YBa2Cu3Ox was deformed from 850 to 980 °C in oxygen partial pressures of 103 to 105 Pa. Steady-state creep rate, ̇, for P(O2) from 104 to 105 Pa could be expressed as ̇ = Aσ1.0 (GS)−2.8±0.6 exp −(970 ± 130 kJ/mole)/RT, where A is a constant, σ the steady-state stress, GS the average grain size, and R and T have their usual meanings, For P(O2) from 103 to 3 ⊠ 103 Pa, the activation energy decreased to about 650 kJ/mole and for a given temperature creep kinetics were much faster. The data and microscopic observations indicated that creep occurred by diffusional flow. Comparisons with diffusion data for YBa2Cu3Ox suggested that Y or Ba may be rate-controlling diffusing species.