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Environment and Development Economics Digital Archive is a repository of every single article published in the journal during 1996. It houses over 530 pages of content, reproduced as high-resolution, searchable PDFs. The Archive marks the complete digitisation of Environment and Development Economics, with all material available through Cambridge Core.

The archive contains approximately 55 articles from the journal's first year of publishing.

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Environment and Development Economics
  • ISSN: 1355-770X (Print), 1469-4395 (Online)
  • Frequency: 6 issues per year

Environment and Development Economics is positioned at the intersection of environmental, resource and development economics. The Co-Editors and Associate Editors, supported by a distinguished panel of advisors from around the world, aim to encourage submissions from researchers in the field in both developed and developing countries. 

The Journal is divided into two main sections, Theory and Applications, which includes regular academic papers and Perspectives, which includes, among others, papers that relate to policy issues, offer a broader view of a particular or current topic, point to gaps in research, or are think pieces on methodological or other issues. Papers submitted to Perspectives do not need to present new evidence, nor do they need to conduct a formal review of the evidence. They should offer a substantiated argument, based on evidence, but this can be complemented by experience and expertise. While papers may make claims that are compelling to some and unconvincing to others, the primary goal should be to provoke new thoughts. As such, a good Perspectives paper is inherently going to be a bit bold, and it's therefore natural for other experts in the same field to express skepticism. Papers submitted to the Perspectives section will undergo the regular review process.

Environment and Development Economics publishes special issues on topics of interest. Open Calls for Papers appear below. The Journal welcomes proposals for special issues, which can be submitted directly to the Co-Editors or to

Recent special issues include the “Special Issue on Climate Change: Emerging Issues and New Challenges for Economic Development” guest edited by Simone Borghesi, as well as the two-part “Special Issue on Weather and Climate Impacts in Developing Countries” guest edited by Anna Creti, Philippe Delacote and Antoine Leblois.

Environment and Development Economics also publishes occasional Policy Fora (discussions based on a focal paper). 

This journal accepts electronic submissions using the ScholarOne system. Click HERE to go to the submission website. Guidance on how to upload your manuscript is available on the site by clicking "Instructions and Forms" and then "Author Instructions".