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Article Structure

Articles should be structured as follows and submitted as a single file.

Title of article
Name(s) of author(s)

Academic affiliation(s) of author(s)
Abstract of 100‐200 words
Figures and captions
Tables and captions
Competing interests 

Footnotes should be avoided.

The bibliography should contain only those works referred to in the text.

Figures should be presented in a continuous sequence (i.e., not divided into ‘figures’ and ‘plates’) with reference made in the text to each illustration. 

Style Guide for all Institute Publications 


Submissions must be written in English. Works written by authors whose first language is not English must be proof read and corrected by a native English speaker prior to submission.

The British rather than the American system of spelling should be used (for example 'colour' rather than 'color' and 'artefact' rather than 'artifact').

The British standard rather than the British Oxford system of spelling should be used (for example 'organise' rather than 'organize').

Abbreviations should be avoided wherever possible, except for 'Dr', 'ed.', 'eds', 'fig.', 'figs', 'pl.', 'pls', 'tr.' (translated by).

Initial capital letters should be avoided except for proper nouns.

Oxford commas should be avoided (thus, 'Greek, Roman and Byzantine' rather than 'Greek, Roman, and Byzantine').

Latin abbreviations should not be italicised (thus, 'cf.', 'et al.', 'ca').


'AD' to precede, no dots   'BC' to follow, no dots   'bp' to follow, no dots    'bce' to follow, no dots Runs of years: 480‐425 BC; AD 527‐565.

Adjectival use of dates: 'the fifth century', but 'of fifth‐century date'.

Cultural periods should be capitalised (for example 'Late Bronze Age', 'Classical').


Numbers one to ten should be spelt out except when preceding a unit (for example, '2mm').

First to tenth should be spelt out (for example 'first century BC').

Numbers above ten should be written as numerals (for example '11th century AD'), except at the beginning of a sentence.

Runs of numbers: 48‐49, 148‐49, 1148‐49


Metric measurements should be used.

Abbreviations for distance, volume, etc. as follows:

'm' for metre. 'cm' for centimetre. 'mm' for millimetre. 'km' for kilometre. 'ha' for Hectare. 'l' for litre.

There should be no dot after an abbreviation and no space between the number and the unit of measurement (i.e.'10m', '20.5cm').

Cardinal points

There should be no initial capital letter and abbreviations should be avoided, along with hyphens (for example 'southwest' not 'Southwest' or ‘SW’ or 'south‐west').


Where necessary, square brackets should be used inside round brackets.


Use of italics should be kept to a minimum. Italics should be used for emphasising isolated words or phrases.

Italics should be used for non‐English terms not in common use (such as Hofhaus or bothros), but not for familiar terms such as polis or spolia. 


Latin forms of common names should normally be used (for example, 'Ephesus' rather than 'Ephesos').


For short quotes, use ‘ within normal text. For quotes within quotes, use “.

Paragraph breaks should be inserted for quotes of more than four lines of typescript.

The use of footnotes should be avoided.


The Harvard system should be used. Avoid using ‘pp’ and 'ff'.

Citations in text:

  • Single‐author reference: (Gough 1954: 201‐05, fig. 3, pls 16‐18)
  • Two‐author reference: (Solin, Salomies 1994: 113‐24)
  • Three‐author (or more) reference: (Coulton et al. 1988: 13‐15)
  • Several citations in text (place in chronological order): (Gough 1954: 201‐05, fig. 3, pls 16‐18; Coulton et al. 1988: 13‐15; Solin, Salomies 1994: 113‐24)
  • Personal communication reference: (Stephen Mitchell, personal communication May 2018)

Citations for ancient and later historical authors should not be abbreviated. Arabic numbers should be used for book/chapter/line references. Where necessary, the edition used should be specified in the bibliography.

Citation in text: Procopius Historia arcana 30.8‐11

References to standard corpora may use accepted abbreviations, in which case the full citation should be given in the bibliography.

Citations in text: CIL 8.12296; SEG 28.1218; IG II2 2326, IG XII.3 333; LGPN 13.535

Page numbers should not be used for cross‐referencing. Any cross‐referencing must be by section name or indicated merely by ‘above’ or ‘below’.


The bibliography should contain only those works referred to in the text.

Entries should be organised by author surname in English alphabetic order (i.e. C/Ç, I/İ, O/Ö, S/Ş, U/Ü should be integrated).

Book titles in English should use traditional capitalisation rules. For other languages, the conventions normal to each language should be followed.

Article titles in English should include initial capital letters for proper nouns only. For other languages, the conventions normal to each language should be followed.

Include the names of all authors (i.e., do not use ‘et al.’ in the bibliography).

Do not use abbreviations for journal titles; use Arabic numerals for volume numbers.

Include place of publication and publisher.

Do not include US states, unless there is a serious risk of confusion, in which case use the two‐letter postal code (i.e.Cambridge MA').

Use English spellings for place‐names (for example 'Munich' rather than 'München', 'Izmir' rather than 'İzmir').


Ameling, W. 1988: ‘Drei Studien zu den Gerichtsbezirken der Provinz Asia in republikanischer Zeit’ Epigraphica Anatolica 12:9‐24

Beck, H.‐G. 1959: Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich. Munich, C.H. Beck

CIL = Mommsen, T. (ed) 1863‐: Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Berlin, Berlin‐Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Carter, T. 2005: ‘Chipped stone. Team Poznan’ Çatalhöyük 2005 Archive Report.

Coulton, J.J., Milner, N.P., Reyes, A.T. 1988: ‘Balboura Survey: Onesimos and Meleager, part 1’ Anatolian Studies 38: 121‐46

Demiroğlu, M., Örgün, Y., Yaltırak, C. 2011: ‘Hydro‐geology and hydrogeochemistry of Günyüzü semi‐arid basin’ Environmental Earth Sciences 64.5: 1433–43.

Dodd, L.S. 2002: The Ancient Past in the Ancient Present: Cultural Identity in Gurgum during the Late Bronze Age‐Early Iron Age Transition in North Syria. PhD thesis, University of California, Los Angeles

Dörner, F.K. 1941: Inschriften und Denkmäler aus Bithynien. Berlin, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut

Gough, M.R.E. 1972: ‘The Emperor Zeno and some Cilician churches’ Anatolian Studies 22: 199‐212

— 1973: The Origins of Christian Art. London, Thames and Hudson

— 1974: ‘Three forgotten martyrs of Anazarbus in Cilicia’ in J.R. O’Donnel (ed.), Essays in Honour of Anton Charles Pegis.Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies: 262‐67

Grillo, S.M., Prochaska, W. 2010: ‘A new method for the determination of the provenance of white marbles by chemical analysis of inclusion fluids’ Archaeometry 52.1: 59–82

Honigmann, E. 1936: ‘Un itinéraire arabe à travers le Pont’ Annuaire de l’Institut de Philologie et Histoire orientales et slaves 4: 261‐71

Janin, R. 1975: Les églises et les monastères des grands centres byzantins. Paris, Institut français d’études byzantines

Lloyd, S. 1972: Beycesultan 3. London, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Procopius, Secret History. Tr. G.A. Williamson. Harmonsworth, Penguin Books 1981

Solin, H., Salomies, O. 1994: Repertorium Nominum Gentilium et Cognominum Latinorum. Hildesheim, Olms‐Weidmann 

Figures and tables


Each figure and table must be submitted as an individual file and clearly identified by the author’s surname and the figure/table number.

Figures are printed as black and white illustrations.

Figures should be presented in a continuous sequence (i.e., not divided into ‘figures’ and ‘plates’) with reference made in the text to each illustration.

Tables should be presented as a separate continuous sequence with reference made in the text to each table.

Each figure/table must have a caption which should include the source, and, where applicable, acknowledgement of permission having been granted by the copyright holder to reproduce the image/table.

In the two‐column layout of BIAA publications, figures and tables can most conveniently occupy one column width (8.1cm) or the full‐page width (16.7cm).

The maximum print area per page (including caption) is 16.7cm by 24.3cm.

Either landscape or portrait orientation may be used for whole‐page illustrations.

Where possible, similar items should be presented at the same scale (for example, 1/3 life‐size for pots).

Maps and plans must include a north arrow and a scale, and images of objects must include a scale.

The spellings used on figures (e.g. for place‐names) must be consistent with spellings used in the text of the article.

Final print quality is dependent on the supply of figures and table in the correct format and at the correct resolution (see below).


Photographs must be submitted as 8‐bit (i.e. greyscale) image files at 300 dpi at either column (8.1cm) or page (16.7cm) width.

Line drawings

Line drawings must be submitted as 8‐bit (i.e. greyscale) image files at 600dpi or as pdf files at either column (8.1cm) or page (16.7cm) width.


Tables should be presented as Word or Excel files. 

Competing Interests

All authors must include a competing interest declaration in their title page. This declaration will be subject to editorial review and may be published in the article.

Competing interests are situations that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on the content or publication of an author’s work. They may include, but are not limited to, financial, professional, contractual or personal relationships or situations.

If the manuscript has multiple authors, the author submitting must include competing interest declarations relevant to all contributing authors. 

Example wording for a declaration is as follows: “Competing interests: Author 1 is employed at organisation A, Author 2 is on the Board of company B and is a member of organisation C. Author 3 has received grants from company D.” If no competing interests exist, the declaration should state “Competing interests: The author(s) declare none”. 

English language editing services 

Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This step is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the Editor and any reviewers.  

In order to help prospective authors to prepare for submission and to reach their publication goals, Cambridge University Press offers a range of high-quality manuscript preparation services, including language editing. You can find out more on our language services page.

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Author affiliations

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