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Purchasing models

Below are a number of different purchasing options available to institutions for the content hosted on Cambridge Core.

If you would like to discuss these further, or request free trial access, please speak to your usual Cambridge representative, or contact us using the information here .

Journals sales

Subscription sales

Subscriptions are available to most Cambridge journals in Print + Online, Print Only and Online Only formats, although an increasing number of journals are only available online. The latest journals price list is available here.

Site licence, multi-site licence and consortia sales

To buy packages of online Cambridge journals at discounted prices, or for licences to access your chosen journals online from multiple sites, please contact us .

We welcome enquiries from academic institutions as well as from commercial organisations. Please note that Consortia and Site Licence pricing will not result in you paying less for your existing subscriptions, but can add a great deal of invaluable content for a modest additional cost.

Individual article purchase

Online purchase and download of articles is available for individual users on Cambridge Core. From search results, journal issues or individual article landing pages, readers can purchase articles instantly on the platform.

Cambridge Journals Digital Archive

The Cambridge Journals Digital Archive (CJDA) is available via perpetual access for a one time fee, or through annual lease. Collections can be tailored to your individual requirements and range from the complete archive right through to individual journal archives. More information about the CJDA is available here.

Books sales

Pick and choose

Cambridge previously required a minimum purchase of 25 ebook titles in order to trigger single title purchasing. There is no longer a minimum requirement and new customers are able to purchase individual titles without restrictions.

Collection building

Subject collections are available on Cambridge Core, covering more than 50 areas of study. Collections can be customised according to your subject interest. Also available are our Essential eBooks Collections, featuring the top 50 best-selling titles in each area.

Please contact your sales representative for further information about how to create your fully customisable collection.

Evidence based acquisition (EBA)

Under an evidence based acquisition (EBA) model, institutions are given access to an extensive online collection of ebooks from Cambridge University Press and our publishing partners, before they make decisions about which titles to buy access to in perpetuity. The evidence to support decision making is supplied in the form of usage reports, indicating which titles are the most popular within the institution during the period. Read more about EBA here.

Advanced ordering

Advanced ordering is available for forthcoming titles. You can either purchase the complete list of our forthcoming new titles or you can specify custom subject areas. Through advanced ordering, any newly published titles are acquired automatically as they become available. Please contact your sales representative for a customised quotation.

Librarian self-service

Librarians can now instantly purchase titles directly via Cambridge Core using the self service 'add to basket' functionality. To find out if this service is available in your territory, or to set up self service functionality for your institution, please contact your sales representative.

The latest institutional ebooks price list is available here.

Textbooks on Cambridge Core

A selection of over 700 textbooks are now available for your institution to access on a title-by-title basis with unlimited campus-wide concurrency. Access is provided via an annual lease model. More information on the titles and key features can be found on our Higher Education platform.  If you would like to discuss pricing and access, please contact your Cambridge library sales representative or visit our contact us page .

Cambridge Histories

Collections purchasing

Purchase perpetual access to the full Cambridge Histories collection, or smaller thematic or regional collections, via a one-time fee.

Title-by-title selection

Cambridge Histories are available to buy on a title-by-title basis.

Annual collection updates

If you have previously purchased the Cambridge Histories archive, you can update your collection with a single annual invoice and receive access to all new Histories published in that year.

Print purchases also available

Find out more at 

Cambridge Companions

Collection purchasing

Purchase perpetual access to the full Cambridge Companions collection, or smaller subject collections via a one time fee. This also includes a 30% built-in discount with your purchase.

Title-by-title purchasing

Cambridge Companions are available to buy on a title-by-title basis.

Annual collection updates

Keep your collection up-to-date with a single annual invoice and receive access to all new Companions published in that year.

Annual lease option

Cambridge Companions content is available to all customers, new and existing, on an annual lease basis. This option includes rolling access to new titles as they are published.

Print purchase is also available

Find out more at 

Shakespeare Survey

Shakespeare Survey is available online to libraries, institutions and individuals as perpetual purchase or via annual subscription. The cost of an organisational licence depends on the size and type of institution. Shakespeare Survey on Cambridge Core.