Footnotes are indicated by n. after the page number.
Adelman, Irma, 86
administrative map, 11
agricultural sector
access to justice problems, ,
market access constraints, 87, , ,
natural resources sector development, risks for, 108
agricultural sector, strategy needs
agro-industry development, , 341,
decentralisation of services delivery, 79,
irrigation infrastructures, 113
mechanisation, competing views on,
Aidt, Toke, 219n.11
Aiginger, Karl,
Alar, Francisco,
Baland, Jean-Marie, xxvi
Baldwin, Elizabeth, 275
Barnett, Jon,
Benavot, Aaron, 119
Benfica, Rui, 111
Binder, Alberto, 232
Birdsall, Nancy, 240
Brito, Luis de, 169
Brito, Rui, 110
business environment
diagnostics studies of, 36
business-politics nexus. See also corruption and cronyism
lobbying and campaign funding, 289, ,
privatisation policies and, , , 306,
Cabral, Zaida, 235
campaign funding and lobbying, 289, ,
Canotilho, J.J. Gomes, 214
Carvalho, António Santos, 230
Castelar, Armando, 226
Chivulele, Fernanda Massarongo, 284
civil society actors
healthcare improvement, neglect of,
community courts, 98, ,
Constitution of Mozambique
construction and utilities sector,
Correia, Gilberto, 228
corruption and cronyism. See also business-politics nexus
cross-country comparisons, 47
donor assistance and, , 259
Embraer scandal, 196
healthcare services, impacts on, 145,
police corruption, 70
reforms to combat, , 347
in tax administration, 197,
Cortês, Edson Robert de Oliveira, 335
court reforms, , 311
Cramer, Christopher, 306
Cruz, António S.,
Dabán, Teresa, 257
Darling-Hammond, Linda, 124
decentralisation reforms
administrative map, 11
for agricultural services delivery, 79,
‘decentralisation’ term,
for healthcare services delivery, 157
institutional dimension, conceptual framework,
provincial governance challenges, , ,
Delors, Jacques, 124
cross-country comparisons,
education system context,
key informants’ views on, , 79
multi-party democracy adoption,
reform proposals, , ,
Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), , 203n.15
Dietsche, Evelyn, 272
Diogo, Luisa Dias, 16
Dylan, Bob, 3
economic development, history of
timeline, 40,
economic development constraints
quantitative survey findings on,
economic growth and development
institutional capacity and,
overview, ,
structural change, ,
Economic Rehabilitation and Structural Adjustment Programmes
PFM (public financial management) system reforms, ,
EdM (public electricity company),
education system
campaign funding, 251, ,
cross-country comparisons, 45
key informants’ views on, 71
procedural irregularities, 327
Embraer corruption scandal, 196
ENH (national hydrocarbon company), 344
EU policy dialogue mechanism, 256
FASE educational funding mechanism,
FDI (foreign direct investment)
data on, , 287
investor characteristics and interests, 76
southern projects favoured,
tax revenues from megaprojects,
Fernando, Paula, , 218
Filipe, Eléusio,
Frelimo (political party)
centralisation of power, background to, , 315,
Fritz, Verena, 186
Gaulle, Charles de, 245
Gaventa, John, 118
geography of Mozambique, ,
Gomes, Conceição, 229
‘Governance and the Law’ (World Bank report), xxi
government expenditure. See also PFM (public financial management) system; tax system
defence and security, 193
municipalisation process, ,
Guadagni, Marco, 235
Guebuza, Armando
District Development Fund (‘7 million’), guidance on,
Halleröd, Björn, 117
Hammergren, Linn, 226
Hanson, Jonathan K., 116
Hanushek, Eric A., 133
disease prevalence, ,
history of services delivery,
National Health System structure,
traditional medicine, 103, ,
healthcare, institutional deficiencies
causes of, , , 314
citizen access and participation, , 158
corruption and cronyism, 145,
political instability and violence,
rule of law, ,
sovereignty and independence, , 159
state capacity, , 156
Hickey, Sam, 115
hidden debt scandal (2016)
FDI (foreign direct investment), impact on, 271
parliamentary and judicial responses, 207,
historical case studies,
Hodges, Tony, 199n.14
Holman, Edwin, 110
Hossain, Naomi, 115
infrastructure development
institutional capacity
conceptual framework, ,
economic development and,
institutional capacity, cross-country comparisons
democracy and citizenship indicators,
Mozambican uniqueness caveat, 301
overview, ,
political instability and violence,
rule of law and judicial independence,
sovereignty and independence,
state capacity,
institutional capacity, key informants’ views
on agricultural sector,
on civil service recruitment, , 79,
democracy and citizenship indicators, , 79
on education system,
interview design, 68
on political instability and violence,
on rule of law and judicial independence, , 79
on sovereignty and independence, , 79
institutional capacity, quantitative survey
design, implementation, and respondents, , 310
economic development constraints, views on, ,
quality of institutions, views on, , , 311
institutional diagnostic findings
deep factors explaining deficiencies, ,
proximate causes of deficiencies,
reform proposals mapped to deficiencies, , , , , , ,
interest rate dynamics, 286
international cooperation
cross-country comparisons,
Isaksen, Jan, 20
judicial system
agricultural sector, access to justice problems, ,
anti-corruption reforms,
citizen alienation from, 336
court reforms, , 311
cross-country comparisons,
hidden debt scandal, judicial response, 207,
independence, rationale for, ,
Langa, Epifânia, 289
Lewis, Arthur, xx
life expectancy, 34
Lin, Justin Yifu, 342
Lledó, Victor, 36
lobbying and campaign funding, 289, ,
Lopes, Carlos, 238
macroeconomic management
evaluated, , , 308
natural resources-led strategy proposals, , ,
Magaia, Flavio, 121
Mandela, Nelson, 136
Manning, Richard, 256
manufacturing sector
exports data, 29
Matsangaíssa, André, 15
McColskey, Wendy, 124
MDM (Democratic Movement of Mozambique), , 203n.15
microcredit provision, 342
Millo, Yiftach,
Miningou, Elise Wendlassida, 118
Momade, Ossufo, 20
Mondlane, Eduardo, 303
Monga, Célestin, 342
Morand, Charles-Albert, 231
Mosca, João, 106
Moss, Todd, 240
National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), 221
natural gas sector. See also extractives sector
Natural Gas Master Plan,
new institutional arrangements for, 279
security arrangements for, , 260
unequal job opportunities, 72
natural resources-led economic transformation
analytical framework,
current performance evaluated, ,
scholarly insights on, , 277
strategy proposals, , ,
Norfolk, Simon,
Nova, Yara, 97
ODA (overseas development assistance)
current status,
data on, 28
decentralisation reforms, support for, 171,
ODA, donor motivations
Bretton Woods institutions,
general budget support donors, early years, ,
security and commercial concerns, , , 338
Soviet and socialist countries,
Ostrom, Elinor, 275
Page, John, 339
Panguene, Armando, 246
Paul, Samuel, 118
Pedroso, João, 234
Pesoa, Mario, 257
PFM (public financial management) system. See also government expenditure; tax system
decentralisation reforms and,
overview of reforms, ,
timeline and selected reforms,
piracy in Mozambican waters, 259
Pitcher, M. Anne, 306
political history of Mozambique