Abuela, Mamá y Yo (AMY) project, 211
academic recognition, 9
Acheson report, 50
Ackerman, S.L., 254
action research, 207
Adverse Childhood Experiences scale, 168
affective states, 295
agonism, 333
Ainsworth, Mary, 232
Albert the Great, 18
Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari, 21
Al-Kindi, 17
Al-Qurtubi, 20
al-Rāzī, 20
American Society for Nutrition, 76
antenatal lifestyle interventions, 75
DOHaD framework in
anthropogenic biologies
antidepressants, 295
Aquinas, Thomas, 18
Arıb ibn Sad, 21
artificial intelligence (AI), , See also Big Data
ethical questions,
interpretation and reporting, 285
Atkinson, Judy, 168
autism/autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 281
dimensional approach to, 305
and intersection of disability, DOHaD and epigenetics, 303
social construction of,
Avicenna, 20
Ayurveda, 22
Ballantyne, John William, 30
Banati, P., 137
Basic IMH Screen (BIMHS), 224
Beauchamp, E., 123
Béhague, D.P., 246
behaviour change
and pragmatism,
behavioural continuities, 133
behavioural interventions, 242
behavioural resilience, 290
Benezra, Amber, 275
Berg, A., 224
Big Data, 279,
and causal crypticity, 159
ethical questions,
limitations of current sources and applications,
biocultural, 6
biological embedding,
and disability,
biopower, 75
biosocial becomings, 6
Biosocial Birth Cohort Research (BBCR) network, 237
biosocial perspectives on race, 57
birth cohort studies, 280, 282, See also Biosocial Birth Cohort Research network
and concepts of early life,
birthweight paradox, 280
as term, 93
Black feminist theory, 85
Black report, 70
Black, Robert, 267
Black, Sir Douglas, 49
Blakemore, Colin, 44
bodies, See also embodiment
embedded, 6
idea of three, 149
individual and of nation, 83
regulation of,
Bowlby, John, 232
Boyce, W.T., 134
British Commonwealth, 52
Brown Weiss, Edith, 118
Buddhist relational logics, 269
Buddhist theories of causality, 271
Butler, T.L., 315
Callard, F., 10
Cannon, G., 76
causal crypticity, , 157
and Big Data, 159
and DOHaD science,
and postgenomic science,
as epistemic style,
as promissory mode,
CDC-Kaiser ACE Study, 262
Charkra Samhita, 22
Chaudhary, N., 222
Chick, Harriette, 73
child and youth mental health, 219
child development
biosocial understanding of, 231
concepts of,
impact on research,
as effect of collective wellbeing, 269
querying causal origins of, 271
Clair, S., 141
collaborative networks
case studies,
collider bias, 280
Collins Jr, J., 151
colonial science, 263
community participation, 58
community-based participatory research (CBPR),
general principles, 209
complex environments
in DOHaD research,
obstacles for DOHaD research,
confidentiality, 307
confounding, 280
Confucianism, 23
Conti, G., 92
continuity, 133
Cook, W.K., 208
Corburn, J., 208
cradles of care, 222
Crawford, Kate, 286
Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 304
critical periods
notion of, 32
critical political economy, 94
critical race theory, 85
cross-disciplinary research initiatives, 237
cumulative continuity, 133
Dalakleidi, K., 284
damage-centred research, 64
data security, 283
David, R., 151
Davis, Angela, 260
Davis, Fania, 260
Dawes, Geoffrey, 45
Dawkins, Richard, 35
de Xivry, J.J.O., 281
Deane, Phyllis, 95
concern about, 61
of women,
Del Savio, L., 123
Deleuze, Gilles, 327
Descartes, René
theory of dualism, 148
developmental programming, 3
devolved solutions
in DOHaD advocacy, 190
Diderot, Denis
Eléments de physiologie, 30
dietary transition
narratives of, 263
diethylstilboestrol (DES), 122
differential susceptibility,
dimensional approach
to origins of autism, 305
directed acyclic graphs (DAG), 280
and biomarkers,
mapping onto DOHaD and epigenetics,
models of,
and multiple stakeholder perspectives,
in research, 302
disability communities
recommendations for engagement with, 308
disability studies, 301
disability-adjusted life year (DALY), 305
disease aetiology
research on, 71
Doci, F., 122
ambiguities and difficulties of translating into policy,
and social determinants of health,
common frames of, 195
definitions, 2
evolution over last 20 years, ,
and anthropogenic biologies, 325,
gender and racism intersections in,
history (1989–2003),
in economic research,
intervention studies, 246
current challenges,
moral paradox of,
position in 2024, 5
racial and gender politics of, 83
recommendations for reframing,
and AI technologies/big data, 286
and complex environments,
and data,
and environmental epigenetics,
community-based participatory,
embodiment approach in,
hyper-responsibilization critique of,
individualized models in, 87
and intergenerational trauma,
importance of clear terminology and data quality,
for people with disabilities
ethical, legal and social implications,
regional, 4
Donald, Ian, 33
Dorji, Tandi, 271
Dörner, Günther, 37
DTC epigenetic testing, 306
theory of, 148
Dubow, Sara, 38
Duden, Barbara, 39
Dupras, C., 123
dynamic systems approaches, 137
early-life adversity (ELA)
focus on, 86
Eastern medical traditions, 21
eating and nutrition
bioethnographic approach to,
economic growth
optimization of, 96
economic orthodoxy
and reproduction,
economic research
and DOHaD,
economistic thought, 96
ecosocial collaboration,
in economics and DOHaD,
ELEMENT (Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants), , 177
Ellis, B.J., 134
embedded bodies, 6
Enlightenment, the, 61
ENRICH research team
and Cree First Nations community,
environment(s), 326, 329, See also complex environments
concept of,
conceptualisation of, 250
doing, 250,
epistemic, 74
power of,
environmental determinism, 57
environmental effects
negative and positive, 61
environmental epigenetics, 4, 249,
and DOHaD research,
and race,
and subordination-service interdisciplinarity, 332
environmental law
and epigenetics,
environmental reproductive justice (ERJ), 85
synergies of, 142
epidemiological cohort studies, 5
decolonising, 312
epigenetic code
in central nervous system, 293
epigenetic tests
direct-to-consumer (DTC), 306
epigenetics, 4, 37,
changes, 119
DOHaD’s entrance into, 47
environmental, 4, 249,
and DOHaD research,
and race,
and subordination-service interdisciplinarity, 332
of maternal care
narratives of,
of memory formation,
neuroepigenetics, 290
nutritional, 38
and the law,
research, 290
and people with autism, 300
in social-science scholarship,
narratives of persistence and reversibility in,
reframing for people with disabilities,
reporting of, 38
development of,
and transgenerational inheritance, 169
and trauma,
epigenomics, 4
epistemic environment, 75
Eppel, Nicholas, 1
ethnography, 175
Eurocentrism, 232
evidence brokerage, 187
evidence synthesis, 187
theory of, 35
evolutionary biology, 3, ,
‘evo-devo’, 37
evolutionary psychology, 35
experimental biology, 29
expert evidence
and epigenetic narratives,
exposed biologies, 6
Fabric of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing model, 314
father-as-sperm, 105
feminist disability studies, 125
feminist economics, 94
feminization, 94
Féré, Charles, 32
fetal development
and maternal-fetal relationship,
fetal education
in Ayurveda, 22
in Chinese and Japanese medicine,
in Eastern medical traditions, 21
in India, 24
fetal exposure
and maternal environment,
fetal images
use of, 33
fetal medicine, 33
fetal origins of adult health, 267
fetal personhood, 99
fetal surgery, 33
Ficino, Marsilio, 19
Fineman, M.A.
model of universal vulnerability, 125
First 1000 Days, 1
first 1000 days agenda, 269
First World War, 73
fishbone modelling,
Fitzgerald, D., 10
Fitzpatrick, E.F., 208
folic acid supplementation, 73
food industry, 76
Forester, Terrence, 52
of DOHaD, 195
future generations
rights of,
Galen, 18
Galton, Francis, 49
Garvey, G., 314
Gassendi, Pierre, 19
gendered biopolitics, 75
of biological knowledge, 18
selfish, 35
genetic determinism,
genomic imprinting, 35
rise of, 47
gestational diabetes, 72
gestational hypertension, 36
Ginsburg, F., 82
global health policy
entrance of DOHaD into, 52
global history, 23
globality, 330
Golden 1000 Days, , 272
Gomeroi gaaynggal programme, 210
government policy (UK),
Graham, Hilary, 50
Gravlee, Clarence, 7
green spaces
in DOHaD research, 252
Green, J., 221
Gross National Happiness (GNH), 269
Guattari, Félix, 327
politics of, 325
Haig, David, 35
Hales, Nicholas, 51
Handbook of Biology and Society, 6
Haraway, Donna, 6
Hardon, Anita, 10
assertions of, 125
child and adolescent,
economic metrics, 305
inequalities, 45
and relationships between gender and racism, 88
and social class, , 52
origins of, 107
justice, 7
life-course approach to,
social determinants of,
and social inequalities,
and social policy
limited uptake of DOHaD in, 5
and wellbeing
Indigenous definitions of,
Heckman, James, 186
Heller, Elizabeth, 296
concept of, 29
Herman, J.P., 136
Hertzman, C., 133
Hippocratic texts, 18
Hird, Myra, 328
human medicine, 47
human microbiome, 328
humoralism, 19
humours, 60
hyper-responsibilization, , 112
Hytten, Frank,
Ibn Sina, 20
power of, , 19
impressionable biologies, 6
Indigenous Contemporary Trauma (ICT), 319
Indigenous definitions
of health and wellbeing,
Indigenous Historical Trauma (IHT), 318
Indigenous ill-health
and colonialism, ,
Indigenous rights
to data,
Infant Mental Health (IMH)
developing comprehensive approaches to,
in clinical setting,
exposure and resilience,
role of fathers,
and wellbeing,
infant wellbeing
Ingold, Tim, 327
Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), 272
institutional economics, 94
of women and girls,
insulin growth factor 2 (IGF2) system, 36
integration-synthesis interdisciplinarity, 331,
interdisciplinary collaboration
recommendations for,
determinants of health, 57
health inequalities
origins of, 107
call for, 119
nutrition, 71
International DOHaD Society, 3
intervention studies, 5
intervention trials
pragmatic and adaptive designs in, 246
behavioural, 242
biopolitical deployment of,
in neoliberal policy climate, 260
antenatal, 75
preconception, 242
and public health policy, 107
Ishikawa, Kaoru, 270
medical views in,
Israel, B.A., 208
Jacob, C.M., 199
Japanese medicine
and fetal education,
Joly, Y., 123
Journal of DOHaD, 4
Jowell, Tessa, 50
Kafer, Alison, 125
Kavapalu, Helen, 234
Keaney, Jaya, 7
Keller, H., 222
Kelly, M.P., 74
assumptions about,
Kneeland, Hildegaard, 95
Knorr-Cetina, K., 8
knowledge translation (KT), 109
Kowal, Emma, 121
La Spezia Conference (1989),
Lancet model of causal interdependence, 268
Lappé, M., , 235
late liberalism, 87
Lawler, Debbie, 157
legal orthodoxy
and autonomous individual(s),
legal persons
and rights of future generations,
Lewis, Kurt, 207
to health,
health research
limitations and future directions,
Liggins, Graham, 36
lines of flight,
Linnaean system of classification, 58
Liu Xiang, 23
Livy, 60
Lock, Margaret, 149
Loi, M., 123
Lopez, M., 136
Lucas, Alan, 51
machine learning (ML),
Mahabharata, 22
Maimonides, Moses, 20
Makin, T.R., 281
Malek, E., 224
Manderson, L., 150
Marmot, Michael, 50
maternal and child undernutrition
policy actions on,
maternal behaviour during pregnancy
scrutinizing of, 38
maternal care
narratives of,
maternal environment
and fetal exposure,
maternal impression(s), 17, 37, 39
in Biblical, Talmudic and Arabic commentaries,
in early modern Europe,
in Greco-Roman and medieval medicine,
maternal nutrition
narratives of, 263
maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH), 196, See also health:maternal-child
and climate crisis, 198
maternal–fetal relationship, 28, 29,
autonomous fetus, concept of,
and fetal development,
parasitic fetus, concept of,
selfish fetus, concept of,
Maubray, John
The Female Physician, 19
Mayekiso, Andile, 224
McKeown, Thomas, 49
measurement errors, 281
Medicine Wheel, 314
Meijer, M., 136
Melgaard, Bjorn, 271
Mellanby, Edward, 73
Mendelism, 58
Mendellian randomisation, 5
Mendenhall, Emily, 142
methionine, 332
microbiome research,
emphasis on, 72
militarism, 69
Millennium Cohort Study, 236
missing data, 282
Mód, Margaret, 95
mode 2, 76
modern synthesis, 35
Mol, Annemarie, 10
molecular resilience,
Montaigne, Michel de, 19
mother/fetus dyad, 7
Mouffe, Chantal, 333
Muslim medical views
in Middle Ages,
Musolino, C.M., 148
Mutendi, Mutsawashe, 151
Namura Jōhaku, 23
narrative choreographies,
nature-culture hybrids, 6
naturecultures, 6
NEAR Science trainings
narrative choreography of,
Nedelsky, Jennifer, 125
Nestler, Eric, 296
Neubauer, Cajetan, 332
neurobiological research, 252
neurobiological susceptibility, 135
neurodiversity, 301
Nilsson, Lennart, 32
Non, A.L., 64
non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 4
non-participatory research studies
criticisms of, 208
profiling of, 72
nutrition, 37
and bioethnography,
and biomedical model, 70
as interdisciplinary science,
identifying as cause of poor health,
intergenerational, 71
biopolitical deployment of,
narratives of, 263
history of,
treachery of,
nutritionism, 72
O’Connell, Karen, 125
Oakley, Ann,
in children, 72
different approaches needed for, 73
gendered stigma for, 104
impact on communities of color, 86
and ‘metabolic ghettos’, 76
narratives of, 263
individualized responses to, 77
obligation of care
towards future persons, 119
obstetric racism, 88
occupational segregation, 93
notion of,
orthodox economic thought, 91
outcome variables, 92
Paracelsus, 19
parasitology, 30
Paré, Ambroise
Des monstres et prodiges, 19
participatory research, 302
paternal factors
on infant wellbeing,
and biopolitics,
pathways, 132
patriarchal culture, 144
pedagogy, 9
peer review, 9
Penrose, Lionel
Colchester Survey, 49
Pentecost, Michelle, 232
in epigenetics research,
personhood, 118
phenomenological approach to embodiment, 149
phenotypes, 58
Phuntsho, Karma, 272
Pinel, C., 254
Pinker, Steven, 35
planetary boundaries, 324,
policy cycle, 187
political body, 149
political economy approach to embodiment, 149,
positioning, 196
postgenomic turn, 6
postgenomics, 7, 58
and reinstantiation of race, 58
and reproduction
politics of, 85
and causal crypticity,
and treatments of race
fostering balanced approach in,
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 168
and behaviour change,
prediction models, 284
pre-eugenic thinking
in Biblical and Talmudic tradition,
premodern body
as permeable and porous entity, 17
premodern essentialism, 59
prenatal culturism, 30
problem definition, 196
process-based approaches,
productivism, 95
psychotherapy, 295
publication culture
in life sciences, 254
Pune Maternal Nutrition Study, 52
Puura, K., 224
qi, 22
quality-adjusted life year (QALY), 305
moral economy of, 254
queering reproduction, 85
Rabinow, Paul, 6
racial and gender politics
of DOHaD, 83
racial inferiority
premodern ideas of, 59
racist environments
and maternal health outcomes, 86
reciprocal continuity, 133
recommendations for,
relational model
of law, 125
biopolitics of, 75
Black, Brown, and Indigenous, 83
and economic orthodoxy,
medicalization of, 84
and men’s contributions, 83
queering, 85
social, 96
stratified, 84
as ‘woman’s issue’, 82
reproductive ‘freedom’, 84
reproductive bodies
regulation of,
reproductive economy, 91
reproductive politics, 85
research funding culture, 9
restorative justice, 262
reverse Barker hypothesis, 107
Reynolds, P., 232
rickets, 73
Roberts, A.L., 123
Roberts, Dorothy, 58
Robertson, A., 124
Rose, Geoffrey, 49
Roseboom, Tessa, 158
Rothstein, M.A., 121
Russo, F., 74
Sacred Hoop, 314
Salimi, Y., 208
Salmon, M., 315
Sameroff, A., 133
SAVA syndemic framework, 142
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), 269
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, 149
science and technology studies (STS), 70
and policy-makers,
Scott, D.N., 121
Scrinis, G., 72
scurvy, 73
Second World Congress on Fetal Origins of Adult Disease, 44
in Western modern thought, 328
selfish fetus,
as health risk factor, 313
as determinant of health, 97
Sharp, Gemma, 157
Shore, Stephen, 306
Silberman, Steven
Neurotribes, 301
Singer, Judy, 301
SisterSong collective, 84
situated biologies, 6
Slykerman, R.F., 123
social attachment, 224
social body, 149
social class
and health inequalities, , 52
social determinants of health
and DOHaD,
social economics, 94
social inequalities
in health,
social justice framing
of DOHaD, 195
social medicine, 49
social model of disability, 301
Society for the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 44
Society for the Protection of the Unborn Children (SPUC), 34
socioeconomic disadvantage (SED)
and exposure to ACEs,
Solomons, Noel,
Gynecology, 18
Southampton Women’s Survey (SWS), 48
Spivak, Gayatri, 330
as term, 307
standardisation, 69
State, the
and wellbeing of future generations, 120
Stavrianakis, Anthony, 246
Stein, Zena, 37
Stolen Generations, 313
Stone, Richard, 95
stratification economics, 94
stress hormones, 38
structural inequalities, 94
Stupka, E., 123
Sullivan, Shannon, 7
Sure Start programme, 50
surveillance, 85
Susser, Mervyn, 37
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
symbiogenesis, 328
systems thinking, , 334
Szyf, Moshe, 296
Tacitus, 60
telemedicine, 283
in autism studies,
thermography, 1
tort law
and epigenetics, 122
as term in DOHaD field, 167
transgenerational trauma
and epigenetics,
trauma, 169, See also Indigenous Historical Trauma, See also Indigenous Contemporary Trauma
prevalence of, 291
and epigenetics,
Trivers, Robert L., 35
typological models
predominance of, 61
typological thinking, 58
hierarchical, 58
Uexküll, Jakob Johann von, 329
UK government policy,
Ulrich-Lai, Y.M., 136
ultrasound technology, 33
unequal treatment
bodily effects of, 125
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), 316
universal body
assumption of, 334
universalism, 174
unpaid work
exclusion from GDP, 95
gendered definition of, 95
Van Wichelen, Sonja, 7
Vegetius, 60
Venice Forum,
overview, 197
victim attenuation, 122
model, 125
Wagenmakers, E.J., 281
Walter, Maggie, 315
Wan, M.W., 221
Weismann, August, 29
Wells, J., 76
Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) societies, 222
white supremacist imagination, 83
Winston, Robert, 44
women and girls
instrumentalization of,
women’s diets in pregnancy, 71
World Health Organization (WHO)
Health for All, 50
x-rays, 33