This is a very good question and you might, as an author, ask it before submitting your article to the Journal of Anglican Studies. Here some reasons why you should choose the Journal of Anglican Studies as the place to publish your article:
- It is a place for serious scholarly conversation on all aspects of Anglican studies, including history, theology, worship, ethics, scripture, canon law, aesthetics, reflection on the poetic and education. JAS has a very broad editorial policy and welcomes articles from any intellectual discipline that touches on Anglican studies.
- It is published by Cambridge University Press, one of the world’s oldest, most experienced and well-resourced publishers, with editorial and production staff who really care about the product they publish. An article appearing in a Cambridge University Press journal commands respect.
- It has wide circulation throughout the Anglican Communion and the wider world and offers a distinctive and unique contribution to the understanding of Anglicanism and theology more generally in the world today.
- It is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. Authors from many institutions, nationalities, regions and career stages choose to publish in the Journal of Anglican Studies.
- It will respect your work and give it serious consideration for publication following rigorous peer-review. The Editor will assist in the process of publishing your article and provide appropriate feedback.
- It engages reviewers who are experts in their field with world-class research and publication backgrounds and seeks to get a response to authors in the shortest possible time. Reviewers often provide extensive feedback on articles which can assist authors in their continuing work.
- It seeks to build a culture and community of voices that elevate the field of Anglican studies through a diversity of perspectives, experiences, skills, knowledge and knowledge systems.