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Peter Ho is professor at ZJU. He published numerous articles and 12 books, including with Oxford University Press, Wiley-Blackwell, and Cambridge University Press. Ho achieved the ERC Consolidator Grant, Kapp Prize, China Rural Development Award, and title of National Expert of China. He is chair of ICARDC and board member of several SSCI-rated journals. He reviews for the Cheung Kong fellowships, Qianren Scheme, US-NSF, and UK-ESRC. His interviews have included USA Today, NOS Nieuws, BBC, and CGTN. Ho has advised the Dutch Prime Minister and Parliament, and has held professorships at the LSE, SOAS, and the universities of Leiden, Delft and Groningen.

Servaas Storm is a Dutch economist who has published widely on issues of macroeconomics, development, income distribution & economic growth, finance, and climate change. He is a Senior Lecturer at Delft University of Technology. He obtained a PhD in Economics (in 1992) from Erasmus University Rotterdam and worked as consultant for the ILO and UNCTAD. His latest book, co-authored by C.W.M. Naastepad, is Macroeconomics Beyond the NAIRU (Harvard University Press, 2012) and winner of the 2013 Myrdal Prize of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy. Servaas Storm is one of the editors of Development and Change (2006-now) and a member of the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s Working Group on the Political Economy of Distribution.