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eligibility checker

Eligibility Checker - Waivers and Discounts for Open Access Publishing

Journal authors can use our tool below to check their eligibility for support for Gold Open Access via:

  • Institutional open access agreements with Cambridge (over 2,000 institutions are currently covered)
  • The Cambridge Open Equity Initiative, covering authors from over 100 low- and middle-income countries, areas and territories, including over 5,000 institutions
  • Research4Life, for authors from low- and middle-income countries, areas and territories who are not covered by an institutional open access agreement or the Cambridge Open Equity Initiative

This tool will provide full details of which journals and article types are eligible for funding support. Eligibility is based on the affiliation of the corresponding author.

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    No agreements available

    We currently have no agreements in your country or with your institution. Find out more about APC charges or email for more information.

    If your organisation is not listed, please view our global OA publishing agreements.

    Your Open Access publishing agreement

    Article Processing Charge Discount:
    Discount Details:
    Article Types:

    Journals covered by this agreement

    Next Steps

    • Submit your research using your institutional affiliation (ideally using ORCID). Please note that eligibility is based on the corresponding author's affiliation
    • We advise authors to check any funder or institutional mandates, for example research-funded authors may need to choose CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution License)
    • Upon acceptance, choose the Gold Open Access option in your author publishing agreement form and select a creative commons licence
    • To find out more about publishing Open Access please visit our publishing Open Access information page or contact

    The journals listed below are eligible for Open Access publishing as part of the above agreement

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    Please see our funding options for Cambridge journals authors for more information about available funding routes.