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BJN now publishes Accepted Manuscripts online immediately following acceptance, allowing authors to make their work available to read and cite much more quickly. More information about Accepted Manuscripts can be found below.

What version of the article will be published?

The version of the article that is accepted by the Editor will be converted to PDF format and published online as is, before copy-editing or typesetting. The Accepted Manuscript will eventually be replaced with the final copy-edited and typeset Version of Record.

When will the Accepted Manuscript be published?

We aim to publish the Accepted Manuscript within a week of final acceptance, provided we have received all final files and a completed license to publish form.

Can I opt out of Accepted Manuscript publication?

Authors wishing to opt out of Accepted Manuscript publication must contact the Editorial Office before acceptance and no later than 24 hours after acceptance.

What happens if I want to make changes to my Accepted Manuscript?

You will still be able to make corrections to typographical errors in your proofs in the usual way, which will be incorporated into the final Version of Record. Proofs will be sent to you around two weeks after acceptance.

How can I cite my Accepted Manuscript?

Your manuscript may be cited using its DOI, and citations should indicate that it is not the final version. A sample citation format is given below: 

Author A, Author B, Author C. Article title. Br J Nutr.