Abe, T., 56
Abya Yala, 216
Adaptation pattern of resilience, , 58
Adaptive capacity,
Adaptive peacebuilding. See also specific country
change, focus on, 182
critical consideration on case-by-case basis, need for, 272
defined, 9, ,
linkage with other concepts,
local ownership and, 9,
participatory experimental approach to, 273
as process, 38
process facilitation in, 131
recommendations for, 267
resilience and, , 66,
self-organisation and,
traditional liberal peacebuilding versus,
uncertainty, adapting to, 181
Affective Justice (Clarke), 160
Agential realism, , 215
Ahmed, S.,
Amnesty, truth commissions and,
Anam, Tahmina, 148
Angola, amnesty in, 50
Apa, Ferdousy, 159
Arnould, V., 88
Australia, Indigenous peoples in, 32
Azzouz, A., 2
Bacca, P.I., 223
Baker, C., 88
accountability in, 146
Awami League (AL), 145
Bangladesh National Party, 146
Birangona: Towards Ethical Testimonies of Sexual Violence during Conflict (Mookherjee and Keya),
birangonas (war heroines)
generally, 57
abortion and, 154
adoption and, 154
assumed silence of, 150
employment and, , 158
graphic ethnography and, , 157, ,
ideologies of gender, honour, and shame among, 150
images of,
marriage and, , 157
overview, 13
rehabilitation programmes,
‘reproductive heteronormativity’ and,
sexual violence and, 13, , , ,
testimonies of, , ,
transitional justice and, 147
case studies generally, , 257
fieldwork in,
genocide in, 150
impunity in, 146
International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) Act of 1973, 145
Jamaat-e-Islami Party, 146
military rule in, 146
overview, 13
reconciliation in, 147
war in, 144
Bernath, J., 164
Bhaksar, Shiromoni, 150
Biko, Steve,
‘Biological logic’, 218
Bizimungu, Pasteur, 106
Blaškić, Tihomir, 83,
Boban, Mate, 74
Boggs, G.L., 247
Ahmići massacre
absence of community and, , 82
clustering of resources and,
cohesion and,
desire to live, loss of,
educational system, cohesion and,
ethnic divisions, ICTY leading to entrenching of,
ethnicity and, , 85
failures of ICTY, 270
faith and, 78
individual resilience and,
loss of resources and,
multi-systemic hindrances to resilience,
population of Ahmići, 79
resilience, failure of ICTY to foster,
Russian doll analogy,
Army of Republika Srpska (VRS), 74
case studies generally, , 257
criminal trials in, 62
Croatian Democratic Union, 86
tripartite Presidency in, 81
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 83
Vance–Owen Peace Plan, 74
Bourdieu, P.,
Brazil, Kawahiva people, 31
Cabnal, L., 217
apsara (dance performance), 179
Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, 180
Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP), 169
Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), 169
civil war in, 166
corruption in,
COVID-19 pandemic in, 172
criminal trials in, 62
depopulation of cities, 166
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)
attribution of responsibility,
creation of,
criminal trials in, 62
limitations of,
mandate of,
mental health benefits of participation in, 176
overview, 14
politicisation of,
transitional justice, ,
victim participation in, 63,
foreign investment in, 172
Kdei Karuna (NGO), 180
Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO),
mass executions in, 167
migrant labour in, 172
overview, , ,
patronage networks in, 171
Phka Sla, 90
Pka Sla Krom Angkar (dance performance), 180
repression in,
resilience in
economic system and, 168,
legal system and, 168,
multiple systems as undermining,
political system and, 168,
social-ecological approach to, 165
transitional justice, impact of, 165,
sexual violence in,
starvation in,
transitional justice in
adaptive peacebuilding, limitations regarding,
ECCC and, ,
resilience, impact on, 165,
Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia, 171
Vietnamese invasion of, 167
Vietnam War and, 166
fly-in courts in, 37
historical justice in, 48
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), 223
Center for Human Rights and International Justice (CHRIJ), 223
Chakravarty, A., 112
Chandler, D., 135
China, foreign investment in Cambodia, 172
Chirix García, E., , 217
Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems,
Clark, P.,
Clarke, K., 160
case studies generally, , 257
colonialism, effects of,
Commission for the Clarification of the Truth, Coexistence and Reconciliation, 189
corruption in, , 203
data collection,
Development Programmes with a Territorial Focus (PDETs), 200
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR), 189
Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), 187
Entrelazando (weaving together), 191,
farming cooperatives in,
fieldwork in,
fresh perspective on transitional justice in,
gender roles in, 191
hegemonic masculinity in,
internally displaced persons (IDPs)
collective resilience,
individual resilience,
land restitution and,
overview, 14
reparations and,
research on,
social relations and organisation and,
land restitution in, 188,
Law of Victims for Indigenous Communities,
machismo in, 191
methodology of study,
National Association of Peasant Users (ANUC), 198
overview, 14, ,
reparations in, 188,
resilience in
collective resilience,
connecting individual and collective resilience,
housing and, 196
individual resilience,
land ownership and,
local ownership and,
mental health issues,
psychosocial healing,
reparations and,
salir adelante (moving forward),
self-organisation and,
societal resilience,
socio-economic obstacles to,
restorative justice in, 207
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Bloque Caribe, 189
collective resilience,
individual resilience,
land restitution and,
overview, 14
reincorporation of, , 204
reparations and,
research on,
social relations and organisation and,
salir adelante (moving forward),
transitional justice in
local ownership and,
self-organisation and,
weakening of social ties as unintended consequence of, , 206
Truth Commission,
Unit for the Search of Disappeared Persons, 189
Comes, T.,
Complexity theory
resilience and, 213
social systems and,
spacecraft example,
transitional justice and,
Conservation of Resources Theory, 78
Craps, S., 27
Criminal trials. See also specific country
in ICTR, 49,
in ICTY, 49
as mechanism of transitional justice,
problems with,
resilience, contributing to, 46,
truth commissions and, 51
Cumes, A., 217
Daly, E.,
‘Damage narratives’, , 220
Darwish, Mahmoud, 238
Das, V., 149
Decolonial attitude
in Palestine,
transformative justice and,
de Langis, T., 180
Differential impact, 36
Dolan, C., 123,
Dream practice,
Drumbl, M.A., 49
Duffield, M., 1
Duthie, R., 6
Duty to prosecute, 49
Dynamic resilience,
Džaferović, Šefik,
Ebola, 119
Edström, J., , 133
Egeland, J.,
Egypt, Palestine and, 242
El Salvador, amnesty in, 50
European Union, Palestine and, 242
Evans, B., 161
Evans, M., , 55,
Galtung, J., 96
Colombia, gender roles in, 191
Mayan cosmovision, gendered understanding of, , 220
missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, trans and Two-Spirit people (MMIWG2S), , 250
Philippines, changing gender roles in, 35
Senegal, changing gender roles in, 35
Geneva Peacebuilding Platform,
adaptive peacebuilding, post-genocide recovery and,
in Bangladesh, 150
in international criminal law, 49
in Rwanda, , ,
transitional justice, post-genocide recovery and,
Giacaman, R.,
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict,
Grabar-Kitarović, Kolinda,
Grandin, G., 212
Great Depression, 27
case studies generally, , 257
Coordinadora de Jóvenes de Sololá, 219
criminal trials in,
Defensoría Maya Ch’orti’, 219
distributive justice in, 48
Grupo de Mujeres Xu’m Saj Chee, 217
judicial system in, 229
Mayan cosmovision,
absence of recognition in justice system,
gendered understanding of, , 220
holistic nature of, 215
non-dualistic nature of, 215
overview, 212
persistence of, 228
‘relational beings’ in, 216
Mayan women in
Ajq’ij (spiritual guides) and, 221
colonialism, effects of, , 215,
‘damage narratives’ and, , 220
‘human rights defenders’, 218
integrated processes of resilience,
local ownership and, 266
self-organisation and, 266
self-representations in creative workshops,
struggle, experience framed in terms of,
training-healing-action-reflection workshops,
truth-finding and, 211
Mujeres Asociación para la Justicia y la Reconciliación, 219
National Reparations Programme (PNR), 210
National Union of Guatemala Women (UNAMG), 223
non-repetition in,
Red Departmental de Mujeres Sololatcas con Visión Integral, 219
Sepur Zarco trial, , 214,
United Nations Historical Clarification Commission (CEH), 210
Habyarimana, Juvénal, 97
Haeri, S., 3
Hall, P.A., 27
Handal, Nathalie, 248
Hartling, L.M.,
Hasina, Sheikh, 145
Hayward, B.M.,
Herman, J., 65
Hobfoll, S.E., 78
Hoddy, E.T., 56
Holocaust, , 151
Hoover, Herbert, 27
Howell, A.,
Hughes, B., 259
Human rights
cross-fertilisation of ideas and, 26
Guatemala, Mayan women as ‘human rights defenders’, 218
transitional justice, relation to, 47
Humphrey, M., 126
Hun Many, 171
Huntley, A., , 250
Hurricane Katrina, 32
Indigenous peoples
in Australia, 32
customary practices and, 64
‘damage narratives’ and, , 220
fly-in courts, 37
historical justice and, 48
justice systems of, 37
missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, trans and Two-Spirit people (MMIWG2S), , 250
resistance and, 32
sovereignty and, 241
transitional justice and resilience in, 7
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 32,
Interdisciplinarity, resilience and, 4
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), 50
International criminal law, 49
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See also Rwanda
creation of, 105
criminal trials in, 49,
International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and, 113
limited impact of,
as model of transitional justice, 97
reparations and, , 114
Rules of Procedure and Evidence, 113
Victims and Witness Support Unit, 113
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). See also Bosnia–Herzegovina
Blaškić trial, 83,
Bosnian War and, 74
criminal trials in, 49
ethnic divisions, entrenching of, 12,
failures of, 270
Josipović trial,
Kordić trial, 84,
Kupreškić trials,
resilience, failure to foster,
retributive justice in, 47
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 223
International Monetary Fund, 160
Iran, Palestine and, 242
Isakhan, B., 2
Islamic State, 2
Israeli Occupation of Palestine, 242, ,
Izetbegović, Alija, 75
Izquierdo, B.,
Joinet, L.,
Jordan, Palestine and, 242
Joseph, J., 57
Josipović, Ivo, 83,
Juncos, A.E., 57
Justice and Reconciliation Project (JRP), 129
Kaepernick, Colin, 250
Kagame, Paul, 106
Kajikawa, Y.,
Kawahiva people, 31
Kent, L., 127
Kirmayer, L.J., , 133
Kony, Joseph,
Kordić, Dario, ,
Košić, Vlado,
Kupreškić, Mirjan,
Kupreškić, Vlatko,
Kupreškić, Zoran,
Ladinx, use of term, 212
Laketa, S., 84
Lamont, M., 27
Laplante, L.J., 51
Law, cross-fertilisation of ideas and, 26
Lebanon, resilience in, 82
Lederach, J.P., 53
Leebaw, B.A., 6
Lon Nol,
Luthar, S.S.,
Maddison, S., 56
Mahdiani, H., 4
Mani, R., 53
Martin, L., 136
Memory-making, resilience and,
Millar, G., 7
Moore, J.C., 79
Morocco, reparations in, 51
Mozambique, amnesty in, 50
Muvingi, I., 88
Navigation, resilience and,
Negotiation, resilience and,
critique of,
justice systems, move away from neoliberal approach to,
peacebuilding and, , 267
Nepal, survivors’ groups in,
Ngomokwe, F., , 14,
Norodom Sihanouk, 166
Nussio, E.,
Nuwayhid, I., 82
Obradovic-Wochnik, J, 88
Ogata, S., 105
Oil and gas industry, resilience and,
Olson, D.H.,
Ongwen, D.,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
case studies generally, , 257
Community Health Worker (CHW) programmes, , , 250
counter-narratives, 237
COVID-19 pandemic in, 238
Hamas, 242
Israeli Occupation of, 242, ,
methodology of study,
Nakba (disaster),
‘occupation of the senses’ concept, 236
overview, 15
Palestinian Authority, 242
refugee camps,
rights-based approach to community empowerment in, 6
‘theories in the flesh’, 237
transformative justice in
capacity for struggle and,
decolonial attitude and,
dream practice and,
embodied enactments of humanity and,
existing institutions as antithetical to,
human resources needed for, 245
NGOs as antithetical to, ,
proxy model,
radical coalitions for,
‘radical love’ and,
‘resetting our wings’ and,
self-determination and,
sovereignty and, 241
trust and, 243
‘unafraid replanting’ and, 240
United Nations and, 242
‘Wounds Inside’ concept,
Panter-Brick, C., 78
Paris Peace Agreement of 1991, 167
Paz y Paz Bailey, Claudia, 229
Geneva Peacebuilding Platform,
local turn in, 55
neoliberalism and, , 267
political nature of, 261
pragmatic turn in, ,
social-ecological model of resilience and,
systemic approach to, 89
transitional justice and, , 88
United Nations and, ,
Peacekeeping, 105
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Freire), 247
Pérez Molina, Otto, 227
Persistence pattern of resilience, 31
Pol Pot, ,
Principles against Impunity,
Purić, Ibrahim, 84
Qatar, Palestine and, 242
‘Radical love’,
Recovery pattern of resilience, 32
Reed, J., 161
Reparations. See also specific country
mechanism of transitional justice, reparations as,
resilience, contributing to, 46,
right to reparation, 51
‘Reproductive heteronormativity’,
‘Resetting our wings’,
Resilience. See also specific country
adaptation pattern of, , 58
adaptive capacity and,
agentic nature of, 60
biological systems and, 25
communal and group perspective,
complexity theory and, 213
criminal trials contributing to, 46,
critical consideration on case-by-case basis, need for, 272
cross-cultural approach to,
cross-fertilisation of ideas and, 26
differential impact and, 36
dynamic resilience,
equifinality and,
Eurocentric bias in approach to, , 28
Indigenous peoples and, 7
individual versus social-ecological approach, 3,
interdisciplinarity and, 4
key questions regarding, 11
lack of attention, 2
linkage with other concepts,
literature, gaps in, 25
in local communities, 121
memory-making and,
multifinality and,
multiple levels of, 272
navigation and,
need for better understanding of,
negotiation and,
nested relationships,
oil and gas industry and,
participatory experimental approach to, 273
patterns of,
persistence pattern of, 31
problematic descriptions of,
progressive use of, 60
quality of process, importance of, 272
recovery pattern of, 32
reparations contributing to, 46,
resistance pattern of,
‘showing resilience’,
social capital and,
synergies with transitional justice,
therapeutic jurisprudence and,
as trait,
transformation pattern of,
trauma theory and,
truth commissions contributing to, 46,
Resistance pattern of resilience,
Restorative justice
in Colombia, 207
combined retributive and restorative justice, 47,
overview, 51
in Rwanda,
in South Africa, 47
Right to justice,
Right to know, 50
Right to reparation, 51
Ríos Montt, Efraín, , 219
Robins, S., , , , 236
Rombouts, H., 126
Rome Statute, 160
Ruhl, J.B., 37,
Ruiz Serna, D., 216
adaptive peacebuilding in
church-based groups, role of, ,
coping as,
cultural resources and, 101,
local resistance to, 97,
NGOs, role of, , , 105
religious and spiritual responses as,
reparations and,
social accompaniment and, 103
spirit cults and, 101
systemic hindrances to, , 268
combined retributive and restorative justice in, 47,
criminal trials in, , 109
ethnic divisions in, 96
Gacaca courts
combined retributive and restorative justice in, 47
criticisms of, 111
one-sided nature of, 110
overview, 12,
reparations and, 114
resilience, hindering, 110
restorative justice in,
state power, reinforcing, 108
transformation of, 110
truth-finding and, 111
genocide commemoration ceremonies,
Genocide Statute, 114
government prosecutions in, 109
Hutu people, reprisal killings of, ,
kubandwa (spirit cult), 101
kwihangana (bearing up under), 101,
national unity and reconciliation in,
NGOs in, , , 105
politics of, 96
post-genocide recovery in,
‘race talk’, elimination of, , 107
recurrence of violence in, 107
reparations in,
resilience in
coping as,
cultural resources and,
Gacaca courts hindering, 110
reparations and,
social accompaniment and, 103
Roman Catholic Church in, 100
Ruhengeri, need for multi-systemic resilience in,
Rwandan Armed Forces (RAF),
Ryangombe (spirit cult), 101
sexual violence in, 98
survivors’ groups in, 126
Tutsi people, genocide against, , ,
Uganda compared, 13
Santos, Juan Manuel, 203
Sarkar, M., 149
Saul, J., 54
Schulz, P., , 14,
adaptive peacebuilding and,
in Colombia,
defined, 260
economy as self-organised system, 260
in Guatemala, 266
lessons learned,
in Uganda,
Sexual violence
adaptive peacebuilding and, 160
in Cambodia,
as crime against humanity, , 214
‘damage narratives’ and,
documentation of, 144
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict,
Shahab, S., 2
Shapiro, S.C., 180
Shapiro-Phim, T., 90
Shepherd, L.J., 56
Shunuarah, M., 241
Sierra Leone
combined retributive and restorative justice in, 47
criminal trials in, 62
Fambul Tok, 54
survivors’ groups in, 136
Sikkink, K., 49
Social accompaniment, 103
Social capital, ,
Social-ecological model of resilience
in Cambodia, 165
emergence of, 25
overview, 168
peacebuilding and,
transitional justice and,
‘Social torture’, 123
Society of Community Research and Action (SCRA),
South Africa
amnesty in, 50
Apartheid, dismantling of, 34
Embalenhle, need for multi-systemic resilience in,
historical justice in, 48
Khulumani Victim Support Group, 126
restorative justice in, 47
SASOL (state-owned corporation), 40
survivors’ groups in, 126
transitional justice in, 52
Sovereignty, transformative justice and, 241
Soyuz rocket,
The Spectral Wound: Sexual Violence, Public Memories and the Bangladesh War of 1971 (Mookherjee), 143, , 157,
Spivak, G.C.,
Sri Lanka, amnesty in, 51
Stewart, B., 83
Stiles, A.S.,
Stojić, Dsmir, 84
Syria, resilience in, 2
Teitel, R.G., 48
Thailand, migrant labour from in Cambodia, 172
Therapeutic jurisprudence,
Theron, L., 58
customary practices in, 64
nahe biti (customary practice), 64
restorative justice in, 51
survivors’ groups in,
Transformation pattern of resilience,
Transformative justice
decolonial attitude and,
emergence of, 229
goals of,
self-determination and,
sovereignty and, 241
trust and, 243
Transitional justice. See also specific country
civil and political rights, focus on, 234
complexity theory and,
critical appraisal of,
critical consideration on case-by-case basis, need for, 272
cross-fertilisation of ideas and, 26
customary practices as mechanism of, 64
fresh perspective on,
human rights, relation to, 47
ICT as model of, 97
Indigenous peoples and, 7
key questions regarding, 11
linkage with other concepts,
literature, gaps in, 25
local turn in,
neglect of resilience in, 74
NGOs and, 55
in non-transitional periods, 47
‘one-size-fits-all’ model, 49
participatory experimental approach to, 273
peacebuilding and, , 88
political theory of, 47
post-genocide recovery and,
as process, 38
psychosocial healing as mechanism of, 65
recommendations for, 267
self-determination and, 239
social-ecological model of resilience and,
social justice, traditional neglect of, 6,
stressors, response to, 263
structural factors, neglect of, 6
synergies with resilience,
as undermining resilience,
United Nations and,
Transparency International, 170
Trauma theory, resilience and,
Trust, transformative justice and, 243
Truth commissions. See also specific country
amnesty and,
criminal trials and, 51
as mechanism of transitional justice,
resilience, contributing to, 46,
right to know and, 50
victims and, 63
Ubuntu, 259
Acholi War Debt Claimants’ Association (AWDCA), 127
Agreement on Accountability and Reconciliation (AAR), 124
case studies generally, , 257
Ebola in, 119
fieldwork in, 122
ICC and,
International Crimes Division (ICD) of High Court of Uganda, 124
Juba peace talks, 124
Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS), 124
local processes in, , , 138
Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), 119,
macro-level processes in, 125
methodology of study, 122
micro-level processes in, , , 138
Ministry of Justice, 124
multiplicity of processes in, , 124
Northern Ugandan conflict, 119,
overview, , ,
Peace and Recovery Development Plan (PRDP), 128
peacebuilding in,
Rwanda compared, 13
survivors’ groups in
bol cup (savings and farmers groups), 129
local ownership and,
in Northern Uganda,
nurturing local ecology of resilience,
overview, , ,
resilience in context of, 121
self-organisation and,
‘survivor’ versus ‘victim’, 120
transitional justice in,
Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG), 124
Watya ki Gen, 129
Women’s Advocacy Network (WAN), 129
‘Unafraid replanting’, 240
Unintended consequences
lessons learned, , 272
weakening of social ties as unintended consequence of transitional justice, , 206
United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 123
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 32,
Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), ,
Historical Clarification Commission (CEH), 210
International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, 113
Palestine and, 242
peacebuilding and, ,
peacekeeping and, 105
Protection Force in Bosnia–Herzegovina (UNPROFOR), 83
reconciliation and, 53
transitional justice and, 5,