access platforms, 281, See also Airbnb; Facebook; Google; Twitter; Uber
corporate social responsibility guidance rules for, 282
duty of loyalty owed to users by, 288,
duty of to mitigate discrimination,
duty of to provide prior notice before changing locations, 296
jurisidictional interest in social impacts of, 282
service role of,
as transnational companies, 282
vs. Facebook and Google type platforms, 280
vs. traditional fiduciaries, 287
aging, of East Asian societies, 213
Airbnb, 278, 280, 281, 284, 289, 292, 293, See also access platforms
Community Commitment policy of, 295
cooperation with local governments of, 282
power over users of, 282
Anglo-common law, 183
Annan, K., 163
Armitage v. Nurse, 174
Ashgar Leghari v. Federation of Pakistan, 165
Bartlett v. Barclays Bank,
Bishop, J., 282
BlackRock, , 84
bond markets, 27, See also net-short debt investing; Windstream v. Aurelius
fiduciary duties between bondholders and CDS counterparties,
fiduciary duties within bondholder group,
International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) and,
transnational as non-state law, 140
transnational as private legal ordering, ,
transnational fiduciary duties in state law,
Channel Islands, 172
Charitable Corp v. Sutton (“Sutton’s case”), 219
Cherokee Nation,
Chinese fiduciary law, 45,
Chinese Trust Law, 184
Confucian influence in, 189
diffusion of trust law in,
modernization of in 19th and early 20th centuries, 193
trust law in, 208
civil law countries, 8, 11, 12, 37, 38
civil law trusts in East Asian countries, 170,
civil society in East Asian countries and, 213
duty of care and international court communication,
duty of care in, 43
duty of loyalty in, 43
duty of loyalty in vs. in common law countries, , , 211
fiduciary duties between bondholder and issuer in,
fiduciary duties within bondholder groups in, 134
civil law East Asia, 190, See also Chinese fiduciary law; civil law countries; Japanese fiduciary law; South Korean fiduciary law; Taiwanese fiduciary law
climate change, 7, 16, 27, 28, 149, 153, See also environmental law and regulation
micro-TLOs for addressing, 162
Urgenda decision of the Hague District Court, 164
colonialism, 9, 10, 20, 22, 188, See also imperialism in fiduciary law; League of Nations mandate system; Native Americans, fiduciary colonialism against
origins of modern international law and, 31
Western over China, 193
common law countries
common law East Asia, 189, ,
corporate directors duties and,
duty of care and international court communication and,
duty of care in, 43
duty of loyalty in, 43
duty of loyalty in vs. in civil law countries, , , 211
fiduciary duties between bondholder and issuer in,
fiduciary duties within bondholder groups, 133
Hong Kong and Singapore as, 189
Japanese fiduciary law and, 192
transnational fiduciary law in, 41,
common law East Asia, 189, , , See also common law countries; East Asian fiduciary law; Hong Kong; Singapore
conflict of interest management, financial conglomerates and,
insider trading and,
mergers and acquisitions and,
conflict-of-laws principles, 25,
Congo Free State, 256
contract law
duty of loyalty in civil vs. common law countries and,
German fiduciary law and,
mandate contracts and,
tort of contract cases, 82
transnational fiduciary law and, 43,
corporate directors fiduciary duties, 7, 29
in Australia, 94
comparative across U.K., U.S. and Australia, 220,
ESG issues and, 66
in India, 223
as legal transplantation of British law, 220
policing of self-dealing by, 18
in U.K. law, 219
corporate law and governance. See also corporate codes; corporate directors fiduciary duties; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards; stewardship codes
in China,
in common law East Asia,
convergence theory vs. path dependence theories, 221
corporate social responsibility guidance for access platforms, 282
divergence of U.S. from U.K./Australia, 223
dominance of American model of in 1990s, 199
ESG standards and, 65
OECD Principles of Good Governance, 24,
post-financial crisis developments in Japan,
social role of corporations and, 217
U.S. influence on Japanese, , , 212
U.S. vs. Japanese norms, 29
courts, 4, 16, 32, 34, 151
convergence of on public trust norms, 166
court communication between nations, 68,
fiduciary law and, 77
International Court of Justice, 258
judicial reasoning in development of fiduciary law, 221
liberal interpretation of trust jurisprudence, 175
public trust principle enforcement and, 165
Delaware approach in corporate law, 42, 62, 66, 75, 81, 82, 220, 223, 224
duty of loyalty and care for corporate directors and, 224
discretionary trusts, objects of,
discrimination, duty of access platforms to mitigate,
Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., 62
domestic law
convergence around public trust principles and, 158
formation of transnational fiduciary law and, 68
horizontal legal ordering via norms, 16
transnational fiduciary law and, 17
uncertain status of in transnational law theory,
Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa, The (Lugard), 254
duty modification clauses, 172,
duty of care, 11, 70, 101, 242
in civil vs. common law countries, 43,
contestation on, 182
in Delaware approach in corporate governance, 224
financial intermediaries and, 99
international court communication and,
as legal transplantation of British law, 220
in net-short debt investing, 125
public authorities and, 31
in U.S., 70
duty of honesty and good faith, in East Asian countries, 182
duty of loyalty, 3, 11, 23, 43, 101, 238, 242, 286
American vs. Japanese, 29,
in Delaware approach in corporate governance, 224
financial intermediaries and, 99
in Germany, 38
international court communication and,
in Japanese fiduciary law, 192
as legal transplantation of British law, 220
as meta-concept, 33
public authorities and, 31
to purposes, 287
of trustees,
in the U.S., 192
varying construction of by country, 19,
varying construction of in East Asian countries, 20,
East Asian fiduciary law, 43, 45, 215
civil society realignment in East Asia and, 213
colonization and, 209
common law East Asia, 189, ,
corporate law and governance,
diffusion of trust law in,
duty of honesty and good faith in, 182
exemplary trust law in, 214
fiduciary duties of trustees in,
interaction of East Asian and Western fiduciary norms, 211
mechanisms of transnationalization of, ,
modernization thru Western law/norms in 19th/early 20th centuries, , 209
varying duty of loyalty construction in,
vs. Anglo-common law approaches to trust law, 186
Eatwith, 278
environmental law and regulation, 5, 7, See also climate change; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards
delay in despite growth of, 165
environmental trusteeships and,
Paris Agreement as public trust norm, 163
wetlands conservation,
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, 42
disclosure rules in EU law,
in France, 63
as normative thrust in transnational fiduciary law,
European Union (EU) fiduciary law, 101
conduct-of-business standards for financial services in, 104
ESG disclosure rules in,
regulatory conduct-of-business legislation,
Treaty on European Union (TEU), 112
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), 112
extraterritoriality in fiduciary law, 25,
family, 29
fiduciary law/norms, 4, 39, See also by specific countries; duty of care; duty of loyalty; imperialism in fiduciary law; transnational fiduciary law/norms; unified theory of fiduciary law
case study of public trust doctrine as transnational normative settlement,
common law and civil law jurisdictions and, 41
courts in, 77
defined, 93
development of regulatory conduct-of-business standards by general norms of,
discretionary powers in, 285
as distinct body of law, 242
economic structure of, 238
emergence of modern markets and,
extraterritorial application of, 25,
fiduciary duties between bondholder and issuer under civil law,
fiduciary duties between bondholder and issuer under common law,
fiduciary duties between bondholders and CDS counterparties,
fiduciary duties within bondholder group,
fiduciary norms, 3
hard law in definition of, 77
history on, 3
imperialism in fiduciary law,
institutionalization of,
lack of scholarship on U.S. and European imperialism, 238
regulatory agencies as producing, 12
transnational applications of, 80
vertical ordering of norms and TLO formation, 41
vs. transnational fiduciary law,
vs. transnational law, 78
financial crisis of 2007–2009, 218
Japanese corporate governance developments after,
U.S. vs. U.K. view on causes of, 230
French fiduciary law, 42, 63, 191
corporate social responsibility guidance for access platforms, 282
public trust concepts in French law, 154
functional fiduciary law, 21, 26, 67, ,
defined, 26
IOSCO Principles as, 116
in German private law, 120
Future of the Corporation project (British Academy), 217
German fiduciary law, 41, 44, 46, , 191, See also Treuhandverhältnisse
influence on East Asian countries of, 194
mandate contracts and,
public trust concepts in German law, 154
regulatory conduct-of-business standards in private law and,
Treuepflicht, 46
global financial crisis of 2007–2009
Japanese corporate governance developments after,
stewardship codes in response to, 230
U.S. vs. U.K. view on, 230
global law, question of, 67
global tech entrepreneurship, 172
global wealth
as driving offshore trust jurisdictions, 170
good faith principle,
hard law, 26, 212
in fiduciary law, 77
gaps in filled by fiduciary norms, 32
in transnational fiduciary law, 79
Western fiduciary norms incorporation into, 29
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) management systems, 274
Hilton v. Barker Booth & Eastwood, 94
Hong Kong fiduciary law, 9, 189
adoption of English fiduciary law in, 190, ,
lack of charity commission in, 213
wealth management centers and, 172
Zhang v. DBS case and,
horizontal legal ordering, 16, 28, 41, 53, 72
of corporate governance codes, 30
horizontal transmission of U.K. stewardship codes,
local level normative settlement and, 30
imperialism in fiduciary law, 9, , 259, See also League of Nations mandate system; Native Americans, fiduciary colonialism against
Burke on trust obligations of imperial officials and,
lack of scholarship on U.S. and European, 238
population statistic compiling on Aboriginal peoples in Australia and,
Spanish imperialism in Mexico, ,
U.K. imperial theory and accounting practices in Africa, 254
Indigenous Peoples, 2, 9, 22, See also imperialism in fiduciary law; League of Nations mandate system; Native Americans, fiduciary colonialism against
guardianship ideology and practices against,
Spanish imperialism in Mexico and,
Taungurung Peoples of Australia,
industrial trusts, 178
insider trading,
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 32, 264, 277
as case study of transnational public fiduciary theory,
fiduciary duties to stakeholders of, , 273
HACCP framework use of, 274
as TLO, 32
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), 21, 26, 92, 102
financial intermediary-customer relationships standards and, 100
International Conduct of Business Principles of,
international private law, 56
Investment Services Directive (ISD), 104
Investor Stewardship Group (ISG), 232
Environment Ministry and public trust, 156
Ito Review, 205
Japanese fiduciary law, 29, 39, 45
Civil and Commerical Code of,
corporate governance developments post-financial crisis,
diffusion of trust law and,
duty of loyalty construction in,
duty of loyalty in vs. in U.S.,
influence of on Korea and Taiwan,
influence of U.S. on,
Ito Review, 205
Japan Revitalization Strategy, 205
reception of Western legal norms by (19th and early 20th),
reform of guardianship system, 213
U.S.–Japan Structural Impediment Initiative, 197
Juliana v. United States, 165
law, national. See also by specific country; domestic law; duty of care; duty of loyalty
formation of transnational fiduciary law and, 68
uncertain status of in transnational law theory,
lawyers and legal intermediaries
insider trading restrictions at law firms and,
lawyers as trusted agents in 19th century U.S.,
League of Nations mandate system, 10, 20, 241
accounting practices of,
public fiduciary theory and, 150
trusteeship as justification for, 9
U.S. role in creation of, 255
legitimacy, of TLOs, 264,
liability, fiduciary,
Litchfield Law School, 243
local level legal practices
local norm divergence and, 30
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, 252
Louisianan fiducuiary law, 39
loyalty to the corporation, 189
M.C. Mehta v. Kamal Nath, 153
mandate contracts,
market-constituting fiduciaries, access platforms as, 33, 279, 280, , , 298
emerging TLO for regulation of, 33
mergers and acquisition,
Mexico, Spanish imperialism in, ,
micro-TLOs, 33
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as,
World Heritage Convention as,
modern trust law/norms, 15, 22, See also Hague Trust Convention
as an alternative to guardianship, 214
in China, 208
civil law trusts in East Asian countries, ,
courts’ liberal interpretation of trust jurisprudence, 175
development of in India, 9
diffusion of,
duty modification clauses and,
East Asian as exemplary, 214
East Asian vs. Anglo-common law approaches to, 186
fiduciary duties of trustees in East Asia,
formation of thru entanglement of national laws,
industrial trusts, 178
objects of discretionary trusts in,
remedies for breach of trust, 186
rise of transnational trusts, 29,
vertical legal ordering in,
Morgan Stanley,
mutual funds, U.S.,
Native Americans, fiduciary colonialism against, , See also Cherokee Nation; imperialism in fiduciary law; Indigenous Peoples
lawyers as trusted agents and,
Nauru, case brought against Australia, 258
public trust doctrine in, 157
non-binding rules, normative effects of,
non-state law, transnational fiduciary law as, 140
no-profit rule, 52
offshore jurisdictions, 172, 186, See also modern trust law/norms
Chinese trust law and, 209
trusts in vs. in onshore, 172
Permanent Building Society (in liq) v. Wheeler, 70
public trust doctrine in, 164
population statistics,
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), 65
private legal ordering, 5, 26, , 95
regulatory conduct-of-business standards in EU law and, 114
transnational bond markets as, ,
public fiduciary theory, 22, 23, 149, 163, , 277
on conflict between multiple beneficiaries, 291
ISO as case study of transnational,
public trust doctrine, 27
convergence around principles of across domestic legal systems, 158
domestic public trust litigation, 164
environmental trusteeships and,
legal roots of, 148
natural law understanding of, 166
in Nigeria, 157
Paris Agreement as public trust norm, 163
in South Africa, 157
as study of transnational normative settlement, , 165
TLO theory and, 147
Ramsar Convention, , 166
recursive development of transnational fiduciary law, 5, 6, , 24, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 172, 174, 181, 183, 230
in civil and common law jurisdictions, 214
in East Asian countries, 73
in TLO theory, 15
regulatory conduct-of-business standards
contingency problem in,
convergence of for financial intermediaries-customer relations, ,
in EU legislative context,
as functional fiduciary law,
International Conduct of Business Principles (IOSCO) and,
private German law and,
remedies for breach of trust, 186
sacred trust of civilization, 31, 240, 244, 255, 256, 258, See also imperialism in fiduciary law; League of Nations mandate system; Native Americans, fiduciary colonialism against
East India Company and, 249
scandals, in corporate law, 217
Schmidt v. Rosewood, 174
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 84
shareholders, 66
Anglo-American common law notions of loyalty to, 20
public companies holdings (1963 to 2020) by shareholder category (U.K.), 84
shareholder rights revision in Japan, 197
Singapore fiduciary law, 189
adoption of English fiduciary law in, 191, ,
adoption of U.K. stewardship codes by, 232
charities and, 214
sociolegal study of fiduciary law, 6, 25, 31, 33, 43, 166
critiques of unified theory and, 34
ISO authority and, 32
soft law, 24, 26, 212
in formation and institutionalization of TLOs, 26
in regulation, 212
in stakeholder-oriented model of corporate governance, 42
in transnational law, 78
South Africa
public trust doctrine in, 157
South Korean fiduciary law, 45
American-style corporate governance reforms in 90s, 200
civic activities in, 213
diffusion of trust law and,
duty of loyalty construction in,
family-controlled companies (chebol) in, 201
influence of Japanese fiduciary law on,
Korean Trust Act, 184
South Sea Company, 1
sovereignty, 152, 164
concept of trust and, 31
over natural resources, 258
Spanish claims of over Indigenous lands, 245
Spanish imperialism,
stakeholder-oriented model of corporate governance, 5, 62, 65, 66, 233, 234
ISO’s fiduciary duties to stakeholders, , 273
Japanese resistance to, 234
OECD good governance principles and, 91
soft law and, 42
standards and principles, 6, 31, 61, 238, See also environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards; International Organization for Standardization (ISO); regulatory conduct-of-business standards
autonomy and, 242
human rights standards, 266
standard-setting and private ordering,
state law, transnational fiduciary duties and,
stewardship codes, 206
of Asian countries, 232
divergence in adopted, 232
horizontal transmission of U.K.,
of Japan, 205
link between problem framing and regulatory outcomes, 230
Nature Conservation Board and public trust, 156
Taiwanese fiduciary law, 45, 201
American-style corporate governance reforms in 90s, 200
civic activities in, 213
diffusion of trust law and,
influence of Japanese fiduciary law on,
Taungurung Peoples (Australia),
tort of contract cases, 82
transnational fiduciary law/norms, 4, See also by specific country; fiduciary law/norms; imperialism in fiduciary law; transnational legal orders (TLOs); unified theory of fiduciary law
access platforms as transnational companies, 281
comparative contract law and,
contract law and, 43
court communication between nations, 68,
defining of, 40
diffusion of trust law in East Asian countries and,
duty of care and international court communication,
duty of loyalty and,
emergence of in financial intermediation conduct-of-business standards,
English law and, 9
extraterritorial application of fiduciary law and, 25,
fiduciary duties between bondholder and issuer under civil law,
fiduciary duties between bondholder and issuer under common law,
fiduciary duties between bondholders and CDS counterparties,
fiduciary duties within bondholder group,
as field, 41
formation of thru entanglement of national laws, 16, 24, 25, 34, 41, 42, 43, 47, 53, , 68, 70, 72, 79, 80, 84, 86, , 169, 170, 183,
as global law, 75
as hard law in transnational contexts, 79
horizontal ordering of national legal orders and, 41
hybrid system of, 67
implementation variation in, 5
interaction of East Asian and Western fiduciary norms, ,
mechanisms of in East Asian countries,
national law’s uncertain status in,
as non-state law, 140
norm development at local level and, 5, , 21, 24, 28, 29, 30, 55, 67, 150, 157, 158, 159, 160, 169, 178, 208, 215, 216
as process,
public trust doctrine as transnational norm,
scholarship on, 3
soft law in development of, 16
theoretical framework of, 79
transnational fiduciary duties in state law,
transnational law defined, 40
as transnational legal ordering of fiduciaries, 79,
as unsettled concept, 216
vs. fiduciary law, 78,
Western transplantation to East Asian countries, , 209
transnational legal orders (TLOs), 28, 33, 34, 41, 76, 113, 142, 215, See also transnational fiduciary law/norms; unified theory of fiduciary law
bond markets as private legal ordering, ,
conduct-of-business standards as emerging,
constitutive properties of legal aspects of,
environmental trusteeships as,
fiduciary activities by financial intermediaries as emerging, 101
ISO as, 32
law matters hypothesis in, 220
movement of norms as normative force, 60
national law’s uncertain status in,
private lawmaking and practice and, 26
public trust doctrine and,
soft law in development of, 26
vs. transnational norms, 166
Treaty on European Union (TEU), 112
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), 112
trust, 16, 26, 27, See also duty of loyalty; modern trust law/norms; public trust doctrine
digital businesses abuse of individuals’, 23
lawyers as trusted agents and,
sovereignty and, 31
trusteeship. See also guardianship; imperialism in fiduciary law; League of Nations mandate system
critiques of during decolonization era, 259
transformation of in modern transnational trusts, 178
as transnational norm of European imperialism, 256
U.S. and, 255
Turo, 278
as information fiduciary, 23