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Symposium - International Astronomical Union, Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies

Volume 193 - 1999

Page 4 of 11

Section E. Poster papers

Part 2. Models for single star evolution of massive stars: wind + atmosphere + interior

Section A. WR+O colliding stellar winds

Part 3. Interaction of Wolf-Rayet stars and other hot massive stars with their environment: colliding winds and ring nebulae

Section B. Origin and evolution of ring nebulae around massive stars by stellar winds and mass ejection

Part 3. Interaction of Wolf-Rayet stars and other hot massive stars with their environment: colliding winds and ring nebulae

Section C. Poster papers

Part 3. Interaction of Wolf-Rayet stars and other hot massive stars with their environment: colliding winds and ring nebulae

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