Academy of Ancient Music, 85
accentual-syllabic metre,
Account of the Musical Performances in Westminster Abbey and the Pantheon in Commemoration of Handel (Burney), 4
Africans, The (Colman),
Alexander’s Feast, 24
Alexander’s Feast, or the Power of Music (Dryden),
Alison, Somerville Scott, 232
All Along the River (Braddon), 238
Amigoni, Jacopo, 19
Analysis of Beauty Written with a View of Fixing the Fluctuating Ideas of Taste, The (Hogarth), 25
Anderson, Benedict, 210
Ansichten der Natur (Views of Nature) (Humboldt),
Armstrong, Isobel, 11
arrhythmia in London soundscape, , 128
Art of Poetry (Bysshe), 169
Asiatic Mirror (Calcutta), 208
associationism, 1
Athenaeum, 190,
attention, 5
Attridge, Derek, 163
attunement metaphors, 2
audiovisual aesthetics, 5
aural culture, 192
aural recognition scenes
in Guy Mannering,
Hindustani language and,
introduction to,
musical recognition,
staging of,
in The Steam-Boat (Galt),
unintelligible sounds,
Austen, Jane, 3
Babbage, Charles, 116
ballads and ballad-singers,
Banks, Joseph,
Bannister, Elizabeth, 65
Barker, Samuel, 165
Barlow, Jeremy, 21
Bate, Henry,
Beattie, James, 7
Beaumont, Francis, 86
‘Beautiful Maid, The’ (Liston), 62
Bell, Alexander Graham, 195
Bell, John,
Belsham, William,
Benjamin, Walter, 210
Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 188
bird sounds in poetry, 178
Birth of the Clinic, The (Foucault), 226
Bishop, Henry, 6
Blackwood’s, 236
Blair, Kirstie, 229
Blancanus, Josephus,
Blaszkiewicz, Jacek,
Braham, John, 98
Brewster, David, 186
British Association for the Advancement of Science, 190
British soundscape, 46
Brougham, Henry, 185
Bryce, James,
Burns, Robert, 6
Butler, Samuel, 27
Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron), 6
Bysshe, Edward, 169
Castrucci, Pietro,
Chart of the Coast of Scotland (Stevenson), 141
Chaucer, Geoffrey,
Chladni, Ernst, 188
Choleric Man The (Cumberland), 122
Clare, John, 176
Cobbold, William, 67
Collins, Wilkie, , 236
Colman, George, the Elder, 6
Colman, George, the Younger,
coup de théâtre, 75
Crabbe, George, 123
Cranford (Gaskell),
Cruikshank, George, 62
Cruikshank, Isaac, 126
Davey, William,
Davies, James Q., ,
Davy, Humphry,
De Quincey, Thomas,
Dering, Richard, 67
Der Vampyr (Marschner), 144
Detective Fiction and the Rise of Forensic Science (Thomas), 241
Deval, Krishnaji Ballal, 216
Dictionnaire de musique (Rousseau), , 52
Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen (Helmholtz), 186
digital humanities,
Dilke, Charles, 108
doctrine of vibrations, 2
Douglas, Mary, 11
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 236
Dryden, John, ,
dustman’s bell,
Ear Phonautograph (Bell), 195
East, Michael, 67
echoes and echoing sounds
experience of sound in poetry,
Gilbert White and, 155,
historical acoustemology of, 155
introduction to,
John Dryden and,
measurement of,
poetics of, 155,
prosody in,
Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 211
Edinburgh Review, 190
Edwin, John, 65
electromagnetism, 192
Enraged Musician, The (Hogarth)
amplified noise in, 23
cultural identity of sound in,
deafening silence of, 28
distressed poet in,
Fielding on, 28,
introduction to, ,
John Dryden and,
Lamb on, 17,
location of,
May Day milkmaid in,
Michael Angelo Rooker and, , 67
mood and mind in,
as musician provoked,
poverty in,
as read by,
‘Eolian Harp, The’ (Coleridge), 11
Erlmann, Veit, 146
Erwin, Timothy, 65
Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne (Laborde),
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke), , 41
Essay on Criticism (Pope), 7,
Essay towards a Rational System of Music (Holden),
euharmonic organ (Henry Liston)
introduction to, 9,
James Bryce and,
missionary education and,
nature versus culture,
reactions to,
shift and displacement of,
space and time modernity, 210
śrutis scale and,
Euler, Leonhard, 211
eurythmic soundscape, 123
Fairy-Land of Science, The (Buckley), 196
‘False Start, A’ (Doyle), 236
Farey, John, Senior, , 201,
Festin, John, , 22
Fingal’s Cave
Barthélemy Faujas de Saint-Fond and,
Felix Mendelssohn and, 136,
introduction to, 7,
John MacCulloch and,
Louis-Albert Necker and, 142
romantic resonance, 136,
search for,
Walter Scott and, , 144,
Forbes, John, 235
Franco of Cologne, 212
Furst, Lilian, 230
Fussell, Paul, , 170,
Galt, John, 7,
Gaskell, Elizabeth,
Gelbart, Matthew, ,
generational rhythms,
Genesis, book of, 24
Gentleman’s Magazine, 36
George, Georgina, 65
Gibbons, Orlando, 67
Gilchrist’s Guide,
Gilpin, William, 74
globalization, 106
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,
Grassini, Josephina,
Guy Mannering (Scott),
habit of mind, 33
Hammond, Paul, 170
Handel, George Frideric, 21
Hardy, Robert, 157
harmonic improvement, 201
harmony and the euharmonic organ, 211
Hartley, David,
Hebrides, The, or Fingal’s Cave (Mendelssohn), 7
Hemans, Felicia, 6
Herber, Reginald, 7,
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 129
Hérisson, Julius, 240
heroic verse, 169
Herschel, John, 186,
Hindustani language,
historical acoustemology, 155
Historical Magazine, 65,
Holden, John,
Holland, Peter, 228
Hollander, John, 154
Hudibras (Butler), 27
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Hume, David,
Iliff, Maria, 65
Illustrated Practical Mesmerist, Curative and Scientific, The (Davey),
Imitations of Horace (Pope), 27,
‘Imperfect Sympathies’ (Lamb), 34
Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense (Reid), 4
involuntary actions, 1
Jackson, Virginia, 164
Jairazbhoy, Nazir Ali, 218
Johnson, James, 6
Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, The (Boswell), 49
Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, A (Johnson), 49
Kay, J. P., 235
Keats, John, 11
Kempelen, Wolfgang von, 189
Khare, Ganesh Sakharam, 216
Kipling, Rudyard,
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp, 211
Kiston, Henry, 208
Knight, Charles, 128
Knight of the Burning Pestle, The (Beaumont), 86
Knox, Vicesimus, 40
Laborde, Jean-Benjamin de,
Ladies Monthly Museum, The, 98
Lamb, Charles, 17,
Lancet, 231
Langan, Celeste, 6
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 185
Laroon, Marcellus, 19
Leapor, Mary, 120
Leask, Nigel,
Lectures on Jurisprudence (Smith), 43
Le Fanu, Sheridan,
Lefebvre, Henri, 116
Lennard, William, 227
Letters on Natural Magic Addressed to Sir Walter Scott (Brewster), 186
Letters on a Tour through Various Parts of Scotland (Lettice), 48
Lettice, John, 48
Le vampire (Nodier), 144
decline of,
Liston, John, 62,
Locke, John, , 41
Lockhart, Ellen, , 204
Lockwood, Tom, 65
Lombroso, Cesare, 241
London Evening Post, 120
London Medical Gazette, 238
Lord of the Isles, The (Scott), 147
Loutherbourg, Philip James de, 64
Lucius Davoren (Braddon), 232
Mabey, Richard,
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 209
MacCulloch, John,
Mackay, Charles, 69
Marey, Étienne-Jules, 240
‘Marklake Witches’ (Kipling),
Marschner, Heinrich, 144
Martin, Meredith, 155
Marxism, 3
Mayes, Catherine, 40
Mayhew, Henry, 128
McDowell, Paula, 48
McIlvenna, Una,
Mécanique celeste (Laplace), 185
Mechanism of the Heavens (Somerville), 185
mediate auscultation, 226
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 154
Metropolitan Magazine,
Metropolitan Police Act, 115
Miles, Robert,
mind-altering substances, 1
Mirror and the Lamp, The (Abrams), 164
Mirror of Literature, 123
mixed automatic actions, 1
Moore, Thomas, 6
Morning Post, 121
moving and sounds,
muffin-boy’s bell, 115
musical exoticism, 39
musical instruments. See also euharmonic organ (Henry Liston)
learning to play, 1
Romantic philosophy of nature,
musical recognition,
musical universalism,
musica mensurata, 212
music and noise distinction,
Mylius, Christlob, 32
Nathan, Isaac, 6
national identity, 5
Natural History of Oxford-Shire (Plot),
Natural History of Selborne, The (White), 155,
nature versus art debate,
Necker, Louis-Albert, 142
Newman, Steve, 49
New Morning Post, 121
news-horn sound
affective rhythm of, 120,
complaints against,
as generational rhythm,
introduction to,
loss of,
in metropolis,
pastness of present,
‘Newspaper, The’ (Crabbe), 123
Newtonian theory of gravity,
Nodier, Charles, 144
Nora, Pierre, 6
Observations on Man (Hartley), 1
Of National Characters (Hume), 43
Of Simplicity and Refinement in Writing (Hume), 45
Of the Standard of Taste (Hume),
On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences (Somerville), 184, ,
On the Sensation of Tone (Helmholtz), 195
Original Anecdotes of Hogarth and Illustrations of His Plates (Nichols), 36
Paradise Lost (Milton), 26
Parry, John, 6
Pater, Walter, 5
Penny Magazine, , 191
Pepusch, Johann Christoph, 21
Peterfreund, Stuart, 164
Philosophical Magazine, , 214
Philosophical Transactions, 158
Philosophy of Music, The (Pole), 196
Physical Examination of the Chest, The (Alison), 232
Plot, Robert, ,
Poe, Edgar Allen, 241
poetry and poetics
accentual syllabic metre,
bird sounds in, 178
experience of sound in,
heroic verse, 169
lyric expressions of,
in measuring echoes,
of Romanticism, 155
trisyllabic substitutions,
Pole, William, 196
Practical Education (Edgeworth), 183
Present State of Music in Germany, The (Burney), 47
Prince, Mary, 107
in echoes,
Proverbs, book of, 23
Ramsay, Allan,
Rape of Lucrece (Shakespeare), 32
Ravenscroft, Thomas, 67
Reid, Thomas, 4
Reiser, Stanley Joel, 226,
representation in images, 210
resonance metaphors, 2
Ritson, Joseph, 52
Robison, John,
Rogue’s Life, A (Collins), 236
Romanticism, 155,
Romantic resonance, 136,
Rooker, Edward, 60
Rooker, Michael Angelo, , 67,
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, , , 52
Roy, Rammohan, 209
Royal Philharmonic Society, 204
Royal Society of Musicians, 85
Saint-Fond, Barthélemy Faujas de,
Sala, George Augustus, 21
Salter, Henry Hyde,
Sandbury, Paul, 60
satire in The Enraged Musician, 35
Saturday Magazine The, 191
Savart, Félix, 188
Say, Samuel, 170
Sceptic The (Hume), 42
Schmidt, Leigh Eric,
science of sound,
Scottish Enlightenment, 204
Scottish national music
history, judgement, and taste,
performance, collection, and history,
sound and,
Sebastiani, Silvia, 43
secondarily automatic movements, 1
Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice, A (Thomson), 52
self-portrait by Hogarth,
Sense and Sensibility (Austen), 3
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,
Shield, William,
sight, 4
S-line in The Enraged Musician, , 30
Smith, Mark M., 154
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 191
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 185
Somerville, Mary (née Fairfax)
introduction to, 8,
Newtonian theory of gravity,
popularity of work,
science of sound,
sonorous Romanticism,
Something Concerning Nobody (1814), 122
Song for St Cecilia’s Day, A (Dryden), 24
sonic experience of place,
sonic modernity,
sonorous Romanticism,
Sorcerer’s Apprentice, The (Goethe),
Sound and Music (Taylor), 196
sounding shields, 142
sounds and soundscapes. See also echoes and echoing sounds; news-horn sound; stethoscope
arrhythmia in London soundscape, , 128
aural recognition scenes, ,
bird sounds in poetry, 178
conveying violence through, 108
cultural identity of,
dustman’s bell,
eurythmic soundscape, 123
experience of sound in poetry,
muffin-boy’s bell, 115
science of,
in Scottish national music,
sonic experience of place,
sonic modernity,
unintelligible sounds,
urban soundscape, 7
violence through, 108
Spectator, The (Addison), 4
śrutis scale,
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church of Calcutta, 9
St John’s Gospel, 103
Steam-Boat, The (Galt),
Steege, Benjamin, 186
Steinberg, Michael P., 146
decency and privacy concerns,
Elizabeth Gaskell and,
human frailty and,
introduction to, 9,
mediate auscultation, 226
mesmerism and,
Wilkie Collins and,
Stevenson, John Andrew, 6
street musicians, 115
Swidzinski, Joshua, 159
Tagore, Sourindro Mohun, 216
Taylor, Sedley, 196
‘Tell-Tale Heart, The’ (Poe), 241
Thackeray, William Makepeace,
Theobald, Lewis, 30
Theory of Prosody in Eighteenth-Century England (Fussell),
‘This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison’ (Coleridge), 11
Thomas, Ronald R., 241
Three Clerks, The (Trollope), 232
Tour, Charles de la, 188
‘Treatise on Sound’ (Herschel), 186,
Tresch, John, 8
trisyllabic substitutions,
Trollope, Anthony, 232
Trusler, John, 17,
Tyndell, John, 196
Uncle Silas (Le Fanu),
unintelligible sounds,
Unitarian science, 11
Universal Magazine, 65
Universal Songsters; or Museum of Mirth, The, 98
useful knowledge, 192
Ut Pictura Poesis, or, The Enraged Musician (Colman)
distinction between music and noise,
evocation of Hogarth’s image,
introduction to,
nature versus art debate,
noises of the street,
overview of,
Vanderbank, Moses, 37
Victorian Poetry and the Culture of the Heart (Blair), 229
Vierordt, Karl, 240
violence through sound, 108
Virginians, The (Thackeray),
visual tropes, 4
Vixen (Braddon), 232
voice, cultural origins expressed in, 107
Voyage en Angleterre, en Écosse et aux Îles Hébrides (Saint-Fond),
Voyage en Écosse et aux Iles Hébrides (Necker), 142
Voyage to the Hebrides (Pennant), 137
Walpole, Horace, 121
Watt, James,
Weelkes, Thomas, 67
Weiskott, Eric, 168
Wheatstone, Charles, ,
Whewell, William, 190
White, Gilbert, , 155,
Whittaker, John, 98
Willing to Die (Le Fanu), 238
Willis, Robert, 189
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare), 25
Woman in White, The (Collins),
Woodfield, Ian,
Woolf, Virginia, 157
Wordsworth, William, 128
Young, Thomas, , 188
Zitin, Abigail, 26