20 results
Solute dispersion in bifurcating networks
- Robert A. Zimmerman, Daniel M. Tartakovsky
- Journal:
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics / Volume 901 / 25 October 2020
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 August 2020, A24
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Advective–diffusive transport of passive scalars in confined environments (e.g. vessels and channels) within a network is of fundamental importance in a plethora of biological and geophysical phenomena. We conduct a leading-order analysis, consistent with the theory of hydrodynamic dispersion, which averages out the radial variability within a vessel. One-dimensional solutions for individual vessels (edges of a network), obtained for arbitrary (undefined) transient Dirichlet boundary conditions, serve as a building block for a network model. A network transport solution is developed by iteratively linking single-vessel solutions to each other in a bifurcating fractal tree model, i.e. at nodes of the network. We find transport behaviour to be strongly affected by the network geometry and daughter vessels to significantly impact the rate of transport in the upstream parent vessels.
2098: Endogenous reverse transcriptase (LINE-1) in human platelets regulates cell morphology and protein synthetic events
- Hansjorg Schwertz, Jesse W. Rowley, Larry W. Kraiss, John V. Moran, Robert A. Campbell, Guy A. Zimmerman, Andrew S. Weyrich, Matthew Thomas Rondina, Gerald G. Schumann, Ulrike Thorack
- Journal:
- Journal of Clinical and Translational Science / Volume 1 / Issue S1 / September 2017
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 10 May 2018, pp. 56-57
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OBJECTIVES/SPECIFIC AIMS: Endogenous RT (eRT) is necessary for the function of retrotransposons, elements that replicate via an RNA intermediate. One source of eRT activity is long interspersed elements (LINE). LINEs, of which there are several subgroups (L1, L2, L3), are retrotransposons that regulate cellular growth and gene expression. Given their diverse and important roles, we hypothesized that L1 elements regulate functional responses in megakaryocytes and platelets; a concept not yet examined in the field. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: To study eRT in human platelets we used RT activity assays, PCR, and Western blot approaches. Furthermore, we used an RT-inhibitor to dissect the function of eRT, analyzed RT-dependent protein synthetic capacity, and immunoprecipitated RNA-DNA hybrids. RNA-DNA hybrids were also detected by means of ICC and automated analysis using CellProfiler software. RNA-DNA hybrids were validated by PCR and eRT regulated synthesis of target proteins was analyzed using autoradiography and Western blot techniques. Platelets from patients with HIV+ were examined in parallel. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: We identified that highly purified, isolated platelets from healthy subjects possess eRT activity. eRT activity was blocked with the non-nucleoside RT inhibitor nevirapine at concentrations within the therapeutic drug range. L1 elements are bicistronic, containing 2 open reading frames (ORFs), ORF1 and ORF2. Thus, we next identified that human platelets express full-length L1 mRNA containing ORF1 and ORF2. In human platelets, eRT activity was localized to L1 protein containing ribonucleo particles. Platelet eRT reverse transcribed exogenous RNAs, a process inhibited by nevirapine, acting in trans using the 3′-UTR of exogenous mRNAs as a template. To dissect the function of eRT in platelets, we next examined cytoskeletal and protein synthetic events in the presence or absence of nevirapine. Inhibition of eRT in isolated platelets led to characteristically beaded platelets in appearance, strongly resembling bone marrow proplatelets. Parallel increases in platelet reactivity were also observed. As these changes occurred over hours, not minutes, we hypothesized that inhibition of eRT would affect platelet protein synthetic events. Consistent with this, RT inhibition resulted in upregulation of global platelet protein synthesis. We validated upregulation of the synthesis of specific proteins (mitofilin, p-selectin, and L26—a component of the 60S ribosomal subunit essential for mRNA translation). RNA-DNA hybrids, noncanonical nucleic acid structures that regulate gene expression, are enriched in regions where L1 is abundant. RNA-DNA hybrids were present in platelets and expression confirmed via differential digestion of RNAs (eg, with RNase A and RNAse I). Next-generation sequencing of pulled down (eg, immunoprecipitated) platelet RNA-DNA hybrids identified numerous differentially expressed transcripts and we focused on MAP1LC3B (LC3B), a primary regulator of autophagy. Hybrid sequencing results for LC3B were validated using qPCR and we confirmed that LC3B RNA binds to L1-encoded RNA binding protein. Platelets treated with nevirapine had increased total LC3B protein expression. As RT inhibition is an important mechanism to control HIV infection, we examined platelet morphology, activation, and LC3B expression in platelets from HIV+ subjects treated with nevirapine. HIV+ patients treated with RT inhibitors had higher numbers of platelets that were beaded in appearance at baseline, increased platelet reactivity, and differential LC3B expression compared with healthy controls. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACT: Taken together, these results demonstrate that platelets possess eRT activity that regulates platelet morphology, platelet hyperreactivity, and protein synthetic events. We postulate that eRT activity in platelets may be a new post-transcriptional regulatory checkpoint. Moreover, our findings have implications in HIV+ patients treated with RT inhibitors, where off-target effects may contribute to platelet activation and an increased risk of thrombosis.
- By Mitchell Aboulafia, Frederick Adams, Marilyn McCord Adams, Robert M. Adams, Laird Addis, James W. Allard, David Allison, William P. Alston, Karl Ameriks, C. Anthony Anderson, David Leech Anderson, Lanier Anderson, Roger Ariew, David Armstrong, Denis G. Arnold, E. J. Ashworth, Margaret Atherton, Robin Attfield, Bruce Aune, Edward Wilson Averill, Jody Azzouni, Kent Bach, Andrew Bailey, Lynne Rudder Baker, Thomas R. Baldwin, Jon Barwise, George Bealer, William Bechtel, Lawrence C. Becker, Mark A. Bedau, Ernst Behler, José A. Benardete, Ermanno Bencivenga, Jan Berg, Michael Bergmann, Robert L. Bernasconi, Sven Bernecker, Bernard Berofsky, Rod Bertolet, Charles J. Beyer, Christian Beyer, Joseph Bien, Joseph Bien, Peg Birmingham, Ivan Boh, James Bohman, Daniel Bonevac, Laurence BonJour, William J. Bouwsma, Raymond D. Bradley, Myles Brand, Richard B. Brandt, Michael E. Bratman, Stephen E. Braude, Daniel Breazeale, Angela Breitenbach, Jason Bridges, David O. Brink, Gordon G. 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- Edited by Robert Audi, University of Notre Dame, Indiana
- Book:
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy
- Published online:
- 05 August 2015
- Print publication:
- 27 April 2015, pp ix-xxx
- Chapter
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People interviewed
- By Masood Ahmed, Mark Allen, Thomas Bernes, Gordon Betcherman, Jack Boorman, David Booth, Hugh Bredenkamp, Ariel Buira, Michel Camdessus, Rob Chase, Jeff Chelsky, Jean-Jacques Dethier, Ruth Driscoll, Ariel Fiszbein, David Goldsbrough, Eduardo Gonzalez, Jo Marie Griesgraber, Kjetil Hansen, Robert Holzmann, Emmanuel Jiminez, Homi Kharas, Willy Kiekens, Hetty Kovach, Johannes Linn, Meg Lundsager, Abbas Mirakhor, Alexandros Mourmouras, Tom Neylan, Marjolaine Nicod, Mark Plant, Jacques Polak, Jeff Powell, Bruce Rich, Rick Rowden, Tom Scholar, Sunil Sharma, Ted Truman, Lisa Williams, Felix Zimmerman
- Jacqueline Best, University of Ottawa
- Book:
- Governing Failure
- Published online:
- 05 January 2014
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2014, pp 263-265
- Chapter
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- W. H. Harringron, C. J. S. Bethune, E. C. Howe, Robert Bunker, Chas. D. Zimmerman
- Journal:
- The Canadian Entomologist / Volume 10 / Issue 11 / November 1878
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 31 May 2012, pp. 217-220
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- By Rose Teteki Abbey, K. C. Abraham, David Tuesday Adamo, LeRoy H. Aden, Efrain Agosto, Victor Aguilan, Gillian T. W. Ahlgren, Charanjit Kaur AjitSingh, Dorothy B E A Akoto, Giuseppe Alberigo, Daniel E. Albrecht, Ruth Albrecht, Daniel O. Aleshire, Urs Altermatt, Anand Amaladass, Michael Amaladoss, James N. Amanze, Lesley G. Anderson, Thomas C. Anderson, Victor Anderson, Hope S. Antone, María Pilar Aquino, Paula Arai, Victorio Araya Guillén, S. Wesley Ariarajah, Ellen T. Armour, Brett Gregory Armstrong, Atsuhiro Asano, Naim Stifan Ateek, Mahmoud Ayoub, John Alembillah Azumah, Mercedes L. García Bachmann, Irena Backus, J. Wayne Baker, Mieke Bal, Lewis V. Baldwin, William Barbieri, António Barbosa da Silva, David Basinger, Bolaji Olukemi Bateye, Oswald Bayer, Daniel H. Bays, Rosalie Beck, Nancy Elizabeth Bedford, Guy-Thomas Bedouelle, Chorbishop Seely Beggiani, Wolfgang Behringer, Christopher M. Bellitto, Byard Bennett, Harold V. Bennett, Teresa Berger, Miguel A. 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Lotz, Andrew Louth, Robin W. Lovin, William Luis, Frank D. Macchia, Diarmaid N. J. MacCulloch, Kirk R. MacGregor, Marjory A. MacLean, Donald MacLeod, Tomas S. Maddela, Inge Mager, Laurenti Magesa, David G. Maillu, Fortunato Mallimaci, Philip Mamalakis, Kä Mana, Ukachukwu Chris Manus, Herbert Robinson Marbury, Reuel Norman Marigza, Jacqueline Mariña, Antti Marjanen, Luiz C. L. Marques, Madipoane Masenya (ngwan'a Mphahlele), Caleb J. D. Maskell, Steve Mason, Thomas Massaro, Fernando Matamoros Ponce, András Máté-Tóth, Odair Pedroso Mateus, Dinis Matsolo, Fumitaka Matsuoka, John D'Arcy May, Yelena Mazour-Matusevich, Theodore Mbazumutima, John S. McClure, Christian McConnell, Lee Martin McDonald, Gary B. McGee, Thomas McGowan, Alister E. McGrath, Richard J. McGregor, John A. McGuckin, Maud Burnett McInerney, Elsie Anne McKee, Mary B. McKinley, James F. McMillan, Ernan McMullin, Kathleen E. McVey, M. Douglas Meeks, Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon, Ilie Melniciuc-Puica, Everett Mendoza, Raymond A. Mentzer, William W. Menzies, Ina Merdjanova, Franziska Metzger, Constant J. Mews, Marvin Meyer, Carol Meyers, Vasile Mihoc, Gunner Bjerg Mikkelsen, Maria Inêz de Castro Millen, Clyde Lee Miller, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, Alexander Mirkovic, Paul Misner, Nozomu Miyahira, R. W. L. Moberly, Gerald Moede, Aloo Osotsi Mojola, Sunanda Mongia, Rebeca Montemayor, James Moore, Roger E. Moore, Craig E. Morrison O.Carm, Jeffry H. Morrison, Keith Morrison, Wilson J. Moses, Tefetso Henry Mothibe, Mokgethi Motlhabi, Fulata Moyo, Henry Mugabe, Jesse Ndwiga Kanyua Mugambi, Peggy Mulambya-Kabonde, Robert Bruce Mullin, Pamela Mullins Reaves, Saskia Murk Jansen, Heleen L. Murre-Van den Berg, Augustine Musopole, Isaac M. T. Mwase, Philomena Mwaura, Cecilia Nahnfeldt, Anne Nasimiyu Wasike, Carmiña Navia Velasco, Thulani Ndlazi, Alexander Negrov, James B. Nelson, David G. Newcombe, Carol Newsom, Helen J. Nicholson, George W. E. Nickelsburg, Tatyana Nikolskaya, Damayanthi M. A. Niles, Bertil Nilsson, Nyambura Njoroge, Fidelis Nkomazana, Mary Beth Norton, Christian Nottmeier, Sonene Nyawo, Anthère Nzabatsinda, Edward T. Oakes, Gerald O'Collins, Daniel O'Connell, David W. Odell-Scott, Mercy Amba Oduyoye, Kathleen O'Grady, Oyeronke Olajubu, Thomas O'Loughlin, Dennis T. Olson, J. Steven O'Malley, Cephas N. Omenyo, Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro, César Augusto Ornellas Ramos, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, Kenan B. Osborne, Carolyn Osiek, Javier Otaola Montagne, Douglas F. Ottati, Anna May Say Pa, Irina Paert, Jerry G. Pankhurst, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Samuele F. Pardini, Stefano Parenti, Peter Paris, Sung Bae Park, Cristián G. Parker, Raquel Pastor, Joseph Pathrapankal, Daniel Patte, W. Brown Patterson, Clive Pearson, Keith F. Pecklers, Nancy Cardoso Pereira, David Horace Perkins, Pheme Perkins, Edward N. Peters, Rebecca Todd Peters, Bishop Yeznik Petrossian, Raymond Pfister, Peter C. Phan, Isabel Apawo Phiri, William S. F. Pickering, Derrick G. Pitard, William Elvis Plata, Zlatko Plese, John Plummer, James Newton Poling, Ronald Popivchak, Andrew Porter, Ute Possekel, James M. Powell, Enos Das Pradhan, Devadasan Premnath, Jaime Adrían Prieto Valladares, Anne Primavesi, Randall Prior, María Alicia Puente Lutteroth, Eduardo Guzmão Quadros, Albert Rabil, Laurent William Ramambason, Apolonio M. Ranche, Vololona Randriamanantena Andriamitandrina, Lawrence R. Rast, Paul L. Redditt, Adele Reinhartz, Rolf Rendtorff, Pål Repstad, James N. Rhodes, John K. Riches, Joerg Rieger, Sharon H. Ringe, Sandra Rios, Tyler Roberts, David M. Robinson, James M. Robinson, Joanne Maguire Robinson, Richard A. H. Robinson, Roy R. Robson, Jack B. Rogers, Maria Roginska, Sidney Rooy, Rev. Garnett Roper, Maria José Fontelas Rosado-Nunes, Andrew C. Ross, Stefan Rossbach, François Rossier, John D. Roth, John K. Roth, Phillip Rothwell, Richard E. Rubenstein, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Markku Ruotsila, John E. Rybolt, Risto Saarinen, John Saillant, Juan Sanchez, Wagner Lopes Sanchez, Hugo N. Santos, Gerhard Sauter, Gloria L. Schaab, Sandra M. Schneiders, Quentin J. Schultze, Fernando F. Segovia, Turid Karlsen Seim, Carsten Selch Jensen, Alan P. F. Sell, Frank C. Senn, Kent Davis Sensenig, Damían Setton, Bal Krishna Sharma, Carolyn J. Sharp, Thomas Sheehan, N. Gerald Shenk, Christian Sheppard, Charles Sherlock, Tabona Shoko, Walter B. Shurden, Marguerite Shuster, B. Mark Sietsema, Batara Sihombing, Neil Silberman, Clodomiro Siller, Samuel Silva-Gotay, Heikki Silvet, John K. Simmons, Hagith Sivan, James C. Skedros, Abraham Smith, Ashley A. Smith, Ted A. Smith, Daud Soesilo, Pia Søltoft, Choan-Seng (C. S.) Song, Kathryn Spink, Bryan Spinks, Eric O. Springsted, Nicolas Standaert, Brian Stanley, Glen H. Stassen, Karel Steenbrink, Stephen J. Stein, Andrea Sterk, Gregory E. Sterling, Columba Stewart, Jacques Stewart, Robert B. Stewart, Cynthia Stokes Brown, Ken Stone, Anne Stott, Elizabeth Stuart, Monya Stubbs, Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki, David Kwang-sun Suh, Scott W. Sunquist, Keith Suter, Douglas Sweeney, Charles H. Talbert, Shawqi N. Talia, Elsa Tamez, Joseph B. Tamney, Jonathan Y. Tan, Yak-Hwee Tan, Kathryn Tanner, Feiya Tao, Elizabeth S. Tapia, Aquiline Tarimo, Claire Taylor, Mark Lewis Taylor, Bishop Abba Samuel Wolde Tekestebirhan, Eugene TeSelle, M. Thomas Thangaraj, David R. Thomas, Andrew Thornley, Scott Thumma, Marcelo Timotheo da Costa, George E. “Tink” Tinker, Ola Tjørhom, Karen Jo Torjesen, Iain R. Torrance, Fernando Torres-Londoño, Archbishop Demetrios [Trakatellis], Marit Trelstad, Christine Trevett, Phyllis Trible, Johannes Tromp, Paul Turner, Robert G. Tuttle, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Peter Tyler, Anders Tyrberg, Justin Ukpong, Javier Ulloa, Camillus Umoh, Kristi Upson-Saia, Martina Urban, Monica Uribe, Elochukwu Eugene Uzukwu, Richard Vaggione, Gabriel Vahanian, Paul Valliere, T. J. Van Bavel, Steven Vanderputten, Peter Van der Veer, Huub Van de Sandt, Louis Van Tongeren, Luke A. Veronis, Noel Villalba, Ramón Vinke, Tim Vivian, David Voas, Elena Volkova, Katharina von Kellenbach, Elina Vuola, Timothy Wadkins, Elaine M. Wainwright, Randi Jones Walker, Dewey D. Wallace, Jerry Walls, Michael J. Walsh, Philip Walters, Janet Walton, Jonathan L. Walton, Wang Xiaochao, Patricia A. Ward, David Harrington Watt, Herold D. Weiss, Laurence L. Welborn, Sharon D. Welch, Timothy Wengert, Traci C. West, Merold Westphal, David Wetherell, Barbara Wheeler, Carolinne White, Jean-Paul Wiest, Frans Wijsen, Terry L. Wilder, Felix Wilfred, Rebecca Wilkin, Daniel H. Williams, D. Newell Williams, Michael A. Williams, Vincent L. Wimbush, Gabriele Winkler, Anders Winroth, Lauri Emílio Wirth, James A. Wiseman, Ebba Witt-Brattström, Teofil Wojciechowski, John Wolffe, Kenman L. Wong, Wong Wai Ching, Linda Woodhead, Wendy M. Wright, Rose Wu, Keith E. Yandell, Gale A. Yee, Viktor Yelensky, Yeo Khiok-Khng, Gustav K. K. Yeung, Angela Yiu, Amos Yong, Yong Ting Jin, You Bin, Youhanna Nessim Youssef, Eliana Yunes, Robert Michael Zaller, Valarie H. Ziegler, Barbara Brown Zikmund, Joyce Ann Zimmerman, Aurora Zlotnik, Zhuo Xinping
- Edited by Daniel Patte, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
- Book:
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity
- Published online:
- 05 August 2012
- Print publication:
- 20 September 2010, pp xi-xliv
- Chapter
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Chapter 27 - Physiological imaging in infection, inflammation and demyelination
- from Section 4 - Infection, inflammation and demyelination
- Edited by Jonathan H. Gillard, University of Cambridge, Adam D. Waldman, Imperial College London, Peter B. Barker, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Book:
- Clinical MR Neuroimaging
- Published online:
- 05 March 2013
- Print publication:
- 26 November 2009, pp 405-425
- Chapter
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This chapter will offer an overview of physiological imaging of infectious inflammatory and demyelinating diseases. It will describe routine imaging findings and the current and potential roles of a variety of techniques. Subsequent chapters will provide more detailed information of specific techniques as they apply to a variety of disease processes.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has had a profound effect on detection, management, and outcome of central nervous system (CNS) infectious, inflammatory, and demyelinating diseases. While this statement seems to apply uniformly to virtually all CNS disorders, there is a difference. Despite recent therapeutic advances, outcomes for many disorders (e.g., stroke, neoplasm, and neurodegenerative diseases) have improved only modestly because effective treatments are not yet available. In these disorders, the MRI tools discussed in this book will play an important role in developing and monitoring new therapies. In infectious and inflammatory diseases, effective treatments are available for many disorders but success is dependent upon early institution of the correct therapeutic regimen. Use of MRI has led to a dramatic improvement in outcome by allowing for early and accurate detection of many of these disorders. The presence of characteristic MRI features often allows for accurate diagnosis, at least in the hands of experienced neuroradiologists. In these disorders, physiological techniques such as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI),[1] diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),[2] perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI), and MR spectroscopy (MRS) [3,4] are useful additions to “routine” MR since they may allow for earlier detection (e.g., DWI in herpes simplex type 1 [HSV-1] encephalitis [5]) or more accurate characterization of lesions (e.g., DWI [6] and MRS in brain abscesses [7,8]). There is a tendency to assume that these new tools will be used most often and prove most beneficial to experts but this is not the case. Experts typically recognize critical but subtle differences between different lesions while less-experienced readers may not always appreciate these differences. Findings on physiological techniques can, therefore, improve diagnostic accuracy by providing simple unambiguous information suggestive of the correct diagnosis.
A prototype ground-remote telerobot control system
- Paul G. Backes, John Beahan, Mark K. Long, Robert D. Steele, Bruce Bon, Wayne Zimmerman
- Article
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A local-remote telerobot control system is described which is being developed for time-delayed groundremote control of space telerobotic systems. The system includes a local site operator interface for interactive command building and sequencing for supervised autonomy and a remote site: the Modular Telerobot Task Execution System (MOTES), to provide the remote site task execution capability. The local site system also provides stereo graphics overlay on video with interactive update of the remote environmental model. The operator selects objects in the environment to interact with and skill types to specify the tasks to be performed, such as grasping a module or opening a door.
Economic Evaluation of Standing Order Programs for Pneumococcal Vaccination of Hospitalized Elderly Patients
- Donald B. Middleton, Chyongchiou J. Lin, Kenneth J. Smith, Richard K. Zimmerman, Mary Patricia Nowalk, Mark S. Roberts, Dwight E. Fox
- Journal:
- Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology / Volume 29 / Issue 5 / May 2008
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 385-394
- Print publication:
- May 2008
- Article