A unique view of the Sino-Soviet dispute may be had from Belgrade. Yugoslavia is at once on the side-lines of the affair, but in another sense is vitally concerned. Since the League of Yugoslav Communists “codified” Titoism in 1958 in its new, revised programme, the Chinese Communists have become the main critics of their Yugoslav comrades and thereby—obliquely—of Soviet policies as well. It was an interesting development of this that when Moscow mobilised its satellites and Communist Parties against the Chinese “dogmatists,” the time came for Belgrade to reply to Chinese attacks, siding in the main with the Kremlin. In this Yugoslav counter-attack against their Chinese critics, a book by Edvard Kardelj, Yugoslav Vice-President, Socialism and War, A Survey of Chinese Criticism of the Policy of Co-existence, has played a key role. It is a document of considerable importance, and through it we are able to see much more clearly the basic differences in the Communist camp. The revelations of the Sino-Soviet dispute in the documents, now in the hands of Western governments, correspond closely to Kardelj's assertions.