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The pro- and anti-tumourigenic roles of Interleukin 1B in breast cancer bone metastasis
Date: 28 May 2022
Location: Online

Speaker: Dr Penny Ottewell

Background: Dr Penny Ottewell is a Senior Lecturer in Bone Oncology at the University of Sheffield. Research in her laboratory focuses on using humanised and immune competent models to identify mechanisms that drive breast and prostate cancer relapse and metastasis to bone. Penny has been awarded has been awarded a total of 13 national and international prizes for her research in this area including the International Bone and Mineral Society Gregory Mundy Research Fellowship. Additionally, Penny is a member of the Grant Review Committees for Breast Cancer Now (UK) and The National Science Centre, (Poland). Penny also serves as Chair of the ECMC JING organising committee and has previously been a member of the Cancer and Bone Society Executive Committee, the Executive Committee of the British Association for Cancer Research. Current research in the Ottewell laboratory is funded by research grants from AstraZeneca, the MRC, Breast Cancer Now and Weston park Cancer Charity.

Click here to view Penny’s paper published in Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine.

Click here to watch the webinar.