Online submission
All manuscripts should be submitted online at:
Please ensure that your manuscript is uploaded in the correct file formats and using the correct journal styles. You should particularly note the following instructions:
- The uploaded manuscript must be saved as a DOC file (not DOCX) or an RTF file.
- The manuscript file should include title, authors, email address of corresponding author, abstract (250 words), main text, references and captions for tables and figures.
- All figures should be uploaded in TIF format as separate files, and saved at final size and at appropriate resolution. Colour figures must be saved as CMYK (not RGB). Large files can be uploaded as ZIP files.
- Tables must be inserted at the end of the main document, not supplied as separate files.
- Line numbering and page numbering of the manuscript file are required
- A cover letter must be supplied at initial submission. This can be uploaded as a separate file.
- Appended to the Summary should be 3-10 relevant key words suitable for indexing. Nothing else should appear on the summary page.
The cover letter must contain a statement that the manuscript is an original contribution that has not been published elsewhere in substantially the same form, that it is not currently under consideration elsewhere, and that permission has been obtained for any copyrighted material used. You will be given the opportunity during submission to suggest preferred referees, although your suggested referees will not necessarily be used. If you have any queries about the submission process, please contact the editorial office at:
Licence to publish
Before Cambridge can publish your manuscript, we need a signed licence to publish agreement. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the article. The original ownership of the copyright in the article remains unchanged. For full details see the publishing agreement page.