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Journal of Child Language Digital Archive is a repository of every single article published in the journal between 1974 and 1996. It houses over 10,600 pages of content, reproduced as high-resolution, searchable PDFs. The Archive marks the complete digitisation of Journal of Child Language, with all material available through Cambridge Core.

The archive contains approximately 920 articles from the Journal's first 23 volumes - 48 issues in total.

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Journal of Child Language
  • ISSN: 0305-0009 (Print), 1469-7602 (Online)
  • Frequency: 6 issues per year

A key publication in the field, Journal of Child Language publishes open access articles on all aspects of the scientific study of language behaviour in children, the principles which underlie it, and the theories which may account for it. The international range of authors and breadth of coverage allow the journal to forge links between many different areas of research including psychology, linguistics, cognitive science and anthropology. This interdisciplinary approach spans a wide range of interests: phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and any other recognised facet of language study. Aspects of reading development are considered when there is a clear language component. The journal normally publishes full-length empirical studies or General Articles as well as shorter Brief Research Reports. To be appropriate for this journal, articles should include some quantitative data analyses, and articles based on case studies need to have a convincing rationale for this design. The journal publishes thematic special issues on occasion, the topic and format of which are determined by the editorial team.