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Call for Papers
Progress in research methods in special and inclusive education: Where are we and where are we heading?

Issue 1 2020

Umesh Sharma (Monash University), Michael Arthur-Kelly (University of Newcastle) and David Paterson (University of Canberra)

Guest Editors for the special issue:
Susanne Schwab (The University of Vienna) and Michael Arthur-Kelly (The University of Newcastle)

Background to the special issue

The Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education seeks to bridge theory, research, and practice perspectives on the central challenge of the Australian Association of Special Education: how to maximise learning outcomes for students with additional learning needs in diverse contexts. With this in mind, it is helpful to have a special issue from time to time on topics of national and international interest.

This special issue aims to place the spotlight on research methods: the means by which we collect, analyse, and interpret data to inform our field of inclusive and special education. Contributions that critically review the history of research work in our area, critique existing methods, and propose new ones, from a range of traditions, are invited. We are not looking for data-based papers as such; rather, explorations of where we have been, where we are now, and where we are heading in terms of our research energies in special and inclusive education.

If you have a topic or paper that you believe may be of interest for this special issue of AJSIE, please feel free to contact either Susanne or Michael.

Submissions and review process

Prospective authors should send a 100–150 word abstract to the guest editors, either Susanne Schwab ( or Michael Arthur-Kelly (, by 30 September 2019. The editors will advise authors on the suitability of their submissions for the special issue.

Those authors whose abstracts are accepted will be asked to submit their paper through the AJSIE ScholarOne website at by 1 November 2019. When submitting, please select the relevant special issue ‘Progress in research methods in special and inclusive education: Where are we and where are we heading? Contributors should follow the journal’s author guidelines. It is anticipated that final decisions on papers will be made by February 2020.