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Published online by Cambridge University Press:  24 June 2009

Stephen Alford
University of Cambridge
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Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2002

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Acts of the Privy Council of England, ed. J. R. Dasent et al., new series, 46 vols. (London, 1890–1964).
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All suche Proclamacions, as have been sette furthe by the Kynges Majestie (and passed the Print) from the last daie of Januarij, in the firste yere of his highnes reigne (London: Richard Grafton, 1550; short-title catalogue 7758).
Becon, Thomas, The Fortresse of the faythfull agaynst the cruel assautes of povertie and honger newlye made for the comforte of poore nedye Christians, by Thomas Becon (London: John Day and William Seres, 1550; short-title catalogue 1721).
Bible: Old and New Testaments:
The Byble, that is to say all the holy Scripture: In whych are contayned the Olde and New Testamente, truly & purely translated into English, & nowe lately with greate industry & diligence recognised (London: [Steven Mierdman] for John Day and William Seres, 1549; short-title catalogue 2077).
Bible: New Testament:
The new Testament in Englishe after the greeke translation annexed wyth the translation of Erasmus in Latin (London: Thomas Gaultier, 1550; short-title catalogue 2821).
The newe Testament of our Saviour Jesu Christe. Faythfully translated out of the Greke. Wyth the Notes and expositions of the darke places therein (London: Richard Jugge, 1552; short-title catalogue 2867).
Certayne Sermons, or Homelies, appoynted by the kynges Majestie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, Vicars, or Curates, every Sondaye in their churches, where they have Cure (London: Richard Grafton, 1547; short-title catalogue 13640).
Cheke, John, De obitu doctissimi et sanctissimi theologi doctoris Martini Buceri, Regii in celeberrima Cantabrigiensi Academia apud Anglos publice sacrarum literarum prelectoris Epistolae duae (London: Reynold Wolf, 1551; short-title catalogue 5108).
Cheke, John, The hurt of sedicion, howe greveous it is to a Commune welth (London: John Day and William Seres, 1549; short-title catalogue 5109).
A Copye of a Letter contayning certayne newes, and the Articles or requestes of the Devonshyre & Cornyshe rebelles. M. D.XLⅨ (London: John Day and William Seres, 1549; short-title catalogue 15109.3).
Coverdale, Miles, A Spyrytuall and moost precyouse Pearle. Teachyng all men to love and imbrace the crosse, as a mooste swete and necessary thyng, unto the sowle, and what comfort is to be taken thereof (London: [Steven Mierdman for] Walter Lynne, 1550; short-title catalogue 25255).
Cranmer, Thomas, An answer of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterburye, primate of all Englande and metropolitane unto a crafty and sophisticall cavillation devised by Stephen Gardiner doctour of law, late byshop of Winchester (London: Reynold Wolf, 1551; short-title catalogue 5991).
An Epistle or exhortacion, to unitie & peace, sent from the Lorde Protector, & others the kynges moste honorable counsaill of England To the Nobilitie, Gentlemen, and Commons, and al others the inhabitauntes of the Realme of Scotlande (London: Richard Grafton, 1548; short-title catalogue 22268).
An epitome of the title that the Kynges Majestie of Englande, hath to the sovereigntie of Scotland, continued upon the auncient writers of both nacions, from the beginnyng (London: Richard Grafton, 1548; short-title catalogue 3196).
Erasmus, Desiderius, The first tome or volume of the Paraphrases of Erasmus upon the newe testament, conteinyng the fower Evangelistes, with the Actes of the Apostles (London: Edward Whitchurch, 1551; short-title catalogue 2866).
Foxe, Edward, The true dyfferens betwen the regall power and the Ecclesiasticall power Translated out of latyn by Henry lord Stafforde (London: William Copland, 1548; short-title catalogue 11220).
Gerrard, Philip, A godly invective in the defence of the Gospell (London: Richard Grafton, 1547; short-title catalogue 11797).
Gest, Edmund, A Treatise againste the prevee Masse in the behalfe and furtheraunce of the mooste holye communyon, made by Edmund Gest (London: [William Hill and] Thomas Raynald, 1548; short-title catalogue 11802).
Gilby, Anthony, A commentarye upon the Prophet Mycha. Wrytten by Antony Gilby (London: John Day, 1551; short-title catalogue 11886).
Haddon, Walter, and Thomas Wilson, Vita et obitus duorum fratrum Suffolciensium, Henrici et Caroli Brandoni prestanti virtute, et splendore nobilitatis ducum illustrissimorum, duabus epistolis explicata (London: Richard Grafton, 1551; short-title catalogue 25817).
Hall, Edward, The union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre & Yorke (London: Richard Grafton, 1548; short-title catalogue 12722). The second edition of 1550 is short-title catalogue 12723.
Henrisoun, James, An exhortation to the Scotts to conforme themselves to the honourable expedient and godly union betwene the two realmes of Englande and Scotland, dedicated to Edward duke of Somerset by James Harryson (London: Richard Grafton, 1547; short-title catalogue 12857).
Here begynneth a boke, called the faule of the Romyshe churche ([London: ?Nicholas Hill, 1548]; short-title catalogue 21305.3).
Homilies: see Certayne Sermons, or Homelies.
Hooper, John, A declaracion of Christe and of his offyce compylyd/ by Johan Hoper/Anno 1547 (Zurich: Augustine Fries, 1547; short-title catalogue 13745).
Hooper, John, A Declaratyon of the ten holy commaundementes of almyghtye God wryten Exo. xx. Deu. 5. Collected out of the scrypture Canonycall by John Houper, with certayne newe addisions made by the same maister Houper ([London: Thomas Gaultier? for] Richard Jugge, 1550; short-title catalogue 13750.5).
Hooper, John, A funeral oration, made the.xiiii. daye of January, by John Hoper, the yeare of oure salvatyon.M.D.XLIX. upon the texte wrytten in the Revelation of Saynt John Capi. xiiii. (London: Thomas Raynald, 1550; short-title catalogue 13755).
Hooper, John, Godly and most necessary Annotations in the.xiii. Chapyter too the Romaynes: Set furthe by the right vigilant Pastor, Jhon Hoper, by gods calling, Busshop of Gloucestre (Worcester: John Oswen, 1551; short-title catalogue 13756).
Hooper, John, A godly Confession and Protestacion of the christian fayth, made and set furth by Jhon Hooper, wherin is declared what a christian manne is bound to beleve of God, hys King, his neibour, and hymselfe (London: John Day, 1550; short-title catalogue 13757).
Hooper, John, An Homelye to be read in the tyme of pestylence, and a moste presente remedye for thesame (Worcester: John Oswen, [1553]; short-title catalogue 13759).
Hooper, John, An oversight, and deliberacion upon the holy Prophete Jonas: made, and uttered before the kynges majestie, and his moost honorable councell, by Jhon Hoper in lent last past. Comprehended in seven Sermons. Anno.MD. L. (London: John Day and William Seres, 1550; short-title catalogue 13763).
Injunctions geven by the moste excellente Prince, Edward the.VI. by the grace of GOD, Kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande: Defendour of the Faith, & in earthe under CHRIST, of the Churche of Englande & of Irelande the supreme head: To all and singuler hys Lovinge Subjectes, aswel of the Clergie, as off the Laietie (London: Richard Grafton, 1547; short-title catalogue 10088).
Latimer, Hugh, The fyrste Sermon of Mayster Hughe Latimer, whiche he preached before the Kynges Majest[y] wythin his graces palayce at Westmynster M. D.XL.IX. the viii. of Marche (London: John Day and William Seres, 1549; short-title catalogue 15270.7).
Latimer, Hugh, A moste faithfull Sermon preached before the Kynges most excellente Majestye, and hys most honorable Councell, in hys Courte at Westminster, by the reverend Father Master Hughe Latimer. Anno Domi[ni].M. D. L. (London: John Day, 1550; short-title catalogue 15289).
Latimer, Hugh, A moste faithfull Sermon preached before the Kynges most excellente Majestye, and hys most honorable Councel, in his Court at Westminster, by the reverende Father Master. Hughe Latymer (London: John Day, [1553]; short-title catalogue 15290).
Latimer, Hugh, A notable Sermon of the reverende father Maister Hughe Latemar, whiche he preached in the Shrouds at paules churche in London, on the.xviii. daye of January. 1548 (London: John Day and William Seres, 1548; short-title catalogue 15291).
Latimer, Hugh, The seconde Sermon of Maister Hughe Latimer, whych he preached before the Kynges majestie, within his graces Palayce at Westminster the.xv. day of Marche. M.ccccc.xlix. (London: John Day and William Seres, 1549; short-title catalogue 15274.7).
Latimer, Hugh, A Sermon of Master Latimer, preached at Stamford the.ix. day of October. (London: John Day, [1550]; short-title catalogue 15293).
Lever, Thomas, A fruitfull Sermon made in Poules churche at London in the shroudes the seconde daye of February by Thomas Lever: Anno.M.D & fiftie. (London: John Day and William Seres, 1550; short-title catalogue 15543).
Lever, Thomas, A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the.xiiii. day of December, by Thomas Lever. Anno.MD.L. (London: John Day, 1550; short-title catalogue 15546.3).
Lever, Thomas, A Sermon preached the thyrd Sondaye in Lente before the Kynges Majestie, and his honorable Counsell, by Thomas Leaver. Anno Domini. M.ccccc.l. (London: John Day, 1550; short-title catalogue 15548).
Lynne, Walter, The beginning and endynge of all popery, or popishe kyngedome (London: John Herford for Walter Lynne, 1548; short-title catalogue 17115).
A message sent by the kynges Majestie, to certain of his people, assembled in Devonshire (London: Richard Grafton, 1549; short-title catalogue 7506).
Ochino, Bernardino, Fouretene Sermons of Barnardine Ochyne, concernyng the predestinacion and eleccion of god: very expediente to the settynge forth of hys glorye among hys creatures. Translated out of Italian in to oure natyve tounge by A. C (London: John Day and William Seres, 1551; short-title catalogue 18767).
Ochino, Bernardino, A tragoedie or Dialoge of the unjuste usurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the just abolishyng of the same, made by master Barnardine Ochine an Italian, & translated out of Latine into Englishe by Master John Ponet Doctor of Divinitie, never printed before in any language (London: [Nicholas Hill for] Walter Lynne, 1549; short-title catalogue 18770, 18771).
Ochino, Bernardino, Sermons of the ryght famous and excellent clerke Master Bernardine Ochine (Ipswich: Anthony Scoloker, 1548; short-title catalogue 18765).
Parker, Matthew, Howe we ought to take the death of the Godly, a Sermon made in Cambrydge at the buriall of the noble Clerck. D. M. Bucer (London: Richard Jugge, [1551]; short-title catalogue 19293).
Parr, Catherine, The lamentacion of a sinner, made by the most vertuous Ladie, Quene Caterin, bewayling the ignoraunce of her blind life: set furth and put in print at the instaunt desire of the righte gracious ladie Catherin Duchesse of Suffolke, & the earnest requeste of the right honourable Lord, William Parre, Marquesse of North Hampton (London: Edward Whitchurch, 1547; short-title catalogue 4827). The second edition (also printed by Whitchurch) is short-title catalogue 4828.
Patten, William, The Expedicion into Scotlande of the most woorthely fortunate prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset, uncle unto our most noble sovereign lord the kinges Majestie Edward the.VI. (London: Richard Grafton, 1548; short-title catalogue 19476.5).
Ponet, John, A notable Sermon concerninge the ryght use of the lordes supper and other thynges very profitable for all men to knowe preached before the Kynges most excellent Mayestye and hys most honorable counsel in hys courte at Westmynster the 14. daye of Marche, by Mayster John ponet Doctor of dyvinity. 1550. ([London: Steven Mierdman for] Walter Lynne, 1550; short-title catalogue 20177).
A Proclamacion, set furth by the body and state, of the Kynges Majest[y]s privey Counsayle, concernyng the devisers, writers, and casters abrode, of certain vile, slaunderous, and moste trayterous letters, billes, scrowes, and papers, tendyng to the seducement of the kynges majesties good & lovyng subjectes (London: Richard Grafton, 10 Oct. 1549; short-title catalogue 7829).
A Proclamacion set forth by the state and bodie of the Kynges Majest[i]es Counsayle now assembled at London, conteinyng the very trouth of the Duke of Somersets evel Government, and false and detestable procedinges (London: Richard Grafton, 1549; short-title catalogue 7828).
Proclamations: see All suche Proclamacions.
Thomas, William, The historie of Italie, a boke excedyng profitable to be redde: Because it intreateth of the astate of many and divers common weales, how thei have ben, & now be governed (London: Thomas Berthelet, 1549; short-title catalogue 24018).
Thomas, William, Principal rules of the Italian grammer, with a Dictionarie (London: Thomas Berthelet, 1550; short-title catalogue 24020).
Thomas, William, The vanitee of this world (London: Thomas Berthelet, 1549; short-title catalogue 24023).
Turke, John, A lamentation of the death of the moost victorious Prynce henry the eyght late Kynge of thys noble royalme of Englande (London: [John Day and William Seres for] John Turke, [1547]; short-title catalogue 13089).
Vermigli, Peter Martyr, A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Florentine, the publyque reader of divinitee in the Universitee of Oxford wherin he openly declared his whole and determinate judgemente concernynge the Sacrament of the Lordes supper in the sayde Universitee (London: [Edward Whitchurch,] 1550; short-title catalogue 24665).
Vermigli, Peter Martyr, An epistle unto the right honorable and christian prince, the Duke of Somerset written unto him in Latin, awhile after hys deliveraunce out of trouble, by the famous clearke Doctour Peter Martyr, and translated into Englyshe by Thomas Norton (London: [Nicholas Hill for] Walter Lynne, 1550; short-title catalogue 24666).
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Wilson, Thomas, The rule of Reason, conteinyng the Arte of Logique, set forth in Englishe, by Thomas Wilson (London: Richard Grafton, 1551; short-title catalogue 25809).
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Ascham, Roger, The scholemaster Or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to understand, write, and speake, the Latin tong, but specially purposed for the private brynging up of youth in Jentlemen and Noble mens house (London: John Day, 1570; short-title catalogue 832).
Aylmer, John, An harborowe for faithfull and trewe subjectes, agaynst the late blowne Blaste, concerninge the Government of Wemen ([London: John Day,] 1559; short-title catalogue 1005).
The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament (Geneva: Rowland Hall, 1560; short-title catalogue 2093).
Carlile, Christopher, A discourse, Concerning two divine Positions … Publiquely disputed at a Commencement in Cambridge, Anno Domini 1552 (London: Roger Ward, 1582; short-title catalogue 4654).
Carr, Nicholas, Demosthenis, Graecorum Oratorum Principis, Olynthiacae orationes tres, & Philippicae quatuor, e Graeco in Latinum conversae, a Nicolao Carro (London: Henry Denham, 1571; short-title catalogue 6577).
Cheke, John, An homilie of saint John Chrysostome … newely made out of Greke into latin by master Cheke, and englished by Tho. Chaloner (London: Thomas Berthelet, 1544; short-title catalogue 14637).
A declaration, conteynyng the just causes and consyderations, of this present warre with the Scottis, wherin alsoo appereth the trewe & right title, that the kinges most royall majesty hath to the soverayntie of Scotlande (London: Thomas Berthelet, 1542; short-title catalogue 9179.3).
An Epytaphe upon the Death of M. Rycharde Goodricke Esquier ([London: 1562]; short-title catalogue 17145.3).
Erasmus, Desiderius, A very pleasaunt & fruitful Diologe called the Epicure, made by that famous clerke Erasmus of Roterodame, trans. Philip Gerrard (London: Richard Grafton, 1545; short-title catalogue 10460).
Foxe, Edward, De vera differentia regiae potestatis & Ecclesiasticae, & quae sit ipsa veritas ac virtus utriusque. Opus eximium (London: Thomas Berthelet, 1538; short-title catalogue 11219).
Foxe, John, Actes and Monuments of these latter and perillous dayes (London: John Day, 1563; short-title catalogue 11222). The two-volume second edition of 1570 is short-title catalogue 11223.
Gilby, Anthony, ‘An admonition to England and Scotland to call them to repentance, written by Antoni Gilby’, in Knox, Appellation, pp. 59–77.
Goldyng, Arthur, trans., A briefe treatise concerning the burnynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Quene Mary, with theyr restitution in the time of our moste gracious soverayne lady that nowe is (London: Thomas Marsh, 1562; short-title catalogue 3966).
Goodman, Christopher, How superior powers o[u]ght to be obeyd of their subjects: and Wherin they may lawfully by Gods Worde be disobeyed and resisted (Geneva: Jean Crespin, 1558; short-title catalogue 12020).
Grafton, Richard, A Chronicle at large and meere History of the affayres of Englande and Kinges of the same, deduced from the Creation of the worlde, unto the first habitation of thys Islande: and so by contynuance unto the first yere of the reigne of our most deere and sovereigne Lady Queene Elizabeth (London: Henry Denham for Richarde Tottle and Humffrey Toye, 1569; short-title catalogue 12147).
Hartwell, Abraham, A sight of the Portugall Pearle, that is, The Aunswere of D. Haddon Maister of the requests unto our soveraigne Lady Elizabeth … against the epistle of Hieronimus Osorius a Portugall, entitled a Pearle for a Prince (London: William Seres, 1565; short-title catalogue 12598).
Hatcher, Thomas, ed., G. Haddoni legum doctoris, S. Reginae Elisabethae a supplicum libellis, lucubrationes passim collectae, & editae (London: William Seres, 1567; short-title catalogue 12596).
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Poor Pratte: see Pratte, Poor
Ponet, John, A shorte treatise of politike power, and of the true Obedience which subjectes owe to kynges and other civile Governours, with an Exhortacion to all true naturall Englishe men ([Strasburg: the heirs of W. Köpfel,] 1556; short-title catalogue 20178).
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  • Bibliography
  • Stephen Alford, University of Cambridge
  • Book: Kingship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI
  • Online publication: 24 June 2009
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Bibliography
  • Stephen Alford, University of Cambridge
  • Book: Kingship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI
  • Online publication: 24 June 2009
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Bibliography
  • Stephen Alford, University of Cambridge
  • Book: Kingship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI
  • Online publication: 24 June 2009
  • Chapter DOI:
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