscripts of, 187
organization of, 232
religious status of, 231
Theognostus of Alexandria, 77
thesis, this book’s, 5
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, 138
Tiberius, emperor, 25
Titus, emperor, 239
Trajan, emperor, 239
Trombley, Frank R., 1
Turpin, William, 109
Twelve Tables, 238
Tychonius, theologian, 92
Vaggione, Richard, 75
Valens, emperor, 113
Van Dam, Raymond, 1
van der Wal, Nicholas, 240
Vegetius Renatus, Epitome of Military Science, 172
Verweyen, Hansjürgen, 46
Vespasian, emperor, 239
Victoria, goddess, 186
Von Strack, Hermann, 169