Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 February 2009
Historically the churches have played a major role in the area of education. This role has received expression both in theoretical and in practical terms. The theologian has taken an important part both in the determining of perspectives in educational philosophy and in the actual provision of schools and the training of teachers.
page 61 note 1 For example see the case made out by Hirst, Paul, ‘Christian Education: A Contradiction in Terms’, Learning for Living, 11, 4 (1972), pp. 6–11.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 61 note 2 See the discussion of Wiles, Maurice, What is Theology? (London: Oxford University Press, 1976.)Google Scholar
page 63 note 1 See Hull, John M., ‘Christian Theology and educational theory: can there be connections?’, British Journal of Educational Studies, 24 (1976), pp. 127–143CrossRefGoogle Scholar; ‘What is theology of education?’, Scottish Journal of Theology, 30 (1977), pp. 3–29.
page 63 note 2 See for example Schools Council Working Paper 36, Religious Education in Secondary Schools (London: Evans/Methuen Educational, 1971)Google Scholar; and Journeys into Religion: teachers handbook A (London: Hart-Davis Educational, 1977).
page 63 note 3 See Francis, Leslie, ‘Readiness for Research in Religion’, Learning for Living, 16 (1977), PP. 109–114.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 64 note 1 See for example Piaget, Jean, The Child's Conception of Number (ET, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952).Google Scholar
page 64 note 2 A useful index to recent studies is provided by Modgil, Sohan, Piagetian Research: A handbook of recent studies (Slough: N.F.E.R., 1974).Google Scholar
page 64 note 3 For example, Williams, R., ‘Testing for Number Readiness: Applications of the Piagetian theory of the child's development of the concept of number’, Journal of Educational Research, 64 (1971), pp. 394–396.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 65 note 1 Goldman, Ronald, Religious Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964).Google Scholar
page 65 note 2 Peatling, John, ‘On beyond Goldman: Religious Thinking and the 1970s’, Learning for Living, 16 (1977), pp. 99–108.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 66 note 1 For example, Hughes, Margaret, The Importance of Bread (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968)Google Scholar; or Dingwall, R., Sheep and Shepherds (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1966).Google Scholar
page 66 note 2 Barker-Lunn, Joan, Streaming in the Primary School (Slough: N.F.E.R., 1970).Google Scholar
page 66 note 3 Burstall, Clare, French in the Primary School (Slough: N.F.E.R., 1970)Google Scholar; and Primary French in the Balance (Slough, N.F.E.R., 1974).
page 66 note 4 Bennett, N., Teaching Styles and Pupil Progress (London: Open Books, 1976).Google Scholar
page 67 note 1 Some of the problems with Bennett's study are well presented by Sutcliffe, John, ‘Bennett and after: progressive or traditional teaching in primary schools’, Cambridge Journal of Education, 6 (1976), pp. 166–173.Google Scholar
page 68 note 1 My own two studies are available as An Enquiry into the concept ‘Readiness for Religion’. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge, 1976Google Scholar; and School Influence and Pupil Attitude in Religious Education. Unpublished MSc dissertation, University of London Institute of Education, 1977.
page 69 note 1 Murphy, Roger, ‘Does Children's Undemanding of Parables Develop in Stages?’, Learning for Living, 16 (1977), pp. 168–172.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 69 note 2 Dodd, C. H., The Parables of the Kingdom (London: James Nisbet & Co., 1935).Google Scholar
page 69 note 3 Linnemann, Eta, Parables of Jesus (London: S.P.C.K., 1966).Google Scholar
page 69 note 4 Martin, B. and Pluck, R., Young People's Beliefs (London: General Synod Board of Education, 1977).Google Scholar
page 70 note 1 See for example Alatas, S. H., ‘Problems of Defining Religion’, International Social Science Journal, 29, pp. 213–234Google Scholar, and M. King, ‘Measuring the Religious Variable: Nine proposed dimensions’, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 6, pp. 173–90.