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Cambridge University Press
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July 2009
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Stoicism is now widely recognised as one of the most important philosophical schools of ancient Greece and Rome. But how did it influence Western thought after Greek and Roman antiquity? The question is a difficult one to answer because the most important Stoic texts have been lost since the end of the classical period, though not before early Christian thinkers had borrowed their ideas and applied them to discussions ranging from dialectic to moral theology. Later philosophers became familiar with Stoic teachings only indirectly, often without knowing that an idea came from the Stoics. The contributors recruited for this volume, first published in 2004, include some of the leading international scholars of Stoicism as well as experts in later periods of philosophy. They trace the impact of Stoicism and Stoic ideas from late antiquity through the medieval and modern periods.


"...twelve excellent essays...All papers are of high quality. The collection as a whole...may be very well used as a starting-point by readers who wish to enter the field."
-Joachim Lukoschus, Nijmegen, Netherlands, The Classical Bulletin

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Works Cited
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