Alpha2-HS glycoprotein (AHSG), which is equivalent to fetuin in other species, is a protein found
in human plasma. AHSG is polymorphic with two common alleles and many variants. To examine
the intragenic haplotypes and their diversity at this locus, a contiguous genomic DNA sequence
(10·3 kb) was analyzed in 20 samples (40 chromosomes), and haplotypes were determined for 309
subjects. Judging from the aligned nucleotide sequences and the conserved amino acid residues
comparing human and chimpanzee AHSG, it was concluded that the type 1 allele is probably older
and has evolved into four major suballeles. The type 2 allele was generated from one branch of the
type 1 allele. AHSG*3 and *5 variants were each found to have a single nucleotide change in exon
7, resulting in the change of an amino acid residue from Arg299 to Cys and from Asp258 to Asn,
respectively. It was noted that the AHSG*3 mutation gives rise to an additional cysteine residue,
which possibly affects the conformation of the protein. The AHSG gene was found to have a low
mutation rate and no apparent recombination events. Furthermore, the detected substitutions were
nonhomogeneously distributed at this locus. In particular, four nonsynonymous substitutions were
concentrated in the carboxyl-terminal domain.