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Horizons is a journal of impressive breadth and consistent quality. It is worth subscribing to for the book review section alone, which is thorough enough to keep one in touch with almost everything of interest happening in the English-speaking world.

Karen Kilby, Professor of Theology, University of Nottingham

Horizons, as its evocative title suggests, is a journal concerned with exploring the most important questions facing the church and the theological community for our time. It actively seeks to broaden the range of perspectives brought to bear upon those questions and to meet the greatest needs of Christian theology today. It embodies an open and ecumenical engagement across communities and with the wider world that represents the church at its faithful best. Never afraid to engage the difficult and controversial issues challenging today's church, Horizons has firmly established itself among that elite group of must-read quality journals for Christian scholars worldwide.
Gerard Mannion, Georgetown University

Horizons is an invaluable resource for thoughtful essays across the theological spectrum and splendid book reviews and review essays (with authors' responses). As one of the premier theological journals in the USA, it is a boon to every teaching scholar in theology.
Terrence W. Tilley, Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Professor of Catholic Theology, Fordham University

Horizons is clearly a leading North American theological journal. Its scholarly articles, round-table discussions, and critical book reviews represent the cutting edge of the College Theology Society. It is necessary reading for all college and university teachers as well as for those interested in the current state of theology.
Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, Stillman Professor for Roman Catholic Theological Studies, Harvard Divinity School

Horizons represents the best of contemporary theological scholarship, grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition while engaging the challenges and questions posed by our increasingly pluralistic global context.
Roberto Goizueta, Boston College

For those of us engaged in the study of religion and theology, Horizons has constantly been a trustworthy and informative companion. The articles it publishes are without fail solidly researched, lucidly written, and at the cutting edge. One commendable feature of the journal is providing emerging scholars with a venue to publicize their fresh ideas. Another is its promotion of excellence in the teaching of religion and theology at the college level. Yet another exciting feature is the discussion forum on significant publication. I know of no other journal that does these various things so well. I most strongly recommend it to religion scholars and theologians, both beginners and veterans, as one of the best journals in religion and theology in the English language.
Peter C. Phan, The Ignacio Ellacuria Chair of Catholic Social Thought, Georgetown University

In addition to publishing established scholars working at the cutting edge of their fields, Horizons also brings younger scholars into print. The editors think it is important to represent a wide swath of work in the disciplines of theology and religious studies and to encourage younger scholars in their endeavors in these fields. I myself had one of my first articles published in Horizons in 1982 and can testify to the significance of this early acceptance of my scholarly writing.

The books chosen for review cover a spectrum of interests; reviews are well-written and varied, giving an important service to the guild.

Along with publishing significant scholarly research, Horizons also focuses on the concerns of those in the classroom. Occasional articles on pedagogy, book review symposia, and theological roundtables bring readers and teachers up to speed on the latest issues in their fields. The journal never forgets that most readers teach undergraduates, and that those same readers are also practitioners of quality scholarship in their fields.

Horizons has an increasingly international readership and is one of the very few anglophone Catholic journals that publishes across the entire spectrum of theological tasks, from systematics to pastoral theology.
Elizabeth Johnson, Distinguished Professor of Theology, Fordham University

I have used articles from Horizons over the years for both my scholarly research and my teaching. Horizons has also always been on my radar screen as one of the best places to submit to, as the articles published in this journal are regarded as top quality.
Tobias Winright, Associate Professor of Theological Ethics, St. Louis University