To test the homogeneity of 18S sequences within
Trypanosoma cruzi, riboprint profiles were separated by temperature
gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE). Upon interpretation of melting
curves of fragments within a riboprint profile, there
appeared to be two 18S sequence types within each stock examined. Two
similar types were also observed within outgroup
taxa Trypanosoma conorhini, Trypanosoma rangeli and
Leishmania braziliensis. From DNA hybridization studies, these
fragments were shown to have homology to the 18S V1 region. There are
therefore two 18S V1 regions, differing in
sequence, present in all taxa examined. When only a single 18S sequence
is used to represent each taxa for phylogenetic
inference, comparisons may be between paralogous and not orthologous
copies of this region, such that, inferred
relationships may merely reflect a gene history. This seriously questions
the current molecular phylogeny of these protozoa using 18S data.