2.6Sectoral contributions to levels of real value added (1991–2019)
2.8Sectoral contributions to real value-added growth, smoothed (1991–2019)
A2.1Mozambique timeline for an institutional analysis of socio-economic development
3.3Political participation and sub-components, 2006 and 2020
3.10Choice of main constraints from respondents affiliated with the business sector
3.11Choice of main constraints from respondents affiliated with academia
3.12Choice of main constraints from respondents affiliated with the public administration
3.14Distribution of average scores across statements, according to the Likert scores
3.15Frequency of statements under the institutional areas by average scores
7.1Transfers to local authorities as a percentage of national tax revenue (2009–2016)
8.1Tax revenues net of ‘capital gains’ increased from 2006 to 2011 (share of GDP)
A8.1Public financial management timeline (main and secondary periods are indicated above the year axis)
11.2Contribution of agriculture, manufacturing, and extractive industry to GDP (%), 2009–2019
11.3Fiscal contribution of megaprojects in the mining and oil sector to total state revenues, 2011–2019