A multi-channel SPIRIT telescope/spectroheliograph aboard the CORONAS-F satellite operating in soft X-ray and EUV ranges ($T \sim $0.05–15 MK) is an effective instrument for complex studies of CME-associated phenomena such as eruptive filaments, dimmings, coronal waves, posteruptive arcades, etc. In particular, SRIRIT observations of high-temperature (T = 5–15 MK) plasma structures in the MgXII 8.42 Å line show specific pre-CME sigmoid magnetic field configurations. Eruptions of filaments (prominences) and dimmings in a CME process are seen with a high contrast in the coronal 175 Å band (FeIX–XI) and the transition-region 304 Å (HeII) images. Our results are illustrated by several powerful eruptive events of the current solar cycle. We compare SPIRIT data with observations at other spaceborne and ground-based instruments (SOHO/EIT, Yohkoh/SXT, and H$\alpha$ images, etc.)To search for other articles by the author(s) go to: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract_service.html