In this paper we study the dynamical properties of actions on the space of compact subsets of the phase space. More precisely, if $X$ is a metric space, let $2^{X}$ denote the space of non-empty compact subsets of $X$ provided with the Hausdorff topology. If $f$ is a continuous self-map on $X$, there is a naturally induced continuous self-map $f_{\ast }$ on $2^{X}$. Our main theme is the interrelation between the dynamics of $f$ and $f_{\ast }$. For such a study, it is useful to consider the space ${\mathcal{C}}(K,X)$ of continuous maps from a Cantor set $K$ to $X$ provided with the topology of uniform convergence, and $f_{\ast }$ induced on ${\mathcal{C}}(K,X)$ by composition of maps. We mainly study the properties of transitive points of the induced system $(2^{X},f_{\ast })$ both topologically and dynamically, and give some examples. We also look into some more properties of the system $(2^{X},f_{\ast })$.