- Cited by 6
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Heier, Jorma 2020. Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State. p. 53.
Schaefer, Kerrie 2022. Communities, Performance and Practice. p. 81.
Rahbari, Ladan 2023. COVID-19 Pandemic and the Crisis of Care: Wellness Discourses, Neoliberal Self-Care, and (Dis)Infodemic. Social Sciences, Vol. 12, Issue. 3, p. 137.
Rodés, Virginia and Motz, Regina 2023. Handbook of Disability. p. 1.
Erdmann, Anke Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph Schrinner, Florian and Bozzaro, Claudia 2024. The body as an obstacle and the “other”. How patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases view their body, self and the good life. BMC Medical Ethics, Vol. 25, Issue. 1,
Rodés, Virginia and Motz, Regina 2024. Handbook of Disability. p. 887.
- Publisher:
- Bristol University Press
- Online publication date:
- March 2022
- Print publication year:
- 2015
- Online ISBN:
- 9781447316527
- Subjects:
- Sociology: General Interest, Sociology