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'Bridging the Unbridgeable'

English Today has collaborated with the 'Bridging the Unbridgeable' researchers at Leiden University. In the journal, members of the Leiden team comment on aspects of their research into prescriptivism, and invite readers to contribute with their own observations.

Read more about this collaboration in articles published in the journal:

Studying attitudes to English usage
Investigating prescriptivism in a large research project
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade

Have went?
An invitation to contribute to questions studied by the 'Bridging the Unbridgeable Project' at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade

Apostrophe(')s, who needs them?
A further invitation to contribute to questions studied by the 'Bridging the Unbridgeable' Project at the Leiden Centre for Linguistics
Morana Lukač

The dangling participle – a language myth?
A fifth invitation to contribute to questions studied by the 'Bridging the Unbridgeable Project' at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Carmen Ebner

A fuss about the Octopus
Another invitation to contribute to questions studied by the Bridging the Unbridgeable project at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Inge Otto