The last instar larvae of the tribe Pyraustini of America north of Mexico are described. Thirty-five species and 19 genera are included in this study, Munroeodes Amsel—1 species, Saucrobotys Munroe—1 species, Epicorsia Hübner—1 species, Oenobotys Munroe—1 species, Crocidophora Lederer—1 species, Ostrinia Hübner—3 species, Fumibotys Munroe—1 species, Eurrhypara Hübner—1 species, Phlyctaenia Hübner—1 species, Nealgedonia Munroe—1 species, Mutuuraia Munroe—1 species, Anania Hübner—1 species, Hahncappsia Munroe—5 species, Achyra Guenée—2 species, Helvibotys Munroe—1 species, Sitochroa Hübner—1 species, Uresiphita Hübner—1 species, Loxostege Hübner—5 species, and Pyrausta Schrank—6 species. The last instar larvae of 10 species are described for the first time, Munroeodes thalesalis (Walker), Oenobotys vinotinctalis (Hampson), Crocidophora pustuliferalis Lederer, Nealgedonia extricalis (Guenée), Pyrausta dapalis (Grote), P. fodinalis (Lederer), P. sp. near laticlavia (Grote and Robinson), P. orphisalis Walker, P. tyralis (Guenée), P. unifascialis (Packard). The relationships between the adults and the larvae are discussed. Key to the genera for last instar larvae is given, and the larval characters illustrated.