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Nelson Phillips is the Abu Dhabi Chamber Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Imperial College London. His research interests include organization theory, technology strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, often studied from an institutional theory perspective. He has published four books: Discourse Analysis with Cynthia Hardy published in 2002, Power and Organizations with Stewart Clegg and David Courpasson published in 2006, Technology and Organization with Graham Sewell and Dorothy Griffiths published in 2010, and the Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management with David Gann and Mark Dodgson published in 2014. He is also the Past Division Chair of the Organization and Management Theory Division of the Academy of Management and an Editor-in-Chief of Innovation: Organization and Management.

Royston Greenwood is the Telus Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Alberta, a Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include organizational change and professional misconduct. He has published in various journals, including the Administrative Science QuarterlyAcademy of Management JournalAcademy of Management ReviewOrganization ScienceOrganization Studies, the Journal of Management Studies, and the Academy of Management Annals. He has served on several editorial boards and is a former editor of the Academy of Management Annals and of Strategic Organization. He is a co-editor of the Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. He received the 2014 Distinguished Scholar Award from the Organization and Management Division of the Academy of Management.

Advisory Board

The editors will be supported in their work by an advisory board of distinguished organization theory scholars:

Paul Adler, USC
Mats Alvesson, Lund University
Steve Barley, University of Santa Barbara
Jean Bartunek, Boston College
Paul Hirsch, Northwestern University
Ann Langley, HEC Montreal
Renate Meyer, WU Vienna
Danny Miller, HEC Montreal
Mike Tushman, Harvard University  
Andrew Van de Ven, University of Minnesota