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Publication process after acceptance

Publishing agreement

Upon acceptance of their article, authors will be asked to complete an online publishing agreement via a service called Ironclad. Authors hold the copyright to their work, giving the GLJ permission to publish the content. Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC-BY) as standard – allowing for free access, unrestricted sharing and adaptation of the work, as long as appropriate credit to the author and the GLJ is given – but authors are able to select other licenses (including those stipulating non-commercial re-use and no derivatives)  if they have concerns about CC-BY. For more detailed information, see the this page and the list of licenses on the Creative Commons website.

Copyediting and proofs

The journal reserves the right to copyedit and proofread all articles accepted for publication. Authors will be sent the edited manuscript for approval and any amendments must be submitted at that stage. Authors will see no further proofs and corrections cannot be made after publication.

Author access to their published paper

On publication, authors will receive a link to their GLJ article – which will be Open Access and therefore available to share with the author’s contacts, or in social networking sites, or on other platforms.

Long term preservation

Articles in GLJ, like those of other journals at Cambridge University Press, are deposited in the following digital archives to guarantee their long-term digital preservation:

  • Portico