Preparing Submissions for Proceedings of the Design Society
All papers should be submitted through the ConfTool on the ICED website. Submitted papers are accepted in two file formats: DOC/DOCX or LaTex. Both formats require an accompanying PDF and will not be accepted without this.
All submissions to Proceedings of the Design Society are camera-ready, meaning that they are ready for publication upon submission. Therefore, please be sure to follow all instructions in the template and sample article.
For LaTeX template, please ask to
Final submissions should not exceed nine pages and should preferably have an odd number of pages.
In addition to the instructions found in template and sample article, please consider the following:
Cover Page
The cover page will be generated automatically using data that is entered into ConfTool. Therefore, please ensure that the article title, author names, and affiliations are accurately entered in ConfTool.
You will have the opportunity to view the automatically-generated cover page prior to Production and request corrections.
Font Size and Applied Styles
All font size and applied styles information can be found in the template (linked here).
Please ensure that all titles, captions, and headings are in title case, not upper case.
Please do not change the applied styles. For special requests and information about the paper template and formatting, please contact the ICED Team:
Cambridge University Press uses Harvard Style.
Please list your references in alphabetical order.
Please ensure that all in-text citations have corresponding entries in the reference list, and that all references are cited in the text. This can include citations in-line, in figures, and in tables.
Failure to format references in the required manner will result in broken links, and any references not cited in the text will be deleted.
Figure Resolution and Size
Please follow all guidelines in the Cambridge University Press journals artwork guide and the template (linked here).
When preparing your figures, please always set figures with the correct size and with 300 dpi resolution before importing them to Word. Please do not import a figure to word and then resize it, as this will result in low resolution and image quality.
If you have questions as you prepare your manuscript, please contact the ICED Team: