At the eastward extremity of Castle Hill, Scarborough, below medieval and Anglo-Saxon chapels and the foundations of a Roman signal-station, have been found several filled-up pits containing pottery fragments of a date long anterior to the work of about a.d. 370, as the Roman walls had been carried over some of them with no precautions against settlement, and the contents showed no admixture of Roman date. In fact there must have been an interval of several centuries, as the potsherds can hardly be later than La Tène I, and belong more probably to the first part of the Early Iron Age, generally named after Hallstatt, the typical site in Upper Austria. About half an acre has been excavated by Mr. F. G. Simpson, now Director of Romano-British Field-studies at Durham University, on behalf of the Scarborough Corporation, with the active co-operation of H. M. Office of Works; and a preliminary report on the Roman building has been written by our Fellow Mr. R. G. Collingwood for the Corporation (see also Archaeological Journal, lxxix, 390).